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Everything posted by BillsBiker

  1. rumor around the campfire is he was a dummy
  2. just 1 a superbowl trophy
  3. Fitzmagic the magician? Some smoke and mirrors, the big contract and then POOF!!! gone
  4. Bills 6 Cheifs 27 Mario Williams has .5 tackles! PAY THE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. 7 and 9? ugggggggh
  6. Whoooooa! that dude makes mario williams look like a tiny guy! Eat some mushrooms and flowers.. and come back agenst the cheifs with size and fireball super mario!!!
  7. The most positive thing is...the game is over
  9. I love ur picture of Jimmy Spags as a child!!! tailgating at Spags mamas house
  10. Jimmy Fagnola Hi My dirty italian princess, I hope sundays reminds you of your juvy and prison days for giving ur mother black eyes when she wouldnt spike ur hair and shave ur back. I console ur mama with meat on her eye, u in prison being pounded to the ground as u like it face down butt up? is that the way you like it rough? like sanchez down on the ground with a big Williams punishing him over and over. Or like a Tebow on his knees, with a Big E.Wood in his face... preying for the game to end. Now that i showed you the future on sunday and reminded you of ur past (ur welcome) I wish to see you come out of hiding, I know internet is hard in prison, and I know ur the Bella of the prison yard... but just know how much western ny misses ur mouth and mug. get out of prison soon, jets talk isnt the same with out the #1 cheerleader for the Jets.. See u soon our 2 bills dr dirty italian princess. With love and concern 2 bills Dr member Billsbiker
  11. Less than a week away!!!!!! Its like Christmas in Sept! Saturday night to Sunday 1pm will be a LONNNNNNNNNNNg bunch of hrs where i will be too excited to sleep
  12. great creativity... Bill13ve shirt
  13. How about this.... The first Buffalo Bills Super Bowl winning QB. Then Maybe just maybe.. we can forget about Jim Kelly's short comings.
  14. My new 72 inch flat screen, stereo cranked up loud, on the couch, this Girl Mary Jane, a bottle of Jack, a wegmans sub... and passing out before the 2nd game. I love being a bills fan... 16 weeks of alcoholism. I hope they make the playoffs!!!!
  15. Simple explination.. people dont know what they are talking about... they just hear words and plug them in wrong. Wildcat: when ball is hiked to reciever or RB directly What Tebow did in Denver, Florida: Spread option offence: Where QB can run or pass off. Duces!
  16. Wow I love this thread!! I love how these scared fans of other teams say the Bills suck while they are afraid for their team to play buffalo. Whaaa whaa "Mario williams broke tom bradys neck, bills suck" -Reed83 What a tool! lol
  17. Finally A thread that i can laugh at!!! l<J funny comment Bradying is so fitting!!!
  18. Move over Tom Brady, Shanchez, and Even Tebow.... We got a GQ boy now. High Fashion!
  19. THANK GOD!!! Merriman's career went the way of the DoDo
  20. Get ready for the LA Bills!!! My worse thought ever... fml
  21. this is my only memory of thigpen in a bills jersey
  22. "Extra Extra Read All About It. Bills D Crushes jets 2 sputtering QB's. As Turf Toe and Athletes feet seem to be the cause, Rex Ryan agrees, Adding "I will inspect these feet on the ride home" was quoted by the skinny yet hungry jets coach... page 6!"
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