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Everything posted by Kemp

  1. I sure do prefer him to Ingram who was THE darling here a few weeks ago.
  2. To me, the one thing that separates this team from being a contender is a stud linebacker. We all know that one will come out of this draft, but no one is sure who it will be. I hope the Bills are lucky enough to step in it. They have one good linebacker, a couple who might get better, and one that will be injured most of the season. The Bills need a replacement for Merriman and one is out there. Don't have a clue who it will turn out to be, though. Fill that hole and the D is set, and I think the O is good enough to be a playoff team, provided they have a D that can make stops and create turnovers.
  3. He is the best and most successful coach in the last 50 years and any Bills fan who would not have wanted him steering the Bills is slower than the Wonderlic fellow currently being discussed in another thread. Also wish we had that guy that some refer to as Marcia in an attempt to paont him as soft or gay or whatever it is they are shooting for.
  4. You mean there are people who still believe in Merriman? If I could get a line in Vegas for over under Merriman games, i would bet under just about any number.
  5. I doubt he will play a game this year. If he does play a couple I will guess he is virtually ineffectual.
  6. Merriman has been an unmitigated disaster but now some view him as a positive because some other good players are accepting millions to be here. This is the opposite of sound reasoning.
  7. I watched some 2011 film, too, and he still strikes me as not quick enough. Hey, if they take him, hopefully I will be wrong.
  8. I didn't watch him all season, studying him, but he really does look like a player who will not excel at any position to me. We agree to disagree.
  9. Looked at a bunch of his films. The following link points to one of them and this one in particular made him look very ordinary. I've seen a few others, as well. Maybe he was hurt in the films I saw. Otherwise, call me non-impressed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iN0qbLJK9ro If there is an explosive reaction time by him, I ain't seeing it.
  10. I think Ingram is not particularly quick, nor strong, and is not a stud at any position. I would not take him at 10. Frankly, he looks like a borderline NFL'er to me and in the 1st round, I want a 5 year starter. Yeah, I know I could be way off, but so could those trumpeting his attributes.
  11. That is solely because it includes a part of the season where the Giants defense was torn up by injuries. When healthy, they may have had the best D in the game, and it was definitely smashmouth. Was it great? No. But it was very good. As to one of your other points, while the league has definitely gone Offense, the other reasons teams can't field a good defense year after year is free agency and the plethora of injuries that has become commonplace.
  12. I'm as negative as they come, but I believe that if they can come up with one good LB and one good DE before next season, the are playoff-bound. I'm not saying it will be easy to do that, but I do believe the offense is already good enough, and the D is closer than some think. This also assumes that Williams will be healthy (which I have no reason not to believe). If true, they will be much tougher to run against. Two people who can put pressure on a QB is all that's missing from a playoff appearance. Easy? No. Possible? Very.
  13. Wait until Ward is 43 before getting him. Maybe Shannon Sharpe is available.
  14. Nothing better than fans who say if this happens I am gone! None ever leave.
  15. Danny, If it's overpaying it is by definition stupid. If they can sign him at a fair price, sign him. If someone else is willing to grossly overpay, than let him walk. He owes the Bills nothing and they owe him nothing. It is business.
  16. For those of you hellbent on signing SJ, would you do so at 9 million? I wouldn't. No idea what he will command but he isn't worth elite payment, in my opinion.
  17. Please stop including Merriman as even a faint option. If the Bills brass is still thinking likewise they are incompetent. I assumed he would not play last year. I assume the same this year. If I could get a bet in Vegas on Merriman over/under 7 regular season games, I'd bet the retirement money on under.
  18. I always smile when fans say they will leave if...... They all stay. I have no opinion about SJ leaving because I won't know what he turned down but there is no way that I would give him superstar money. Dropping big passes and giving the opposing team 15 yards on kickoffs prevents him from being considered great.
  19. People who look the other way when the big receiver suffers from dropsys in big spots shouldn't be goofing on anyone. SJ is a very good receiver. So far he falls far short of the 4th best in the game.
  20. Including Merriman as an important injury is funny. Expecting him to play without injury is hysterical.
  21. Moss? Over the hill pain in the butt? Hines? This is as stupid as believing Merriman can help.
  22. Rob, if you prefer Tom to her, that is fine with me. Your business.
  23. Yeah, we all know that if it weren't for her voice that the two of you would be together. It was her voice that made you say no.
  24. I wish Brady and Belichick had spent their careers with the Bills. For my money Belichick might be the best guy to ever have on your side.
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