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TC in St. Louis

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Everything posted by TC in St. Louis

  1. Yates is horrible. They should sign anybody. Fitz. Darraugh.
  2. Wouldn't have mattered. We still would've gotten the 3. I am sick of all these flags. Doesn't that guy get enough exercise lifting weights without having to throw flags?
  3. just joined the group. I was over at Kirkwood Middle School trying to find out if Tyrod Taylor picked up his diploma yesterday. Huh, another holding call. Hey ref, bite me.
  4. You're not allowed to try to block a kick? That was a horrible call. And the announcer called it a horrible mistake by our guy. Mistake by trying to block a field goal. It was one of the few things that you could understand by the announcer, who has spent the entire first half with Darby's meat in his mouth.
  5. Good point. But the Rams were horrible last year. Poorly coached, poorly motivated. Gaines was an all-Rookie player, and he'll get it back. As we know, the key to a good pass defense is the pass rush. And that seems to be on the uptick.
  6. I love the trade. We got a starter at DB plus a 2nd round pick for a guy who rarely played, and complained about how many passes were thrown his way. Never liked him. Matthews is a really good receiver, and we picked up a 3rd. For Darby. The key to pass defense is the pass rush. If we get that in order, our defense will be great.
  7. My nephew is getting married Saturday, so we drove up from St. Louis and are coming to the game tonight. Any suggestions? I bought some seats on Stubhub, because there are 6 of us and we wanted to sit together. We're in the upper deck somewhere. Can you recommend the best way to get to the stadium, and the best place to park? Thanks.
  8. Carucci overstates the Bills' desperation, and sort of trashes the team. He and his haircut 100 guy say that, other than McCoy, the Bills offense is very mediocre. I guess it's nice to have a perspective of negativity, but to me there is no question that Boldin is a great signing. Why the negativity? What would be there other option? T.O.? Moss? http://buffalonews.com/2017/08/07/bills-sign-veteran-receiver-anquan-boldin/?utm_source=newsletter
  9. I like everything about the guy so far. I felt the same way about Gregg when he started. In retrospect, it is clear that Gregg is out of his mind. I was happy when they signed Rex because he seemed like a legitimate coach with a pedigree of great defenses. He immediately proved that wrong by taking the #4 defense and turning it into #19. I hope Sean Mac turns out to be the best coach ever. And I agree with the guy who posted about Ralph never kicking in the bucks for support staff the way the Pegs are doing it now. See, I believe the team can go 12-4 this year, but I am used to having hopes shattered.
  10. I do like the idea of players sharing stories about their lives, etc. Getting to know each other adds a new element. However, when I read what Jerry Hughes said, I think he revealed what may be an underlying issue with this team. Here's a quote: “I have a fantastic mom and dad, so I had no problem talking about them and everything like that,” he said. “It’s building great team chemistry right now. It’s allowing us to kind of be open and vulnerable in front of our teammates and at the same time, you get to know guys on a personal level, not just what they can do on the football field, but get to know the man behind the helmet." I think the problem may be in that statement.....get to know the man behind the helmet. Maybe the players are putting their helmet on wrong. Your head belongs INSIDE the helmet, and not BEHIND the helmet. Maybe they need to have a look at this.
  11. This reminds me of when we got Gregg Williams. He ran the camp like a disciplinarian...he was the hot name in coaching. I bought into his toughness. I was optimistic. I'm always optimistic. I felt good when we hired Rex. At least we were relevant. But he was such a clown that he ruined a really good defense. I believe that the Pegs are fully committed to winning. They spent a lot of money on scouts, leadership, the new GM, and all. I don't know what else they could do besides what they are doing. So I have a guarded optimism about the team this year. I'm like the puppy who takes off to chase the ball when the owner fakes the toss. I want the ball. I like this team. no, I love the team. We're in WNY for a wedding this weekend. We're going to the game Thursday. It's my first game at the stadium since Drew Bledsoe handed off to nobody and we lost to the Patriots. I can't wait to see the boys run on the field.
  12. The key to a good pass defense is a good pass rush. If Dareus can live up to half his contract, I think we'll be formidable. He has to eat up the middle, and push the pocket back into Brady's mug. Then, Lawson, Hughes, Alexander, et. al, will come around and put him face down before he knows what hit him. T White and Darby will do fine.
  13. Who are his people? I thought we were. Hey, I don't blame him for taking the money and going to the Super Bowl Champ.....just show a little class.....which he does not have. I wonder how he would have blended in with the Super Bowl Era Bills. By the way, his "people" could buy the NFL ticket and watch him chase receivers all season long. What a dope.
  14. No, but they don't have to rule out three years at a time.
  15. I just think it's lazy reporting, and easy to jump on the Bills. They are facing Brady twice a year. Nobody ever rules out the Fins, despite their usual mediocrity. The Jets could've made the playoffs two years ago, but ran into trouble against the Bills in the finale. The Jets had a bad year, but I think they beat us twice, right? How the hell did that happen? Rex.
  16. Skurski The article is at the top of www.twobillsdrive.com. Sorry. http://buffalonews.com/2017/07/12/expectations-bills-already-low-2017-not-much-brighter-next-two-years-espn-says/
  17. Thanks for the nice piece of optimism about the Bills. I don't care what ESPN says. They aren't paying attention to the Bills, so what they say, to me, is irrelevant. I like our new coach a lot better than the twins. I like the coaching staff....they spared no expense to get the best guys they could. I like the new structure. I like Tyrod Taylor. Why is everybody trashing him? His stats are fine, especially considering his sack of sticks targets he had for most of the year. What's not to like about our running game? Forget Gilislee. Our offensive line is getting better every day. We have two extra first rounders coming back on defense (Lawson and Ragland). Kyle is back. We have a sensible, simple defense. Gilmore was overrated. The kid from LSU will be a stud. I'm a little concerned about safety. I don't know why anyone would trash our team for the next 3 years. For one thing, we've got 2 number one picks next year. How can they trash that draft IN ADVANCE? It's like somebody said, "Hey, you've got the Bills this morning. Write something." "Oh, they stink. Brady rules. I'll whip up something along those lines."
  18. I'm glad you brought that up. I detest the 72 Fins, and hope somebody goes undefeated before all those old bastards die. Their sole mission in life now is to root for another team to lose. Other than that, I root against the Pats every time. I respect Brady and the coach, but I've had enough.
  19. He's an outstanding athlete. I just noticed that Mariota was rated in the top 50, and his stats are marginally better than Tyrod....and Tyrod is a much better runner. He's had some bad moments, but for several games he was throwing to our 5th stringer and 3 street free agents. If we have a healthy core group of targets for him, I believe he'll be fine. Why did he take a pay cut, or rephrased, why did the Bills cut his pay? Because they agreed to. This will be his year, and I expect him to play excellent football. Besides the obvious top 8 guys, who else in this league would you rather have taking snaps for our team?
  20. NO way is Riggins ahead of Thurman. Bo Jackson's career too short. Thurman could have been as highly ranked as #10.
  21. I just watched the last minute of the game, and my hatred for New England, their fans, and Pete Carroll has just spiked. I hope we knock their asses off this year.
  22. I was proud of Wade for taking the team off the field. The were completely hosed in this game. I was kneeling in front of the tv screaming "NOOOOOOOO" when my wife walked in and nearly called the nuthouse.
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