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Everything posted by Kemp

  1. Slaussen is a cutoff.
  2. I want both Georgia guys.
  3. Normally, drafting for need is a mistake, but in all the years I have been watching the Bills, I have never seen a group as bad as their current linebacking, and it has been that way for a while. If one of those Georgia LBs excites the guys in charge I grab one of them at 8.
  4. I am no Fitz fan but a lot of you seem to have forgotten that last year's D was record-breaking bad. A QB won't fix that. Shore up the D and draft a QB in alater round. I love Jarvis and Ogletree but I realize Ogie could be great or a nut.
  5. Wow! Someone believes Cassel and Brady are comparable.
  6. Silly argument. I defy anyone to show me how they would be worse off if they took a punter every year. From everything I've read, I doubt Glennon is still in the NFL by 2016.
  7. Patterson's highlight reel features far more returns and handoffs than catches. I am not impressed. I ripped the pick of Graham last year because of his bad hands in college and was scoffed at by many here. He ended up the worst or close to worst in the receiver rankings. Does not mean I will be right again. Obviously.
  8. Classy people don't trash the QB of the team they just worked for. Amazing that some think so much of Metzelaars. He was an average NFL tight end for a short while. The way some talk about him you would think he was a HOF guy. What a whiner. I am sure every other team will be in a salary war to obtain his services.
  9. Dynasty type defense tells me you were drinking to excess on your birthday.
  10. According to at least one service, Levitre was the best guard in football last year at pass protection.
  11. I confess that I agree with almost all of your points, but I still think there is a happy medium between personal freedom and restrictions on a society in order to keep order. To the central point of this thread, there is little question that concussions and long-term brain damage are on the rise at an alarming rate. The studies that have recently been published make it starkly clear that a lot of young boys are sustaining damage that is causing problems that must be dealt with. However it is dealt with is unimportant. What is important is that it does get dealt with, or we run the risk of losing football, something none of us wants.
  12. Which personal freedoms have we lost? You said there are many. Should 5 year-olds be allowed to drive? Should 3 year-olds be allowed to have alcohol? Many parents are idiots. The fact that they can produce a kid does not make them wise. Society needs some constraints. Slippery slope arguments are always weak to me.
  13. You already can't use the helmet as a weapon but it still happens regularly, so what's your point. Cars do crash but they are also a means of transportation, so your analogy seems flawed to me. If someone does spear and hurt another kid, what would be your solution? A penalty? A suspension? A banning? Really curious about your answer. I think equipment should be re-designed so that helmets and pads cause less impact. I also believe that until that time that keeping your kids out of the game is the sane thing to do. I love football and want it to stay but it is heading in a bad direction. These studies make it clear that more and more kids are getting seriously hurt at younger and younger ages. These are facts. They are not opinions. The fact that you and I did not get hurt playing as kids is anecdotal. On a side note, hockey concussions are also way up. This is because people skate faster, they are bigger and impact is therefore more forceful. Making it even worse is the equipment is now used as a lethal weapon. Scott Stevens, a great defenseman, but a true creep, purposely used his shoulder pads to injure opposing players. He handed out loads of concussions this way. When I played college hockey the pads were more leather than plastic and we got hurt far less often than players today.
  14. http://espn.go.com/espn/otl/story/_/id/7601017/study-impact-kids-football-head-hits-severe-college-games
  15. We have learned that kids of high school age are getting concussions at an amazingly high rate. While you may have a problem with government intrusion, clearly some changes might be of use. When I played the equipment served more as protection than as a weapon. If it weren't for some government intrusion we would be at the mercy of some corporations that show no hesitation when it comes to damaging our health. We need the corporations and the government. It is when one side gets too powerful that we get royally screwed.
  16. Kelvin Sheppard's accolades post Senior Bowl taught me to disregard the game.
  17. Anyone who could not see that a flag should have been thrown on that pass is clearly not paying attention or had a rooting interest. If that exact scenario happened to the Bills, the opinion of the original poster would have done a 180.
  18. Apparently you are unaware of how to define sexual preferences. Read up on it.
  19. You should not bring up logic when you compare Belichick to Norv Turner or Marty Schottenheimer. Belichick, by anyone's standards is one of the top 3 football coaches of all-time. To me, he is easily the best. Yes, it would be a better argument for Belichick if he won the Super Bowl every year, but even then fans like you would say he once got caught cheating. And spying isn't in any way equivalent to doping. Do you dismiss all of the Steelers titles because we now know that they were stone-cold users? By the way, Armstrong was the best cyclist. They all were using. That is why when they take away titles they can't award anyone else the titles. http://www.theonion.com/articles/bill-belichick-builds-new-tight-end-from-mutilated,30952/
  20. Belichick has 5 more rings than the Bills franchise. He wins every year. In a cap era. That is insanely successful. To not understand this is impossible. Ergo, you are kidding yourself. The greatest trade in the history of football was Belichick for a draft pick.
  21. How do you know they cheated in all those years? How do you know other teams were not doing the same? Using your logic, none of the big stars in baseball used PEDs, because it has never been proved. How do you explain the Pats continuing to dominate since the incident? Do you dismiss the Super Bowls of the Steelers because of their rampant steroid abuse? Do you dismiss all the earlier Super Bowl results because of steroids? I believe the first known use of steroids goes back 50 years. I think it was SD that first used it in an AFC championship. Do you dismiss all the use of speed that played a role in baseball and football teams winning? I stand firmly behind my two earlier assertions. Funny that if it had been the Bills that your view on all this would skew 180 degrees.
  22. What an inane post. Brady is two huge plays by the Giants away from two more Super Bowls. The team is in play every year during a cap era. Their receivers have been less than average. I have been a Bills fan since before any Super Bowls. Two things are indisputable facts. 1. Brady is an all time great. 2. More importantly, Belichick is probably the best coach or manager I have ever seen in sports. Bitter partisans looking to lance them only make themselves look ignorant and bitter.
  23. Noticed you left out the two rings running the Giants defense. How many coaches can you name with 5 rings. To not understand that he is a great football mind is to not understand the game.
  24. Lots of talent? Bad QB One good wide receiver Worst group of linebackers in NFL Horrific corners (Gilmore might get better) What great talent!
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