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TC in St. Louis

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Everything posted by TC in St. Louis

  1. Denver fans want him. He's an asset. You don't cut assets. You utilize them. Maybe he needs more coaching. He certainly has talent. He played half this season with virtually nobody at the receiver position. Still he managed to get 23 tds and only 6 picks or so. He has over 500 yards on the ground. He's a great athlete. I'd try to renegotiate. If not, a trade would be the next option. Cutting him? No way.
  2. They don't care what we think. Dave Toub, or whatever his name is, from KC. I see this guy being a 15 year coach. Coughlin is a 3-4 year guy. I like him. We need to get tough. We need to be the guy nobody wants to play. We need to be the Bob Gibson of football.
  3. Dave Toub. I like the sound of that. Although I don't know how to pronounce it. Does it rhyme with "boob?" dow? I'll take that guy. Keep Anthony as OC and hire some ruffian to run the defense. Take Pittsburgh's linebacker coach, whoever that is. I'm sure he'd bring some passion with him.
  4. That highlight reel of Tyrod showed every lousy play he made all year. Didn't show one positive play. That's ridiculous. I don't think he's great, but he has made some great plays during his term here. Enough? Probably not. But they weren't all crap plays.
  5. OK. Doug can be the continuity. He's done some good deals. At least he rolls the dice once in a while. He traded picks with the Rams, ended up with EJ and Kiko for that. And now, Shady. I'll take that trade. Rams get a small WR, we get EJ and Shady. People rip the deal for Sammy. Sammy can be elite when healthy. Let's get him a real qb and see what happens. I don't want Lynn because of the call with Reggie Bush that cost us the game. What was he thinking?
  6. Whaley makes me wanna puke. Rather than shout. Smarmy punk. I'd give him the twelve in the arse and hire Tom Coughlin.
  7. It's a nice thought that Lynn is head coaching material. I would eliminate him based upon the Bush play in OT the other day. I believe that cost the Bills the game. I had absolutely zero faith that Carpenter would make that kick. Take away that Bush debacle and run something sensible, I think we would have won the game. I say bring in Tom Coughlin. Give him the keys and let the party begin. No missed tackles under Tom Coughlin. He's tough. In fact, I'm just going to rename him Toughlin.
  8. Maybe you're right. In fact, I was yelling "don't call timeout" just like one other person in here. However, Rex and the team tried to call timeout and were ignored. They wanted to get their field goal block team on the field. The view of Rex calling timeout and being ignored reminded me of Remember the Titans when Denzel was screaming "the guy's offside" into the ref's ear and the ref just ignoring him. In every game I've ever seen with a guy lining up a crucial kick...if the coach is walking down the clock for a timeout, the ref is actually looking at the coach and waiting to signal. This guy was ignoring the coach. Blatantly.
  9. I almost didn't read this thread because, no offense, this seemed like a troll baiting us into crazy responses. But then I remembered that Rex stands by his record of over 20 years being a defensive genius. Yowsa. Let's keep him and give his large brother a pay raise.
  10. And what about the helmet to jaw hit on Tyrod? He's on the sidelines puking blood, and the refs totally whiffed on the call. They are supposed to protect the QB. Maybe TT should've jumped up into the refs face and spat blood on him. Maybe at that point they'd throw a flag. Unsportsmanlike conduct on the quarterback, spitting blood on an official.
  11. I was just thinking that. I don't know that Fitz will beat us. We got him twice last year. But it wouldn't surprise me if the team folded up and got whooped by the Jets. They should bring in the guy who created Kenmore West's Radar Defense in the late 60's. They were the number one team in the nation. Or maybe they should bring in Golden Earring, who's Radar Love was a hit in the 70's.
  12. This time I stomped across the room, picked it up and put it back on. But I have done that humbling walk in the past.
  13. At a Christmas family dinner, the football fans said he was correct to punt. I then explained that the offense had put up nearly 600 yards, and the defense had been steamrolled all day. And a tie did the Bills no good, and the opinions changed. Should have gone for it. I asked one guy if they should fire Rex, and he said "The Bills ain't ever gonna win the division as long as Brady and Bellichick are still together." I see his point. We can count on being 2 games out going in, just about every year. Unless the Pats have already clinched when we play, or if Brady is under suspension or injury, we ain't gonna beat 'em. No matter who is coaching.
  14. Yeah. Light head-wind defense. Great use of the English language. Props to you, sir.
  15. Noon today. Maybe 1 p.m so Rex and Rob can clean out the buffet before the axe falls.
  16. Just watched the video of the head butt. No big deal. First off, Carpenter ran the return guy out of bounds and started jaw-jacking with him. No idea why. Maybe he was interviewing for a job. Next, a bunch of players were running around like army ants, and this assistant coach with a yellow hat starts running around like an idiot, first confronting Corey Graham. He then darts a few yards to his right, and Hughes meanders over to him. The guy gets up in Hughes face, and Hughes does the smallest head-butt I've ever seen....and the guy is wearing a hat with a VISOR on front, so there's no way this could have hurt him in any way. Again, Hughes is painted as some violent head-butting maniac, when all he did was give the crazy coach a little love tap on the visor of his yellow hat. No big deal.
  17. Last week I voted to keep him. Regime change not always for the good. However, after throwing my hat across the room Saturday afternoon, I have changed my mind. My son said, "Dad, do you wear that hat just to throw across the room when you're mad at the Bills?" Yes, that's exactly why I wear it. The gutless punt. 10 men on the field....twice. He's got 35 coaches. He must go. Today.
  18. This used to be a tough team. Not necessarily "Kelly tough," but tough. Nobody liked playing us. Even when we had a bad record, we weren't fun to play. There was a term called "Buffalo Bills football." It's missing. When Gregg Williams punted on 4th and 2 from the New England 31 in 2002, the fans went nuts because it was gutless. It wasn't Buffalo Bills football. I believe that call cost him is job. Yesterday the old Bills would have gone for it and made it on 4th down in overtime. Let's backtrack. The old Bills wouldn't have given up 200 yards 2 times to that guy. They wouldn't have folded to Miami twice, Oakland, and Seattle. They would have risen from the ground and punched back. Fight on, my men, Sir Andrew said for I am hurt I am not slain I'll just lie here and bleed some more then I'll rise and fight again. (that's from my memory. too lazy to look it up) That's Buffalo Bills football. Rex must go. He doesn't know how to coach the Buffalo Bills.
  19. Here's my problem: I'm so numb to the mediocrity that I've lost the passion. A few years ago we were playing New England and had 4th and 2 from their 31 yard line. Gregg Williams called a punt. My head nearly exploded at the gutlessness of this call. After the game, the radio was flooded with phone calls about that gutless call. I suggested that Ralph Wilson should have marched onto the field and thrown Gregg off the team when he made that call. We ended up punting to the 19 yard line. That was the game during which New England ran like 25 screen passes, and they all went perfectly. It was almost as if somebody was listening in to our defensive signals. Which years later we found out was exactly what they were doing. They cheated. ] I digress. Had I cared as much now as I did then, I would be completely obsessed with that gutless decision to punt in overtime. They had fought so hard to get to that point in the game, there is NO WAY they should have punted. Rex believed in the defense, which had done very little to earn that belief. And he showed no confidence in the offense that had gotten him nearly 600 yards. Horrible call. Now that I see this with a clear head, I can only come to one conclusion: Rex must go. I'm sorry. He and his twin ruined the defense. Take Whaley too.
  20. Early in the game when they showed Taylor on the sidelines puking blood or whatever, then showed the guy jacking his helmet into Taylor's jaw....no call. It must be pretty chaotic on the sidelines during a game. Because if I were the coach or an OL and saw that play, I'd grab a ref by the collar and show him Taylor puking blood.
  21. Yeah, the one on Goodwin was horrible too. The guy never turned at all toward the ball and just bulrushes his way through Goodwin. Should have been first and goal, and not a missed field goal, if that's how it ended up.
  22. He said that was way after he told the guy he was calling timeout. He started shouting and then had to go right up to the guy. Who was totally ignoring him, even after the snap.
  23. He said he had been calling time out and the players on the field had been trying to get a time out long before the kick. He finally went up to the official and started yelling time out. I believe him. I've seen refs standing in front of coaches staring at them waiting for the timeout. This guy was totally ignoring Ryan. Everybody in football knows it's common to "freeze" a kicker, and the Bills were going to use the time out to get his field goal defense/blocking team on the field. They got screwed again by the ref. Screwed. You'll read about it in a day or so. An apology is forthcoming.
  24. There have been dozens of high draft picks wasted on quarterbacks....too numerous to mention, really. We take a lot of heat for EJ Manuel being a high pick. Some guys are ready to go. Some are not. Jim Kelly....would he have been an instant star in the NFL? Or did he benefit from a couple years throwing for the Houston Gamblers? What about Warren Moon? Years in the CFL. Kurt Warner? Journeyman, but a pro football player getting experience in another league. Doug Flutie was a CFL hero before he came to the NFL. Most highly rated QB's end up holding a clipboard for a couple years before they are deemed ready for action. How can they get game action while holding a clipboard? They cannot. Players gotta play. High picks in baseball spend a couple years in the minors getting ready to play. Yet we expect quarterbacks to develop by standing on the sidelines holding a clipboard. Maybe a lot of these wasted draft picks never develop because they never get to play. Maybe the NFL needs a developmental league so they can stop misfiring on young quarterbacks, and get them NFL ready by playing in actual games against tough competition. There's something here.
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