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Everything posted by Kemp

  1. As long as he's not my governor, I'm happy.
  2. Only because he couldn't pull it off. He will do it if he can if given another chance and his supporters here, and everywhere else, will say it's the right thing. That's guaranteed. It's not about the crowd wanting a coup. It's about Trump wanting a coup, and the people in Congress backing his attempt.
  3. You and me can do zero. He has already stated that the Constituion should sometimes be ignored. Let's say he is President and does something Unconstitutional. We know that Republicans will do absolutely nothing to hold him accountable. They have already demonstrated that. Let's say it goes to the Supreme Court. I honestly don't know how they would vote. The only one I'm positive would side with him is Thomas. Here's the most interesting part. Let's say the court rules against Trump. What prevents Trump from saying screw you. I will do what I want. I don't know for certain, but I don't believe the Court has any way to enforce their ruling. Do you know if they can? Saying this can't happen isn't an answer. It's avoiding the whole thing.
  4. You didn't, but I understand your position.
  5. You can't answer a question about Trump supporters because you're not a Trump supporter? Great reasoning. Why do Trump supporters still support him when every single person who worked for him in the White House is now warning America what will happen if he gets there again? I know you're not a Trump supporter, but you can still have an opinion. Are you finally admitting they believed it because he said it? Would they have believed it if he hadn't said it?
  6. Define what you mean by America in this statement.
  7. My apologies. I confused you with Farley.
  8. You said he's a mastermind. Others here say he's senile. Your argument is with them.
  9. I don't care who you support. I asked you a different question. Any opinions on it? They were there because Trump told them a lie for years. True or false?
  10. Why do Trump supporters still support him when every single person who worked for him in the White House is now warning America what will happen if he gets there again?
  11. Yeah. It remains a mystery to you why they were there that day. Don't worry about how slow you talk. It's not about your not being able to figure out why they were there. It's about your being afraid to acknowledge truth. You know why they were there. Everyone knows why they were except perhaps Farley. Biden returned his documents. Biden didn't try to overthrow an election. Maybe you are a ham sandwich. Tell that to the other Trump fool in this thread.
  12. Why do Trump supporters still support him when every single person who worked for him in the White House is now warning America what will happen if he gets there again?
  13. Some of the other Trump supporters here maintain he's a mastermind. You both can't be right.
  14. Which is it? Is Biden senile or a mastermind? Here's a clue. He can't be both. Whatever the reason? They all happened to be there by coincidence. You've solved it. So, he's not a mastermind? You guys gotta get your narratives straight.
  15. You think Biden is suffering from deep senility and that he's a mastermind. Sound reasoning.
  16. When Joe tries to overthrow the government, you'll have a comparison worth making.
  17. Are you saying they weren't there and angry because Trump told them the Deep State stole the election from them? Refusing to give back classified documents isn't a serious crime? Trying to overturn a Presidential election isn't a serious crime?
  18. Why do you believe people broke into the Capitol? If you believe it's for any reason other than Trump told them for years that the election would be and was stolen from them, I would love to hear it. On one hand you say you hope Trump is found guilty of a crime. On the other, you say the pursuit of convicting Trump makes us a banana republic. If you hope he is found guilty you believe he is guilty. This seems like a logic disconnect to me.
  19. Is Lindell too woke?
  20. I'm surprised you're unaware that Trump is being prosecuted in 2 CRIMINAL cases. You love our Constitution. I'm with you. Trump wants to get rid of it. If he gets back in control, he'll do that, and his supporters will cheer the end of America.
  21. Thanks for admitting that a President can be jailed without a Senate conviction. It's refreshing to see you refute Trump's absolutely idiotic stance. On your question, no he did not. However, what he did do was spread the lie that his supporter's votes were stolen, causing him to lose. That's what led to what happened on 1/6. Back to you, why didn't Trump attempt to stop the riot and break-in on 1/6, despite all of his advisors and his daughter begging him to do so? Why did he call the rioters great people? Do you think they were great people? There are lots of other questions, but that's all for now. Again, and most importantly, thank you for admitting that Trump can be incarcerated if a jury finds him guilty of criminal acts. If you commit a crime you should pay for that crime, no matter your Party affiliation. Disagree? Doc agrees with me. Take it up with him.
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