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Everything posted by Kemp

  1. It seems you don't understand what RICO is.
  2. When he walks into jail, he'll become a superstar to you, and to me.
  3. The snowflake is stamping his feet. Poor thing is frustrated.
  4. Except for Biden, that does look like a list Trump belongs on. Oh, and you can add that notorious dictator, George Washington to your list. Just noticed that Trump's buddy, Putin didn't make the list. Gee. I wonder why?
  5. Ans still no link to the supposed evidence. Living in a cult means blindly believing. I understand. You don't have time to post link to evidence, yet you have time to whine over and over and over.........
  6. I know. It's over there somewhere. In a time where anything can be found on the Internet, you somehow can't find it. It's embarrassing.
  7. They're pointing at a blank piece of paper and saying look at all the evidence on that paper. Granted, a few of them probably believe their bullshiite, but what's far scarier is that it's evidence that they are capable of claiming anything to prop up the guy who wants a civil war to spare his ass.
  8. I don't want a lengthy essay from you, merely a link to the evidence. I know you can't so it's fun to keep exposing that you have nothing. A whole lot of nothing, just like your cult leader.
  9. Great!!! You've got a link to the evidence. Post a link to it, please. Thank you.
  10. No proof of bribes, only people like MTG and yourself blathering about it. As an aside, I don't believe taking a bribe is treason. If they have it, why do you believe they haven't shown it?
  11. I've asked quite a few times here as to the evidence of Biden taking bribes. No one has offered any up and you don't have it.
  12. That's actually rational, but you might want to tell Republicans who have claimed for months that they have the goods on Joe to either present the evidence or shut up.
  13. If your investigations show that Joe Biden committed a crime, I want him prosecuted. Unfortunately for you and yours, that evidence has yet to be produced, despite all of the whining. You're using the same strategy used by the guy who wears shoe polish:
  14. Are you referring to the pesky Constitution that Trump wants to get rid of, or a different one? Some of us prefer criminals to be prosecuted. It's more important when they are sociopaths.
  15. I enjoy your testiness whenever you call those who don't like Trump, Commies, while he supports Communist and fascist dictators. You need a pressure valve release as you watch the walls close in on your mob boss.
  16. Is that one of those who wiped his shiite on the walls at the Capitol?
  17. I appreciate that you're not behaving like some Trump supporters. https://apnews.com/article/trump-georgia-indictment-threats-grand-jurors-b489aea1bf8210224d1500895830528d
  18. I know you can't understand this, but you will never wake up to what is going on and when Trumpland implodes, you'll be faced with the decision to try and help overthrow society or go back to your previous life.
  19. This isn't even about the call in question unless Raffensperger is now a woman. All of the people you cite are quite reputable. https://www.politifact.com/personalities/jack-posopiec/
  20. All you do is make allegations and when asked for evidence, run away. Trump and people like yourself are running into walls. When he is found guilty, you'll have lots of chances to squeal and threaten. Trump will call for an overthrow of the government and you will be faced with the choice what to do about his pleas.
  21. Thanks for providing no evidence for your allegations. Again. You never have . You never will.
  22. On your first point, I asked for some evidence for Biden taking bribes. You gave zero, in response. You just repeated the allegations. Big surprise. If I show you posts from this site saying Joe and Dems are pedophiles, will you delete your account? Make it worth my while. Why should I waste my time continually proving you are full of it?
  23. If you're saying Republicans have not said Biden is a pedophile, you're dumber than some of your buddies here. There are scores of links to those stories and it's been said many times on this site. Since you have said my eyes are closed on bribery allegations, you can check out the 100 page thread on the topic that has yet to offer any proof. Since you must be in possession of the proof, please share it here. Since you can't you'll be forced to say nothing. Again.
  24. A Trump supporter questioning brain function is good stuff.
  25. Oddly enough it's on that very same tape with the proof of Joe Biden being a pedophile and his taking in millions of bribery that you folk talk about. Looking forward to seeing that comprehensive tape.. Since you folks have all of this proof, when will you be releasing it
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