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Everything posted by Kemp

  1. https://apnews.com/article/fake-electors-nevada-2020-election-republican-8d1d99dedae43cba2d61aafb55bf20b9 More legal woes for the fellow who always wears makeup and pretends to be uber-masculine.
  2. https://newrepublic.com/post/176915/tennessee-town-ban-public-homosexuality
  3. Look, everyone here knows that you can't answer the question. Just keep writing about other things. Pathetic.
  4. Do you agree with Trump that no loner honoring the Constitution is okay? Why are you afraid to answer?
  5. I'm referring to Trump saying to trash the Constitution. I realize you can't directly address that without proving that you either find it reprehensible or that you don't believe in the Constitution.
  6. Glad to see you realizing just how crazy and dangerous Trump is. It is a quote from one of Trump's spokespeople. Maybe Trump will disavow it. Yeah, right. There's hope.
  7. https://x.com/Davidlaz/status/1724080961548386530?s=20 Ya can't make this shiite up.
  8. Tommy and Irv are okay with getting rid of the Constitution. Do both of you also share porno usage with your parents and kids?
  9. What does this have to do with Trump talking of getting rid of the Constitution? Are you in favor of getting rid of the Constitution? It's absolutely true, but I can understand why you think it's totally effed up. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/nov/06/speaker-mike-johnson-covenant-eyes-app-quitting-porn
  10. Oh!!! He's angry. A fair reaction is to suspend the Constitution and be a dictator. Reasonable in Trumpland. For what will he be impeached? Even your Speaker, who compares porno notes with his son, says there's no reason to impeach him. Keep trying. Until voting is thrown out as a means of determining a President, you're wrong.
  11. If Biden were making the mistakes Trump keeps making, he would have already been impeached. If Biden were making statements like abandon the Constitution, like Trump has, the Democrats would stop him.
  12. Oh, that's what Trump meant!!!! Thanks for explaining his 4D chess.
  13. Deficits and political polarization? You must be a closeted Trump hater or as simple as a piece of cabbage.
  14. Trump is a criminal who has called for abandoning the Constitution. Now, the Republican Party stance is to totally ignore the voting of citizens. The Trump fascists are no longer a faction of the Republican Party. They are one and the same. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/ohio-abortion-issue-1-republicans-judiciary/
  15. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/tennessee-man-says-conspired-jan-6-defendant-kill-fbi-agents-rcna124683 Trump supporters are fine people.
  16. Wow. You believe Trump actually lost in 2020!
  17. https://abcnews.go.com/538/live-updates/election-day-2023-live-results-analysis/?id=104679542 Trumpers get dunked again. Losers keep losing.
  18. https://x.com/MeidasTouch/status/1720894593577976314?s=20 Reality of gas prices.
  19. https://x.com/bennyjohnson/status/1720490382817944061?s=20 Trump lawyer doing great job outside the courthouse. Someone should tell her that trials are INSIDE courthouses.
  20. in the middle of a school week!!!!!!!
  21. Democrats suggest same amount of money to Israel. Add that it be paid for by taking money away from billionaires in taxes. Trumpers say nay. Trumpers anti-Israel? Spare me your incessant bullshiit.
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