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Everything posted by Kemp

  1. I personally know one Trump supporter who hoarded PPE and then re-sold at an enormous profit. He was gleeful and bragged about it. I hope he gets hit by a truck.
  2. Every single person who died, or ended up hurt, or ended up in prison as a result of 1/6, suffered their fate because a sociopath spread a lie that he was robbed and because Republican elected officials backed up his lie out of fear and their own evil desire for power. Still no Trumpers here offering up a reason as to why Saudi Arabia and Russia are supporting Donald Trump. If you support Trump you're a traitor, whether you realize it or not.
  3. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/officer-who-responded-us-capitol-attack-is-third-die-by-suicide-2021-08-02/ Tourism takes yet another life.
  4. They probably can until it makes its way through the courts. The good news is that it makes it more likely for Wisconsin to go Blue in '24. Trumpers screwed up on abortion. This looks like their next screwup.
  5. Trumpers trying to overthrow American democracy in Wisconsin. There's no need for separation of powers anymore. Let's skip some steps and head straight to autocracy. I don't mind Trumpers wanting to live under a dictorship as long as they do it somewhere else. It doesn't sound like it. It is. Trump is easily the biggest mobster in American history.
  6. The king of morality said that if Trump isn’t our next President, bullets will replace ballots. Does every Trump supporter prefer jail to not sucking off Trump? And then there's his lovely daughter. What a great era for America.
  7. They are not conservatives. They are Trump cult members. Republicans as we sort of knew them no longer exist. Conservatives no longer exist within the Trumplican Party. Why do Russia and Saudi Arabia want Trump back in office?
  8. Why do you believe Russia and Saudi Arabia want Trump back in office?
  9. Also, why does Saudi Arabia want Trump to win? Please add that to my as yet answered question to you about Russia.
  10. Why does Putin want Trump to win?
  11. You're linking to something about narcissism and you defend Trump. If this were a movie, no one would believe it.
  12. Why do Trump supporters like Farley believe Putin wants Trump to win the Presidency? I suppose he could deny that fact because reality doesn't stop at his station.
  13. You're a great example of this: "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" Trump remarked at a campaign stop at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. "It's, like, incredible."
  14. All of those conspiracies are currently being pushed by Trump supporters. One is being pushed by Laura Loomer, who I believe has been posted here by a Trump fan.
  15. Burning Man floods were God's punishment Barack Obama had gay sex in the 90s Ukraine was behind the Jan 6 attacks The Nazis in Florida were sent by Biden Four conspiracy theories currently making the rounds among Trump supporters. Has there ever been a more stupid and evil mainstream group than those who support Trump?
  16. The Deep State is hard at work FOR Trump. https://accountable.us/judge-cannon-gifted-luxury-trip-by-leo-backed-scalia-law-school/
  17. Proud Boys leader gets 22 year sentence. The Walls Be Closing
  18. I can't help that you dismiss the evidence, so explaining it to you is a waste of time. You obviously don't understand or want to admit what kangaroo courts, due process, and fair trials mean. Evidence against Trump is in plain sight. It's his own confessions in front of cameras and on tape that have put him in this spot. Almost every single witness against Trump is a Trump associate or appointee, yet you make it sound like crooked Dems are the reason for all of his problems. Pesky facts.
  19. Prosecutors present their case. The defense tries to refute what the prosecutors say with facts and present contrary evidence. If the defense strategy doesn't work, they will lose, unless the jury nullifies the evidence, like in the OJ trial. At this point, this looks like the defense's best hope and it sounds like that's what you're hoping for.
  20. When you can't argue facts, you must find alternative defenses.
  21. First, lots of Trumpers, encouraged by people like Fox News personalities, told us Covid was a hoax or no more than a simple cold. Then, lots of Trumpers on their death beds wished they had gotten the vaccine. Now, long Covid is a mental thing. It's not a coincidence that the impacts of Covid slammed the non-believers harder. Survival of the fittest does not just refer to fit physically.
  22. An oldie, but a goodie: https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-language-level-speaking-skills-age-eight-year-old-vocabulary-analysis-a8149926.html
  23. Funny how their thought process works.
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