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Everything posted by Kemp

  1. Since you're switching from evasion to random sentence generation, do you douche on Tuesdays?
  2. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/29/us/politics/medicare-drug-pricing-negotiations.html?campaign_id=60&emc=edit_na_20230829&instance_id=0&nl=breaking-news&ref=cta&regi_id=66979143&segment_id=143152&user_id=17fe11de1a5df103d8afe687e566ff0a
  3. Do you think anything Trump said slowed down Kim from developing nuclear weapons? If so, do you have any facts to back that up? Why do you believe Trump didn't allow an American interpreter at Helsinki? What do you think Biden should do about Ukraine that he's not doing?
  4. Saying you answered isn’t an answer. Trump took the side of Putin over American advisors at Helsinki, and then refused to allow an American interpreter at his meeting with Putin, something no American President has ever done before. Trump praised Putin for invading Ukraine. Do you think invading Ukraine was a good thing? Trump said "Chairman Kim has been really very open and terrific, frankly." Do you think Kim is terrific? Trump speaking of Xi: "And I like President Xi a lot. I consider him a friend, and -- but I like him a lot. I've gotten to know him very well. If Biden did and said these things, what would your reaction be? Tell me you would see nothing wrong with these comments. Tell me again how Trump supports Communist and fascist leaders, yet those of us who don't support Trump are actually the Communists and fascists. You and yours are either illogical or in a cult. Personally I would go with cult because I don't believe you are that stupid to not see your failure of logic.
  5. What makes the question absurd? Fact: Trump adores Communist and fascist leaders. Fact: Those that don't like Trump are called Communists and fascists by Trumpers. That's a failure of logic. You can't explain that so you write odd non-sequitors instead. You're terrified of addressing the logic failure.
  6. I knew you wouldn't be able to explain how it is that Trump loves Communist and fascist leaders, yet those who don't like Trump are Communists and fascists. TSOL can't or won't explain the logic failure.
  7. You should be happy if he is acquitted. His best shot is a hung jury, though. They call us fascists and commies while following a cult leader who says he adores Communist and fascist leaders. They never address how this logic progression works. In fact, they avoid it entirely because they can't figure out what to say about it. Watch. They are absolutely lost on this topic. TSOL has already run away concerning this. Any other Trumpers want to give it a go?
  8. Winning yet another Club Championship.
  9. You have lots of ways of avoiding something you can't defend.
  10. You don't have an answer. You can't answer. Trump adores fascist and communist leaders. You believe in him, but those who don't follow Trump are fascists and communists, according to Trump supporters. You're a coward who refuses to address this obvious logic flaw and I will continue to point out what liars and dolts you and the other Trump supporters here are.
  11. You never address questions put to you because you can't. It's fun taunting you about that.
  12. More proof of what I just stated. Please explain why you believe in a man who loves communist and fascist dictators while calling those who don't like him Marxists? Why are you so terrified of answering?
  13. My life is fine. What's wrong with yours, other than the obvious? Can you post a link to them so I can see Hiilary's classified documents?
  14. They keep doing this. They call us fascists and commies while following a cult leader who says he adores Communist and fascist leaders. They never address how this logic progression works. In fact, they avoid it entirely because they can't figure out what to say about it. Watch. They are absolutely lost on this topic.
  15. One reason no one would have believed it would be that a lot of it never happened. A decade ago, would you have believed that you would believe everything one man told you, no matter if it were true or not?
  16. I once read that Kim Jong Un shot a round of 18. Trump wants to rule like Kim Jong Un, but first he would have to drop 80 pounds from his 215 pound frame.
  17. Is there anything he can be honest about? And his cult members believe everything he says. The reality of Trump on the golf course. https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2019/dec/10/rick-reilly-donald-trump-golf-commander-in-cheat-book-interview
  18. He longs for being surrounded by asbestos.
  19. Trump is innocent of everything despite evidence to the contrary. Biden is guilty of taking bribes despite zero evidence. What a reality you live in. How cultish of you.
  20. You don't like anyone saying he's guilty. You don't think the charges should be pursued at trial. You want him to be immune. Not the way reality works. Do you think Joe Biden is a pedophile, as many Republicans claim? Do you think he has taken bribes?
  21. Do you deny that you want all supporters of Biden to die? So we agree that Trump should be put through these trials. Progress.
  22. And that's why there are trials, so stop complaining about them existing.
  23. Here's the deal. It's as old an idea as exists. If you commit a crime, be prepared to do the time. Folks like you say this is unprecedented. You're right, but not because an ex-President is under indictment. It's because he tried to overturn an election. Should an ex-President or anyone else be immune from prosecution if it is thought they have broken the law? If you believe the answer is Yes, what's the point of having a judicial system? And you guys complain about a two-tiered justice system.
  24. That figures.
  25. Why do you believe they called themselves fake electors?
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