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Everything posted by BillsBiker

  1. haha u guys are silly. History shows they weren't good men.. its the bonding, Nobody here knew Ford yelled at BillyBaroo's grandfather till now.
  2. Like the guy a few posts above mine. I too take my team out. Paintball, movies, lunches, dinners, sport events including bills games, golfing, we did a softball team one year, skiing, out on my boat, you name it. Its all about bonding a group, become friends in and outta work and soon that team building is working wonderfully in and outta work. Its more of a well operating family, than co workers that just show up. great approach.. also done by thomas edison, henry ford, john quincy adams, andrew carnegy and other big time leaders
  3. that was bad... atleast the beat was hot.
  4. Eli's thought "I dont know what this dude is saying, I can not stop looking at his beard"
  5. I said yes because I want a Buffalo Bills Superbowl Ring, i am serious I will buy one. But I dont wanna be like an old man with a sports car... i wanna enjoy it as I hit 30. I guess I wanna look at it for a long time... ya know? Go Bills!
  6. Talk about a failure as a son, I mean get a career. Your father is a legend, he actually gave you an amazing gift.. a non replaceable piece of history. Your too broke minded to make money so you sell it for a mire 105K? That money is gonna be wasted so quick it make me sick Sorry L.T. you raised a failure.. good career though!! Just don't go all O.J. when you realize you want it back... at least don't rob them, history show other options to get away with what you need!! http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d8292ece9/article/lawrence-taylor-unaware-that-son-was-selling-ring
  7. father of the year? I didnt know Robert Downey Jr was a bills fan.... Actually im just jealous.. Jeranamos kid drank me under the table, few years back. Golly it was bad
  8. Oh don't listen to anyone.. my son was born in the month of Oct. He was weeks old and at his first game in the same month. It rowdy, its crazy... but if u can not protect ur self, do not bring ur kid. He is 3 this Oct.. and we went last year at age 2. We already have our Titans tickets for this year. In '09 he slept, '10 he was awake for a quarter and passed out, '11 he sat on my shoulders and watch the whole game, and in '12 i expect the same as last year.. just this year he talks and already say "go bills" and even "beardo".. dont ask, lol Dress them warm depending on the month and have fun, and dont drink with ur kid in the car
  9. Bill P builds champion caliber teams Nix built what the chargers? no question Bill is the best... and by far. YET I do like what nix is doing.. one day nix may get to the wall, where Bill is by week 5
  10. haha I cant believe you didn't know that... Football must be soccer to you huh? since when 1967? yikes..
  11. let us all play football to pass the boredom of sunday
  12. Kenmore NY baby!!!! Now living outside Rochester NY
  13. "I am not letting go of Welker... I dont care what my wife says" "See America? he loves me... Tom really loves me!"
  14. It's like there is a bunch off non Bills AFC east fans on 2 bills dr.. shame on all of you. Remember Rob johnson? the 4 time superbowl loser jim kelly? trent edwards? Jp losman? Well?? WTF western NY be happy we have fitzpatrick. Be happy we have someone who isnt a proven loser So Disrespectful!!!!!!
  15. At the end of his video... if it was in black and white it woulda looked like an old 3 stooges/ abbot and costello video when he was hitin them two kids on bikes! haha that was an awesome video, and its not like Fitz dosent throw at a few "garbage cans" here.. so hopefully this kid can fit in nice
  16. You just made me vomit uncontrollably... We could pick him up, sign TO and then trade SJ for Randy Moss as well, what would the nickname for our 3WR set be? The Balls Johnson connection ofcourse
  17. Lets Bring back Evans! Lets bring back that 4 time super bowl loser Jim Kelly! Let bring back a now Fat Thurman Thomas! Do you really think the patriots want back Drew Bledsoe? N O Truth is it would be nice to have a reliable receiver. I cant feel comfortable with SJ13 to catch a big ball. Hopefully we have something from this draft, or we can find a great receiver before the season starts.
  18. 50 cent, 2pac, Biggie, runDMC... Drake? come on now, Drakes a rapper like Toronto love the Bills Im white and I see that.. what ur excuses? let me guess ur "fitting" in with pop culture? lol I bet you would call Jamarcuss Russel a QB with that mind set
  19. speculation is like masterbation, in ur mind u got the most beautiful perfect person.... it reality that is shocking when u see who you really have! haha drunk wisdom from me GO BISONS!!! I mean BILLS!!!
  20. HAHA finally someone with a sense of humor! "Fitzpatrick drops back, Its a hand off in the back.. oh wait its a reversal to Marvin...only thing preventing 6 points in the DLine... He is threw! can you believe he has done it again! Thats right.. McNutt has busted threw the whole line! Touchdown Buffalo! If I was the DC i would need to whipe myself off and come up with a plan to contain marvin. or time and time again busting threw is mcnutt" -Van Miller
  21. lol pick 6... Marvin McNutt? draft this kid on his name alone. Imagine a ton of Bills fans wearing the name "McNutt" hopefully he isn't a BUST... hahaha Id hate to see the headlines
  22. Everybody shut up! Living in jim Kellys shadows.. I mean please. Stop it. At least Fitz isn't a proven super bowl loser. Give Fitz a chance, until he is a proven loser
  23. WHAT DID stevies wife beater say?????????
  24. Stevie Johnson in a big game is as reliable as Tony Romo in a big game We are rejecting the offer because he sucks good nix!
  25. More like 2+ losers in JP family.. lol "finkle family"
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