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TC in St. Louis

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Everything posted by TC in St. Louis

  1. My sister lives in Denver, and says all the talk is about McCaffery. Granted, this is all sports radio talk which is meaningless, but the Broncos have the 20th spot. Using the draft value chart, a swap could get us the 20th pick, a 2nd rounder, a 4th rounder, and maybe a 4th rounder in next year's draft. Would you do it?
  2. I love coming to this site. The sarcasm and wittiness is inspiring. And you can find knowledge too.
  3. I'm very sorry for your loss, and terrified for the future of our children. People who sell drugs to kids need to be taken off the streets permanently. You're in our prayers.
  4. And he can't get up. He is now defensive backs coach for the Jags. He was our head coach for a NY minute when they fired the jovial Dick Jauron. There was chatter about him being hired as head coach. Gotta feel for the guy. Seemed like a good coach and a good dude.
  5. The media seems shocked that Taylor didn't play in the last game. The game meant nothing. They chose to sit him in case he got hurt in a meaningless game. This also gave them the opportunity to look at EJ and make a decision based on real playing time. He blew it. He's gone. Tyrod has a ton of natural ability. He's a great athlete. He has a big arm. The new regime wants to evaluate the position and decide what to do. This will include the new OC. Why does everybody seem to need to know TODAY what they are doing with Tyrod? We've got time to sort it out.
  6. I don't know if you're supposed to know who he is. He's one of two guys who cover the team for the Rochester D and C. Lately he just seems sad about the team, and I was suggesting he may want to cover something less depressing like the Ray Stevens or maybe even Topo Gigio.
  7. I thought it was hilarious. Free spirit who runs like da wind. I hope they paste the Pats.
  8. Tell Leo I'm concerned about him losing any enjoyment. The Bills can drain the sap out of most normal people. Having been a fan since the mid 60's, I've had my heart ripped out and stomped on at least a hundred times, yet I still come back for more. Look at this. I'm posting this on a Sunday night from 800 miles away. I love the Bills. And I hate them too. It's a disease.
  9. OP. I started by saying i'm not mad at Leo. I can't blame him for being tired of this. I was suggesting he find another team. He seems terminally sad and he could go cover the Globetrotters or The Wiggles, and he would probably be happier. Bummer.
  10. I'm not mad at him for being tired of the Buffalo Bills. He's been covering them for a long time, and for the last few years it's been an eddy of despair. However, as a journalist, he has become jaded and way too negative to continue covering the Bills. He and that Sal guy did a half an hour video blog Thursday that would have turned the happiest, most delusional Bills fan into a two week funk. He painted a picture of this team as one with no hope whatsoever. The Pegs are probably done with their baptism into the NFL. TP even mentioned that they shouldn't be held accountable for the years before they bought the team. Hell, we're lucky they bought the team. Who else would buy this spent piece of used jet trash? TP and his wife put up, what, 1.4 billion to get this team, and we're riding them? They got all jacked up and hired Rex because it seemed like the right thing to do. They realized their mistake and got rid of him. Leo seems to think there is more of the same. If anything, it's refreshing to see owners who made the move to get rid of Rex, throwing away 17 million more dollars. Leo, you should go cover the Globetrotters. They win nearly all the time. They even make the children laugh.
  11. When they finalize the deal with the new OC, McDermott and the OC will evaluate the situation and decide what they want to do with Tyrod. They may even bring him in for a discussion. Tyrod will be on somebody's roster this year. He's a phenomenal athlete. I'd try to keep him. Maybe use the first round pick on a quarterback to groom as the franchise qb. But I don't think any decision will be made till the new staff is assembled. What's the hurry?
  12. Wonder if Lynn would stay. Assuming he doesn't get offered HC anywhere. He'd get a chance to continue with the Bills as OC and improve his stock for next year.
  13. I wish they'd take a look at the special teams coach from KC....Dave Toub? the Broncos and Chargers have interviewed him. I suppose he will end up in the same division, focused on beating the chiefs....who we play next year by the way.
  14. Keep him. He's a big time talent. We need more pass rush and a better scheme. He's too good to just let go.
  15. Yeah, brilliant. Why'd he get fired? Because he sucks, that's why. Is that what you needed to go to Journalism school for? Who gives a rat's butt why he got fired anyway. he's gone. Focus on the future. The media rode Rex's butt for weeks about the same topic. Why don't they feel the need to talk about football?
  16. They're jumping all over Whaley for not knowing the reasons that Pegula got rid of Ryan. They didn't have to tell him. And the media should be able to figure out why they fired him. He failed. As a coach, he was lousy. As a game manager, he sucked. Just look at the Miami game! As a defensive coach, he was awful! Look at the season!! He hired his twin, and things got worse. The pundits are critical because, what, the owners didn't come out and say why they fired Rex Ryan? Did they really have to spell it out? These billionaires came in and bought the Bills. They thought hiring Rex was a great idea. At the time it looked like that. Celebrity, took the Jets to 2 championship games in his first 2 years.....had great defenses....I can't blame them for hiring him. But he let them down continuously and they let him go. Maybe Doug was against the hire 2 years ago, and now the Pegulas are admitting their error in judgment and letting Doug do the hire. With their rubber stamp. Whatever. The media needs to shut up and let us find our next coach.
  17. I understood and supported hiring Rex Ryan. He was a celebrity coach, and had gotten the Jets to the championship game his first two years. One could say that the Jets failed because they never had a franchise quarterback. But Rex always had a great defense that gave Brady the chills. It seemed like a great hire. Rex charmed the owner and got the job. The owner perhaps did not care what Whaley thought. He had his man, it was his money, and he perhaps forced Rex down Whaley's throat. Whaley had the team on the verge of something special, with that punk Marrone and the excellent Schwartz. Marrone ran away. Look how well that turned out. I believe that Rex did not respect Whaley, and went directly to the owner. That's why he dumped Whaley off the call and got himself an early termination. He fired himself. He didn't want to stand on the sidelines as a lame duck, watching EJ Manuel throw a game away. Even though Whaley wasn't involved in the decision directly, it was a victory for him. Last week's game was not one to win. Losing got Whaley a better draft choice. It also enabled him to finally prove EJ was a mistake...he was horrible. Fare thee well. Maybe Doug told the owner that he wants to take control of the team again. He had them on the verge. Rex was a giant step backward. Maybe he played the Staple Singer's "Respect Yourself" as they say, "Get out the way let the gentleman do his thing." It's Doug Whaley's team now. Let's see what he does.
  18. Hire a football guy, give him the keys, and go count your money. Come to the games, have fun. Go to the NFL events, have fun. This isn't fun.
  19. I just read the transcript of the press conference. What a bunch of a-holes. If I were Whaley I might have just walked out the door on that one. And I don't like Whaley. I got a headache reading that. And I got nothing out of it except that the media is obsessed with who does what. Who cares? They aren't winning games. He's gonna get a new coach. Get out of the way and let the man do his job.
  20. I like the guy. Seems affable and the players seem to like him. I'm a little thrown by his grammar. We was trying to do this, that's not what we was doing. That sort of thing. I don't like that. Shows a possible lack of intellect.
  21. People say that a team needs continuity.....Lynn provides that, at least offensively. Although he was executing the other guy's plays, he took over the play calling, simplified the playbook, and was pretty solid. Even with TT as QB. No receivers for half the season. Anyway, the problem is squarely with the defense. The defense cost us at least 4-5 games. We could be a playoff team with a decent defense. If Lynn is hired and brings in Bradley as DC, I think we'll have continuity on offense and a fresh defense with plenty of talent.
  22. Yes, I believe Marv is overrated. I love him, I really do. Several excellent regular seasons. Let's take Jim Kelly, Thurman, Bruce, Andre, and the stars off the team. Then what? Another question might be what would somebody like Wade Phillips have done with that talent? Who knows? What I do know is that he could not win a Super Bowl. And when he was our GM he really did suck. I love Marv Levy. Age is not the only reason I don't want him back. Moot point anyway. He's not under consideration. Right?
  23. Anybody have an idea what the penalty is for using the wrong football? Let's just say it's unsportsmanlike conduct. Makes it a 70 yard field goal. Not makeable.
  24. You know what's hard in life? Being a blue collar person getting laid off and having to get in line for unemployment. Facing huge challenges in life. Know what's not? Facing the Buffalo media. This guy might end up being the Bills coach....maybe he's a natural leader. Maybe by default he will rise above the BS. He walked out and stood his ground today. Then he went back to work. If they hire him, I will root for him.
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