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TC in St. Louis

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Everything posted by TC in St. Louis

  1. He's our coach. He's a team coach. He told the commentator at halftime last week, "we're coming back." And they did. They should have won that game. EJ blew up and played the worst football I've ever seen from a quarterback. Whaley's fault for not having a backup QB. I still don't know who our backup QB is. It's ridiculous. Rex was forced to stick with EJ. I believe he is the right guy for the Bills. I do. We've played ok. With all the injuries and playing teams with extra time to prepare.....now that we've got a bye and a pretty level playing field, I think we'll see Rex and the boys shine it up.
  2. That's just rude. If you are calling me a racist, come out and say that. Thanks, point whiffer. Hockey players have a different mentality than just about any other athlete. They are professional athletes who seem to be a lot more willing to hang out and be real with fans. Also, they get their teeth knocked out, and miss one shift. They take punishment all night, and don't miss a shift. They beat the hell out a guy on the other team, and go out for beer and pizza afterward. There is an honor to that sport that you don't find in other sports.
  3. Social media is ruining sports. Athletes have always been arrogant selfish bastards. They just kept it to themselves. They've been treated like royalty their entire lives, and are not used to communicating with simpletons like the fans. The best guys to hang with are hockey players. I don't blame Sammy for being angry at the haters. He apologized too. Who cares? Let's see him get open and catch some passes.
  4. Leave him alone. Let him play football. He's probably frustrated with just about everything right now. We need him on the field catching passes.
  5. I screamed "HOLDING" at the top of my lungs, right after screaming "NO!" on the bs pass interference call. Upon further review, there were at least two Bills being held on the play. We had two touchdowns taken away in the Giants game for bogus calls....one on Urbik, and one on Incognito. Although I believe we lost that game when that guy blew past Bradham. It still bothered me to have two td's nullified by bad calls. A call here, a call there, and we're 5-2. We're just not that bad.
  6. You're incorrect. They made a bunch of crap plays in a short period of time, and the rest of the game they ruled. The penalty ruined the 2nd best comeback in team history.
  7. Watching at home, texting with my sister in Denver who is out of her mind....and my friend Bob from the St. Louis Bills Backers. At one point, when it was 27-3 I texted my sister "Jacksonville will not score another point and the Bills will win." If not for the asinine pass interference call, I believe I had that one correct. Later, while texting Bob, I noticed that Easley had downed that punt at the 1 yard line. I texted, "Maybe Marcus Easley could run a pass route. He's fast." A short time later, my prophesy came true. Here's my latest: The Bills will turn it around. They will come out of the bye relatively healthy, and will make the playoffs. Flame on.
  8. At first I thought it would be called, but the ball was 15 yards past the receiver. Gilmore impeded the guy's progress, but the ball was nowhere near the man. Once it's in the air, apparently you can bump a guy unless the pass is catchable.
  9. Subdued interpretation. You can sort of sense that he doesn't want to come out and say it was horrible, he just says he wouldn't have called it.
  10. Great tweet by Robey, and you can see a replay of the call, along with the commentators wondering why the call was made.
  11. And they missed one earlier when the guy tagged him helmet to helmet.
  12. Perfect coverage. You'd get a gold star for that coverage. The flag cost us the game.
  13. The pass interference call on Robey cost them the game. It was an absolutely horrible call at the worst time. And on their touchdown, our guy was clearly being held in the backfield. Whaley should be fired for putting them in this position, however. EJ played like an absolute mook for most of the game. Having no backup plan. Our best backup is in Dallas. I don't even know who that guy is backing up EJ Manuel.
  14. When I sign into my Yahoo account, there are 6 stories about Percy Harvin's alleged retirement. I kept waiting for Bill Lumberg to come up to my cube with a cup of coffee, and say, "What's happening, Peter.....say, did you know that Percy Harvin is thinking about retiring? Yeah....he's thinking about that. OK, well, make sure you know that Percy Harvin is thinking about retiring, yeah...I'll make sure you get a copy of the story....OK Peter?"
  15. I have no idea how he caught that ball. Gilmore had him covered. It was just one of those things. Like the catch by Amendola. Unbelievable.
  16. Since virtually every expert has chosen the Bengals to win this game, I'm gonna predict we win. There are many reasons. By the way, the home underdog is always a solid pick. But we're finally playing a good team with an even playing field....no extra time granted for them to prepare. I think our DB's are going to do a solid job covering their wideouts. The tight end Eiffert concerns me, but I'm sure Rex has a plan involving hard hits and good coverage. I actually believe EJ is a pretty good quarterback. Can't wait.
  17. I think we will take the Bengals. We're on a level playing field, regarding rest and preparation. Our DB's will make a difference this week. Hopefully Sammy will be back, and at least one of the top two RB's.
  18. Sure, we played a lousy game on offense. With the exception of Tyrod's great runs, there was little accomplished. Here's why: The Titans have Dick LeBeau running their defense. He's a genius. He had two full weeks to prepare for the Bills, and he had us contained. As you know, 3 of the past 4 games were against teams with extra time. Give Bellichek 3 extra days.......or Tom Coughlin, for that matter. See what they did? It's BS that the schedulers keep doing that to us. Factor in the extra rest for the players. What football player wouldn't like an extra week off between games? My theory is this: Had we played the Titans without the bye, we would have won by at least 7. It's just a theory.
  19. Tennessee had an extra week to get ready for this game. Dick LeBeau designed a great game plan. Their players had an extra week of rest to prepare for this game. 3 of our last 4 games were against teams that had extra time to prepare. We lost 2 of those, and nearly lost today. This is total BS.
  20. Which call are we complaining about? The Graham penalty was total BS. He defended the pass, and hit him with his shoulder. Clean hit. The call on Tyrod....he already had the first down, but Tennessee deserved something, either for the horse collar or the late hit. The one on Bradham, he had him by the lower half of his jersey. I hated the pass interference on Gilmore too. But I'm certainly glad we won.
  21. St. Louis is a baseball town, but it is also a great sports town. The problem is, they've sucked for years, and the owner has all but ignored the fans. They know he wants to move the team and he does not give one tiny bit of concern toward the people of Missouri. There is a ton of resentment toward that guy. He's taken advantage of a horribly written lease for years, and now the city is thinking about building a billion dollar stadium for the Rams. They just sold the naming rights for about $110 million.
  22. I'm posting this again because I think it's worth consideration. It got lost in the shuffle yesterday. We could use the outside speed of Bryce Brown. He's definitely better than Cierra, and he's been trained in our offense. And he's available. He can't turn it over more than we did yesterday, can he? Fast. Great athlete. Bring back Bryce Brown. Who's with me??
  23. I'm proud of the team for fighting hard and not giving up. The penalties were insane. At least half dozen of them were BS. This is the sort of thing that can get you worked up to the point of losing your mind. But the worst play of the game was Nigel Bradham missing that running back in the flat. He was a little out of position, but he needed to trip him up somehow.
  24. He continued downward because the guy was going backward. In fact, the guy never left his feet. Chop blocks are generally directed toward the knees, and are considered dirty because somebody inevitably gets hurt. No chance of that on this play. Just a double team. Good play, in fact, by Incognito.
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