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TC in St. Louis

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Everything posted by TC in St. Louis

  1. Just posted for your amusement. Pretty hard to find anyone in any year who has been as good as Brady. The Pats whiffed on him 5 times before they picked him. Did you know it was larsen? I am a pretty big fan and just found out a couple hours ago.
  2. Leif Larsen. The reason I know this is I just saw a guy who looked like a statue of Leif Erickson. That made me think of Leif Larsen. So I googled it and found out that he is a professional boxer or something. And his claim to fame is that he bench pressed 225 pounds 45 times. We all knew that. His main claim to fame is being drafted five positions ahead of Tom Brady.
  3. I think this is a totally dumb deal by the Rams. Right up there with the Herschel Walker, Ricky Williams, RGIII trades. Who is the dominant player to pick at number one? Who is the Oliver Luck? The guy from Cal? The North Dakota kid? Worth 2 first rounders, 2 second rounders, 2 3rd rounders? And they get a 4th and 6th. The Rams are the worst drafting team I've ever seen. This is hilarious. I'm glad they left St. Louis. The only regret I have is that the Bills are not coming to town next year. They're going to LA.
  4. This is how we go forward. Right now Glenn's cap hit is nearly 14 million....franchise tag. Sign him to a 5 year 70 million including a $20 million signing bonus....first year salary of $1.4 million, cap hit is 6.4. Savings over 7 million. Do a similar deal with Gilmour, and you'll be in great shape. Trade down a couple times for an extra couple picks, draft well and conquer. We had to get rid of lazy bones Mario Williams. Nigel is a hitter who can't really cover, so we signed that guy from Tennessee. We lost Baccari Rambo, but picked up some others. I like what they're doing. Urbik? No loss there. Hogan will hurt us both from the loss and from New England's gain. Fun times ahead.
  5. Rex has a history of great defenses. Many things went wrong. Hopefully they will get fixed. One thing that sucked for sure was the effort put forth by Mario Williams. That dude sleepwalked through nearly the entire season. Rex likes to show off. He is set up to have a show-off season this year by fixing the defense and the offense continuing to grow.
  6. I forgot about that. When Kelly lined up to take the snap after that catch there were 30 seconds left. After the delay there were 24 seconds. Anybody think the Bills would've tried a fg with 15 seconds on the clock?
  7. He will come up with a defense to beat Carolina.
  8. We should have won the KC game. We should have won the jacksonville game. We could have beaten the Giants. We could have been 11-5 without any additional effort and a few different ref calls and missed tackles. But we would have waddled into the playoffs without 10-12 starters, and lost anyway. I'm okay with the 8-8. It has caused the powers to make changes. Changes that will result in a better team. I think we're good at QB and RB. Our OL led the league in rushing missing some of our best RB's. We can strengthen RT and maybe RG will be okay when Miller gets his feet on the ground. TE should be fine. After reading what was happening with Woods and Hogan, if they're healthy I think we might be good at WR. They'll draft somebody. Our defense needs to get back on track. Mario has to go. Draft a pass rusher in the first, and keep Kyle, Marcel, and the rest of the guys. I'd keep Nigel, Preston, and get some help at LB. The corners are really good, and if Aaron Williams returns, we'll have him and Graham. Let Rob and Rex get the defense in order, and we'll be fine. Fire Crossman and get a better guy in there. Hell, bring back Bobby April. We'll add a few more wins, and we'll be in the playoffs the next 5 years.
  9. I think that Brady will win just about every game if he has serviceable receivers and a decent runner or two. I just read that he's 65-18 vs the AFC East since 2001. (25-2 vs. Buffalo, 40-16 against the Jets and Phins) That's domination. The Jets have had a couple decent years, and the Dolphins are almost always overrated. I do think we'll get him at least once next year. We keep beating the Dolphins and the Jets, and I think we're improving. Once Rex gets his act together and hires a new DC, we'll be solid again.
  10. Granted, we have not been a good team for a long time, but every year we have to face Tom Brady twice. His record in the East is incredible. Had we been in any other division, I think we would have broken that string years ago. Nearly every year we've started the season 0-2.
  11. I live in St. Louis now, so the Cardinals have been a nice team to follow. Also, the Rams were fun to watch when they were going to Super Bowls. I am still a Yankees fan, and I consider myself a Syracuse fan forever. So I've had some joy on occasion. But none of that compares with being a fan of the Buffalo Bills.
  12. Face it. When you're in the division with the Pats, who with Brady are nearly invincible, you start the season 0-2. Which means you are in a hole to start the season. The Pats screw up the entire division every year. 8-8 in our division is equal to 10-6 elsewhere. How many seasons has Brady played? How long since we've made the playoffs? I know, that's weak. The Jets and Phins have made the playoffs. But the Pats have been a huge factor in our not making it. Duh.
  13. When the Pegulas wake up in the morning, they sneeze and hundreds of thousands of dollars land in their hankies. They could fire Rex and it would be like spare change. It's not the money. It's that they want to have a championship. They thought Rex was the right guy to bring that to the city. It's not the money. Hey, Rex might be the right guy. I like him as a leader. But I think the Pegs will hire somebody to take over. If Rex isn't willing to let go of the defense, he's got to go. We had a great defense with basically the same players. If anything, we have more talent now than last year. What we lack is Jim Schwartz and his leadership. If we had that right now, we'd be in the playoffs. Rex has to accept that. His defense has been the downfall of the team. Fix that, get a couple free agent OL, we good.
  14. Pegula has so much money that he could fire Rex Ryan and it wouldn't affect his finances one tiny bit. It's not the money. It's time for Pegula to step up, take control and put his foot down on the throat of Rex Ryan. I think Rex is a likable guy and a pretty good leader, but he's no longer a brilliant defensive mind. The solution is to get the Football Czar, tell Rex he needs to relinquish control of the defense to Jim Schwartz, the new Assistant Head Coach and Defensive Coordinator, and focus on being head coach. Or leave. Not sure if Doug Whaley is relevant. I think he is a pretty good talent evaluator. Let the new Czar determine if Doug can stay. Personally, I'd keep him. So what if he traded Cassel. Anybody see Cassel Saturday night? Wow.
  15. If you take a close look at the Bills thing on ESPN, there's a shot of some headlines from the Buffalo News before the first Super Bowl loss. Among the headlines was one written by Jerry Sullivan, said something like "Bills will be losing by 10 at some point." Even in 1990 he was a thorn in the Bills side. Anybody else notice that? It's right there. i pointed it out to the wife. She did not care. At least he's consistent. But Ralph Waldo Emerson said "a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds." That's Jerry. Little Mind Jerry Sullivan.
  16. Lupica is probably one of those guys who never made a tackle in his life. He's always badgered the Bills for what they failed to accomplish. Another guy who does this is Rick Reilly. Screw 'em. Go Bills.
  17. The defense was so much better last year. That's the difference. We had over 50 sacks, and were pretty frightening. This year, we seem to be playing dipsy doodle out there, and aren't sacking anybody. We beat the NFC Central last year. We beat the Packers. This year we lost to Jacksonville. WTH. Whatever magic Rex has brought to the defense has not worked whatsoever. He said we'd have the best defense in the league. We were 4th last year. We are in the bottom half this year. Our offense is slightly better. Our defense is substantially worse. We're lucky to be alive in this race. I don't think the athletes are the problem. I'm certain it's the lousy coaching. Rex thinks he's the king, but he has a lot to learn.
  18. Yes, the refs blew a couple calls today. They can be counted on for that. But the brain dead Bills coaching cost them the game. Who was in charge of the safeties today? Where were they? No help for Darby. No help on Maclin. On Kelce's TD, both safeties bumped into each other covering the wrong guy, and Darby ended up overmatched by Kelce. No help. Team loss. They always figure out a way to lose to KC. Last year it was Bryce Brown fumbling into the end zone and Chandler forgetting to fall on it. The year before it was a pick 6 on first and goal from the 1 yard line. This year it was brain dead coaching. We can win every game from here on out. We really can. Kansas City is a hot team, and hard to beat at home. But today we should have won the game.
  19. Ridiculous use of the challenge privilege. our sorry arse special teams is missing the best player, marcus easley. they forgot about Sammy for the second half. Seems like every route he ran (except one) was about 90 yards downfield. He's got the shake and bake, why not use it? Hogan dropped an easy one. Woods too. They deserve to lose. They are the dumbest team in football. But it could be worse. I could be a Rams fan.
  20. An officiating expert on ESPN today said that they should have replayed the down (on the inadvertent whistle) and penalized Rex 15 for interference. (first time I've ever seen interference called on a coach). Spot the ball at the 45, instead of our 40. Seantrel lining up a couple inches deep.....when you look at the replay you can see it is about 3-4 inches further back than Glenn, what's the big deal. The guy made the call as if intentionally lined up out of position. He did not. Ticky tack call. Compared to the non-call on Hogan on that deep ball when the DB ran him out of bounds without bothering to turn for the ball. That's pass interference. Called it on Bradham in the first pats game. First and goal. According to the announcers, it was great play. BS. Had they made the correct call there, I speculate we get a td, but definitely a field goal. Different game. Bad call. Bad outcome. That said, our kicker has to make that field goal. And Graham needed to make that open field tackle on the undrafted free agent running back. Just like Bradham had to make the tackle against the Giants, and I believe our MLB whiffed on a big tackle in the Jacksonville game. Our guys need to become better tacklers. That back judge who missed two consecutive calls on Sammy must be a Pats fan or a Clemson hater. To me and the rest of the world, on the final play Sammy was out of bounds with 2 seconds left. It would have been nice to see a Hail Mary, maybe interference like they called on Henry Jones in the just give it to 'em game.
  21. Right. they called it great coverage. bradham had one called on him against the pats in the first game.....the same damn thing, and the announcers said at the time that when the coverage guy doesn't even turn to look at the ball it's interference. First and goal, that's what it should have been.
  22. I believe that Darby would have made the tackle. He stopped when the whistle blew. It was sickening to keep hearing how the Pats were robbed of a touchdown. There was a play earlier when a guy made a great catch over the middle, Darby was right on him, and Chucky said "that was a terrible play by Darby." Uh, no. The Patriots guy made a great catch. That's what they do. They don't drop passes. The missed field goal is what probably cost us the game. We would have taken a 3 point lead into the locker room. Brady likely would have started from the 20 and I don't think he would have driven for that touchdown. At least we would have had a lead in Foxboro for a few minutes.
  23. There's another article in which the guy breaks down the match ups. He's lazy. He says about Karlos Williams, "He possesses the power to finish his runs but his effort is sometimes lacking." Gotta be kidding. Williams' effort lacking? And when he discusses our secondary he says "There are playmakers all over the Buffalo secondary, including sticky cover guys Corey Graham, Stephon Gilmore, Leodis McKelvin, and Bacarri Rambo." No mention of our best player out there, Ron Darby. Looking past us.
  24. Rex is going to get us there this year. He is the right man for the job. He's elevated our profile. Now that we are nearly healthy, he will elevate our play.
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