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TC in St. Louis

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Everything posted by TC in St. Louis

  1. It's hard for me to remember all these years....I remember going nuts when they drafted Donte Whitner, because Matt Leinart was available, and thought they could have traded out of that pick and got more picks. I remember lobbying in here for Russell Wilson, because I am a Wisconsin fan and I watched him play. He was great. I didn't know much about Losman, but to give up the 1st round pick in the next draft seemed stupid. Turned out it was. Trading up for McCargo? What the hell. TJ Graham? They've whiffed on so many picks, but so do most teams. Maybin was a rotten pick. The worst, though? We all should agree that taking Torrell Troupe the pick before Gronk will haunt us till the end of days.
  2. Since we have professional scouts and a smart staff, I'll assume they make the right choices. We have plenty of picks to use, and a lot of cap space for free agents. By the way, I noticed that Star Letouislieisli the DT from Carolina, is a free agent. I'm sure they'll look at him because they look at every Panther.
  3. I've only seen one other delay of game penalty called AFTER the play was completed for a first down. It was in the Bills playoff game against Cincinnati in the early 80's when Joe Ferguson hit Lou Piccone for a first down, and the flag hit Piccone as he went out of bounds. And it was delay of game after a timeout. Yesterday's call was correct, but they should have blown the play dead, whistles, flags flying, etc. The Jags may have had the chance to run the same play. I thought the pass interference at the end of the first half was a bad call for 2 reasons. One, both guys were jacking with each other along the sidelines. Two, it was an uncatchable ball. The worst call was on the fumble recovery....the Jag would have scored had the ref not blown the whistle. They should have let the play continue till its finish, and at that point it would have been a Jacksonville touchdown for a 27-10 lead.
  4. Bill was playing a venue in St. Louis a few years ago, and my friend the promoter asked me if I could run him around to morning radio shows. After that I told him I had a couple suite tickets to a Cardinals day game, and we went. Hung out, really a good guy. Had a lot of fun. And he's a great comedian.
  5. He's a fiery leader with a great arm. He's a gunslinger. During the draft they will no doubt monitor what's going on, and will get whichever quarterback they want. They have plenty of picks to take their choice. Think about this: what would you have given up to get Jim Kelly? He was #14 in the draft. We picked a tight end at #12!! i would have given up an entire draft to get Jim Kelly. We can certainly give up a couple number one picks to get who we decide is going to take us through the next decade.
  6. I was sitting on the couch with my wife, my kid and his buddy Randy. It was 4th down and the season to go. There's no hope in sight. You know what happened. But what happened next is my phone rang, and it was my old friend Todd Grove. I answered, "There's still time," and Todd hung up. Because the last time Todd called me near the end of a Bills game was 1999 when he called after the Bills scored the go-ahead touchdown against the Titans. When he called back then I said, "There are 16 seconds left, Todd. They will figure out a way to screw this up." You know what happened. After the Cinci touchdown and Todd's call, I stared at the TV thinking....wondering if there was another b.s. miracle to come in the next 30 seconds. No true Bills fan believed the game was over until the final seconds ticked off. A second later, Todd called and we had a nice chat. He's from the area, graduating from Lew-Port. I'm a NW guy myself....been a fan since the mid 60's. Now I'm in my mid 60's and I am very happy to say I am a fan of the Buffalo Bills. It is a disease for which there is no cure. It is in my blood and nothing can change that. Some might say that the only cure is to win a Super Bowl. I hope to find out.
  7. The play against Miami was brutal. They had come back and were on fire, and Morris was upended, and the ball came out before he hit the ground. He was called "down by contact," no fumble. And Toomay, who recovered the fumble, was penalized 15 yards for bumping the ref as he went for the ball. The team was going nuts. On the next play, they ran a draw play to Don Nottingham, the human bowling ball, who ran right up the middle for 55 yards. The ref's name was Pat Bergman, and after the game Wilson declared he would never call another Bills game. Wilson was fined, but Bergman never called another Bills game.
  8. I was watching with the Bills Backers of St. Louis, and during the timeout declared that when we returned the Pats would have the ball and the first down. People thought I was nuts, but you could see the guy stick the ball forward after he was tackled. Just like the TD called back. I told the group that the touchdown would be nullified. How did I know this? Come on. We all know what's going to happen when we play the Pats. It's called "Bohica."
  9. He says every time he plays the Bills, he thinks about how they passed him twice in the 2010 draft. I can see him being upset we passed him in the second, but nobody had him ranked as high as top 10 first round, which is where we picked. How stupid is he to be mad we passed on him in the first? Everybody did. By the way, both mocks I found from 2010 had New England taking him in the 2nd. They needed a tight end, and Jermaine Gresham was gone. He wasn't the top ranked one in the draft. Without Brady, would Gronk still be a star? I doubt it. Is Gronk mad that New England passed him in the first as well? He's very lucky he went where he did. What if he'd gone to Cleveland? I'm tired of that guy. Is Brady mad at New England for passing him at least 5 times in the draft? Was Jason Peters mad at every team for not drafting him? Hey, how about get up in the morning and thank the lord you're playing in the NFL, and go be nice to somebody?
  10. I thought they should have taken the points early in the game, instead of going for it on 4th and 2. The call was horrible, and they lost about 10 on the play. They would have had the lead had they made the field goal. Later, on 4th and 1 at the 32, they should have gone for it. Asking your team to get a single yard is showing confidence in your line and your play caller. Instead, he had the kicker try and miss a 50 yard field goal. I think he was dead wrong on both calls, and they both backfired. For those who think punting against Indy in overtime was a good call, I disagree. It took a near-miracle to win that game. I think we need a new OC. Some of those calls in the game were borderline stupid. first and 10 at the 10 and they run a pass to number 42? Loss of 8. Then they handed off to that fat useless #35. Dennison has to go.
  11. It took a 39 yard pass by a 3rd string quarterback to a 3rd receiver to put us in position to move toward the win. They had the ball at the 41, and in my opinion he should have gone for the first down. It reminded me of Gregg Williams punting on 3rd and 2 against the Patriots in 2002.....gutless, but we lost that game. The win was a fluke. I am thrilled that we won, but had we lost I don't know that I could look at a single replay.
  12. His receivers drop the ball a lot. He has a great arm. For a team that isn't very good and has mediocre wideouts he sure had a phenomenal year.
  13. When the Pats came up short on 3rd down, the score was 16-3. We at the Bills Backers bar in St. Louis were debating whether the Pats would kick another field goal or go for it. Suddenly they ran a play and as it turns out, they were given a 1st down and hurriedly ran a play before we could get a challenge. Unfortunately at the time the sound had gone out in our feed, so we were unable to hear any explanation. When we got the sound back Romo was saying that the Bills should be pretty upset at the spot on that play. Is it my imagination, or was that guy stopped at least a couple feet short of the marker? Also wondering why on the Gronk cheap shot....two personal fouls against the Pats, one on us, and Hughes got a 15 yards for saying something to the ref. First of all, I don't understand why we got the 15 when they both should have nullified each other....2 on each team......but why did it then become 1st and 25? Seems like a double whammy with no reach-around to me. And why wasn't Gronk just heaved out of the game?
  14. I've never seen a collapse like this. We have 11 guys on defense running around in front of blockers, and clearing zones for receivers, especially those wearing #13 (Wilt would score 100 on these bums). The offensive playcalling is offensive. Let's do this. 3rd and 3, throw a screen pass to #42, but tell him to play it like he's setting up a volleyball spike. Next, clear the path for the defensive player to run it in!! These guys cannot play football.
  15. Let's revisit this Monday after Peterman leads the Bills to a road win in LA vs. the Chargers.
  16. Most people who posted above are accurate. Nobody knows the Bills like the fans. John Clayton was on St. Louis radio today just trashing the move. I don't know if he noticed the 56 yards Tyrod rang up last Sunday, or that yes he has 10 TD passes in 9 games. That's not very many. Peterman has 1 in 4 minutes. I'm on board for shaking up this offense. Recently whenever Tyrod went back to pass he was either sacked, run out of bounds, or threw to a check down guy......I am tired of it, and I'm glad we are moving on.
  17. I think it's a great move. Tyrod threw for 56 yards during the first 56 minutes on Sunday. When there is a pass rush, he rarely finds anybody downfield, he loses his composure and is ineffective. If you watch Peterman, when he drops back he appears to have a purpose and knowledge of where his targets are supposed to be. It's what you want from a quarterback. When he drops into the pocket, the idea is to throw a pass to a receiver, and the receiver is supposed to catch the ball. Congrats to McDermott for having the stones to make the move. I believe him when he says we're not a 5-4 team. We're better than that.
  18. The offense, led by Tyrod Taylor, accumulated 5 first downs in nearly 4 quarters of football. That is an epic failure....this wasn't the steel curtain or the 85 Bears. Tyrod is not capable of being a drop back pocket passer. He doesn't have the acuity to remember where the receivers are, nor the ability to put it there. Granted, he was under pressure, but come on. He is not going to get us anywhere. I think if the Bills have a chance, they need to put Peterman in. Otherwise, get ready for another 5-11, 6-10 season.
  19. We had 7 first downs in the game, maybe 6 from Tyrod. That sucks. Tyrod has all the skill in the world, but zero pocket presence. Maybe he can't remember where the receivers are supposed to be. If the Bills want to win more games, they better put Peterman in.
  20. The play before was holding on the Jets, and they initially moved it back to 3rd and 7, instead of 3rd and 11. Then they gave the guy the first down. I cannot blame Hughes for talking to the ref. He said "That's enough," twice, and Hughes backed off. Then the refs put their heads together and decided to jam it right up the Bills butts, as if that was necessary. We were outplayed, but the fumble at the end of the half cost us the chance to kick for the tie. The other fumbles were costly. Many of the penalties were marginal. Taylor was hit helmet-to-helmet, which if Brady was the QB the guy would have been thrown out of the game. The announcer said maybe it was because he was out of the pocket. Oh, that makes perfect sense. It's better to play badly and lose than to play great and lose. We have a lot of film to study. I believe we'll be back with a vengeance next week against the Saints. I also agree with Richie that playing a road game on Thursday is utter b.s. OK. Next.
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