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Everything posted by Kemp

  1. I know that the fellow you're quoting can't be the same guy with lots of crazy controversies because that would make you look like an idiot, so who is this other Root? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Root was a leading proponent of the conspiracy theory that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States.[32] Root falsely claimed that Obama was not a student at Columbia University.[4] He later stated in a 2012 interview with Sean Hannity that he believed Obama was a "foreign exchange student" there.[30] He has repeatedly described Obama as a "Marxist, anti-American, anti-Israel, globalist, middle class-hating, Muslim sympathizer".[30] In 2017, he claimed that Obama was gay, called him "Bathhouse Barry" and said that he had info from Obama's "friends in Chicago" about his "sordid past".[30] In 2014, he described Obama as a "Manchurian candidate", possibly hired by the Bilderberg Group to destroy the United States and "kill all of us".[30] Root promoted conspiracy theories around the murder of Seth Rich, and at various times suggested that Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Hillary Clinton, Donna Brazile, Bill Clinton, Eric Schneiderman and John Podesta were involved in the murder.[30] During the white supremacist Unite the Right rally, Root falsely claimed that blaming white supremacist James Alex Fields Jr. for killing Heather Heyer was "such B.S. Probably paid actors & infiltrators hired by Soros. No conservative I've ever met commits violence. EVER."[30] On the night of the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, in which 58 people were shot and killed by Stephen Paddock (including himself) and 2 of them shot by Paddock later died of their injuries in 2019 and 2020 respectively, Root tweeted: "Clearly coordinated Muslim terror attack." Police later determined only one shooter—a non-religious American—was involved.[31][33][34] In 2018, Root argued that Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election is motivated by "penis envy", because "Mueller's is smaller than Trump's."[30] On February 6, 2021, Twitter permanently suspended Root's account for "violating Twitter rules".[35] In July 2022, Root debated journalist Isaac Saul at Freedom Fest in Las Vegas, arguing that the 2020 United States Presidential Election was stolen and that Donald Trump should run for president again in 2024. During the debate, Root promoted, among other ideas, that COVID-19 vaccine injuries were being concealed by the government; that millions of illegal immigrants were voting in US elections and tipping them in favor of Democrats; that multiple states coordinated to stop counting on election night 2020 until more illegitimate ballots could be found to favor the election of Democrat Joe Biden; and that Las Vegas Culinary Union tactics are the only reason Democrats win elections in Nevada, which he believes to be otherwise almost entirely Republican.[36] What does "looks like he is up to no good" mean? All that I have seen reported is that he was walking. Was he on drugs? Would that have mattered? Was it ever established that he was up to no good or are you just taking the word of someone who shot and killed someone because a white guy killed a black guy?
  2. He looked like he was up to no good in what way, other than he was walking? If someone related to you was deemed suspicious by a self-appointed yahoo who then stalked and killed your relative, it would be justified if your relative confronted his stalker? You don't even believe the nonsense you write.
  3. What made him suspicious?
  4. Trump said to scrap the Constitution and you still would be okay with him as your President. Which other President has ever said that? Which other Dem or Pub has said that? Face it. There's no way you can dispute this. All you are left with is to change the topic or insult. You'd be okay with a dictator ruling America. Stone-cold, irrefutable fact. What a patriotic American you are.
  5. Yeah, the guy who was tailing someone who did zero wrong other than walk in the street wasn't responsible for the other guys death. The guy who was told by the cops to stop following an innocent, but instead kept doing it and then ended up killing the other guy broke no laws. Yeah, I'm sure this would have played out the same way in that town if their races were reversed. You really seem unaware of reality, but your pomposity makes up for it.
  6. I quoted Trump. You can choose to ignore facts and keep screaming that you're a victim, along with your cult leader. It's understandable that if you addressed specifics you would not be able to justify your position. Trump said he wants to get rid of the Constitution. If you can't take a stance against that, how can you think of yourself as pro-American?
  7. Sure. So, you agree that George Zimmerman murdered Trayvon Martin and should be in prison.
  8. Sure you would. There has been an incredibly long list of black men honored and revered by Republicans when they killed two people at a public disturbance, certainly too many to list here, Doc never discusses anything by the facts. His advice is to watch Russian TV and read Chinese publications to find out what's really going on. And by the way, Doc made an allegation. I asked for proof. He hasn't answered twice but found the time to write something here. Doc and his ilk here are supporting a man who has threatened to get rid of the Constitution, ripped U.S. veterans, made fun of a handicapped person, take over the FCC, abolish all intelligence agencys etc,. He wants to be ruled by a dictator. At the same time these folks are telling us they're patriots of America.
  9. Yeah. It's not a cult.
  10. If a black gentlemen showed up in a white neighborhood with a rifle and the same exact thing played out, would Matt Gaetz have offered a job to him? Would he have been an honored speaker at a Republican conference?
  11. You made an allegation. I asked for some proof. Now, when you are unable to provide proof of your unbelievably illogical allegation, you whine. Again. We should just believe that Pelosi wanted the mob to kill her because that makes a lot of sense. Trump wanted Covid to kill as many Democrats as possible and he actually was a primary investor in development of the virus. It's fun to just make up stuff.
  12. Aren't Republicans doing exactly the same in terms of 1/6?
  13. And it had been going on for hours, but now Trumpers here are saying Pelosi didn't want to stop the people who were after her. A lot of Trumpers are stupid enough to believe Pelosi was trying to have herself murdered, but some are evil who know they are lying. It's not even a slight exaggeration to say that this is a crazy and dangerous time.
  14. I can't find a link that says Pelosi refused to call the National Guard. Can you post it? So, the contention is that Dems wanted the attack to not be stopped? Since the crowd announced they were after Pelosi and Pence, what was Pelosi's motivation to not stop them? Was she running a kamikaze mission? Also, it's common knowledge Trump watched on television and people begged him to take action and he refused.
  15. Actually, he didn't. I had to look up who he was. You do know that on 1/6 Trump was in charge of the National Guard, right? Do you ever get anything right? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sund made the request for National Guard troops at approximately 1 p.m. on January 6. However, he did not hear back until 71 minutes later. It took more than three hours after Sund's request for 1,100 National Guard soldiers to be mobilized, according to a report by NPR. Trump allegedly made zero effort to deploy the National Guard and instead spoke at a rally in Washington, D.C., on the day of the riot. Vice President Mike Pence was the one who attempted to order deployment of the National Guard troops, according to a report by the Military Times.
  16. Can't help but wonder if the Trump supporters here feel the same way. Are you ready to put your life on the line for him if he's not the next President of the United States? They used to be big fans of Stand Your Ground and they will be again when the colors change.
  17. Tarrio headed to prison. Stone will go to prison or turn on Trump. The Walls Be Closing As Huckabee and others have recently said, they have no legal recourse, so more violence is coming from the ones who used to wrap themselves in the imaginary cloak of law-and-order.
  18. You blame they, when they were Trump? Is this the flat-out lie that was pushed that Pelosi held back protection when she had zero power to do so? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Did their lawyers give them bad advice or did they ignore the advice?
  19. Every time I have posted facts Trumper responses have been to jump topics, ignore, or insult. It's at least somewhat encouraging that you would not cast a vote for Trump since his lie was the inspiration for the violence.
  20. Funny that he took money from Soros.
  21. Trump needs more time to prepare his defense because he's so darn busy.
  22. Now he'll either tell you that you can't trust that source or he'll ignore you because he's in a cult.
  23. There are lots of Trumpers here who are unable to discuss facts and instead write cultish responses.
  24. Trump's latest lie is that he will testify when even the dimmest of Trump supporters know it would be suicide for him. He is incapabable of telling the truth. In response to another question, he said he can do whatever he wants. He'll still say that if he ends up behind bars.
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