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Everything posted by Kemp

  1. Yet, they consider themselves patriots. If Trump, or one of his discipiles ever ends up at the helm, America will become Russia and the cult members will celebrate. When it all crashes, some will love living under a dictatorship. Others will blame those of us who warned them because they're idiots.
  2. When Putin sympathizes with Trump, how do Trump supporters rationalize it or is it that they truly wish Putin was in charge of America? Have they really fallen that far?
  3. Wow! I forgot when Hillary organized a rally in D.C that then stormed the Capitol And let's not forget when she refused to tell her supporters to stop trying to hang the V.P. ======================================================================== Hillary gave a concession speech the day after the election. Trump still can't admit he lost. You know this to be true but can't admit it. Seriously, Doc, it's when you write something that stupid, it's apparent that you can't believe what you say unless you truly are a member of a cult. She's way smarter. She's not delusional. She has never advocated for overthrowing the government. There are hundreds of more reasons. It must be tough living in a DARK state. Things will pick up for you.
  4. I'm sorry that not trying to overhrow a democracy is a dealbreaker for you. If she does in the future, she's all yours.
  5. If you did, I didn't see it. What I see is that you didn't vote for Trump or Biden. Does that mean someone else or no one? And will you do the same in '24? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Quotes from Elon Musk about Trump: “He seems kind of nuts” “The buffoonery was not just an act” “Trump might be one of the best bullshitters ever” “If you just think of Trump as a sort of con-man performance, then his behavior sort of makes sense”
  6. Avoid jail is by far Reason #1. People will send him money even if he's not running. He is no different than a phony televangelist selling holy water and promising good land in heaven, except televangelists only fleece the terminally stupid out of money. Trump wants to be America's first dictator.
  7. Um. I didn't say it. Libs didn't say it. Putin said it. I thought that at the very least you could read. I still think you can. Your brain can't handle when Trump and Putin share their love because you know it proves what you know deep-down. Who did you vote for? Unless something unfoerseen happens, your choice in '24 is Trump or Biden. or you could throw away your vote on someone guaranteed to lose. You could also not vote, which in a way, is also a vote.
  8. Putin wants Trump to be the President of the U.S. I wonder why the murderous dictator is a Trump fan. It's fun watching Trump fans loving Putin while claiming Russia doesn't try to help Trump. https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4199247-putin-knocks-prosecution-of-trump/
  9. Which policies of Trump do you like? Besides the border, I'm not sure what you might like about him policy-wise, and he did zippo to help the border crisis, so his policy had no impact. Are you for getting out of NATO even though it has kept us out of largescale war? If NATO goes away, Russia will march though Europe. That would be very bad for America. He had 4 years to deliver on his many promises and came up with nothing, lying every step of the way. He hated Obamacare, solely because he hates Obama because Obama taunted him in front of people at a dinner. He promised better healthcare before getting into office and on multiple occasions said he would reveal the greatest medical plan ever, in 2 weeks, but nothing ever came out. What did he deliver on? McConnell got Republicans the Supreme Court. What exactly is the lure of Trump other than it's a way of saying FU to American government, which would be fine if he really was a reformer, and that's one thing he ain't? We know her character is light years ahead of Trump. Everyone's is who isn't in the tank for him, which includes 90 something percent of Republicans in Congress. Ditto for brightness. Neither one is even debateable.
  10. Nope. What is your complaint with her?
  11. You, more than anyone else here writes a lot without addressing things. Here you have made up something entirely. Almost everyone I knew was livid with Trump when he made his comments about 9/11, but you are free to make up whatever you want in regards to that topic or anything else. Why is it that when there is irrefutable negative info about Trump, his supporters say look over there?
  12. Had no problem with either one and having grown up in NYC, I already knew Trump was a crook, liar, and sociopath, by how he stiffed the people he hired, and by his constant buffoonery. The single worst candidate to ever seek office in my lifetime. As I have previously written here, my buddy was in charge of loans for a major bank in NYC. Trump came to him for a business loan. They spent a week together and my buddy denied the loan. He later told me that Trump couldn't understand the simplest business concepts and that he was the stupidest person who ever came to him for a loan.
  13. The toddler is toddling. The Walls Be Closing Trump keeps saying stupid self-defeating things. The Walls Be Closing
  14. On the interview with Trump, I didn't hear the part where they asked him if he now had the tallest building in Manhattan. I must have missed it. Are you honestly saing that Trump's comments weren't reprehensible by any standard. 3,000 dead and his thoughts are on how tall his building is. You really don't see that he cares about no one besides himself? Frankly, I'm surprised you would want to bring up the Saudis, considering your position. Are you referring to the Saudi who gifted Kushner with 2 billion dollars? What exactly was the comparable with Biden that concerns you? Facts don't matter in the era of Trump. Now we have alternative facts.
  15. You're repeating what I said. The guy who killed another guy said he looked suspicious because he didn't recognize him. What made the murdered man suspicious other than he was walking. Do you think this might have played out differently if Trayvon was white? Would that have made him less suspicious? What gave Zimmerman the right to stalk him? Why didn't Zimmerman listen to the cops? If Zimmerman was black and Trayvon was white and Zimmerman killed Trayvon, you think Zimmerman would be free today? This is the guy you're backng: In July 2005, Zimmerman was arrested after allegedly assaulting an undercover police officer who was attempting to arrest a friend of his at a bar. The charges were dropped after Zimmerman agreed to enter an alcohol education program. A month later in August, Zimmerman's former fiancé filed a restraining order against him, citing domestic violence as the cause. In early 2011, Zimmerman participated in a citizen forum at the Sanford City Hall to protest against the beating of a black homeless man by the son of a white Sanford police officer. During the meeting, Zimmerman claimed he witnessed "disgusting behavior" while participating in a ride-along program with local police; however, the police department said later that it did not know when, if ever, Zimmerman was in that program.
  16. Both Dems. This Davis fellow is horrified by debt and for some reason left out Trump, the king of American debt.
  17. You keep saying the guy acted suspiciously and told us that the reason you know this is because the guy who shot him said so. This is reasonable thought to you? The cops explicitly told him to stop. Imagine if the cops had killed Zimmerman because they said he was acting suspiciously and explicitly against what the cops had told him to do. What would have been your reaction to that? So, you skipped the election? What about 24?
  18. So when Trump bragged about now having the tallest building in Manhattan, while the towers burned, you thought that was a normal thing to say at that time? That he was lying is merely yet another example of how he is incapable of truth. Would you have said something similar while thousands were dying? Trying to gauge your humanity. Since you have raised the issue, who did you vote for? Who will you vote for in 24?
  19. Yeah!!! The black guy was in the wrong neighborhood!!!!! He should have been stalked!!!!! You mean all those folks here who defend Trump are closet Biden voters? Are you one of those guys?
  20. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/9-11-trump-tallest-building-manhattan-b2164420.html Trump supporters here seem unable to come up with anything to justify this. Wondering if any of them lost someone in 9/11. Normally I would say no, but after guys like Cruz bent over for Trump, I guess that wouldn't even slow them down in their devotion. What a bunch of spineless nothings.
  21. Good to hear that if Trump is convicted by a jury of his peers that you and the other Trump supporters here will simply and calmly accept the findings of the jury. Don't fret. I understand that you'll be bloodthirsty with rage and vengeance if that miscarriage of justice takes place. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey, no Trump supporters will comment on Trump's reaction to 9/11 while it happened. I wonder why?
  22. Obvious that at least so far trumpers can't figure out his POS behavior on 9/11. Why no skine-erd? Farley? B-Man?
  23. Guess OJ was innocent, too. Jury said so.
  24. Since it's 9/11, let's relive one of the moments where Trump showed that he's not only incapable of being a good President, but someone every Trump supporter would hate if they were not in his cult. None of them will be able to offer even the slightest justification for what he did. It's hard to believe he's not pure evil when listening to this. Thousands of people were burning to death and what was he thinking and talking about? Doc or anyone else here want to say that Trump is not a POS?
  25. Who was stalking whom? Yeah, I am the one misrepresenting.
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