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Everything posted by Kemp

  1. The freedom to carry a bag into a stadium is a lesser-known clause of the Constitution.
  2. Never knew football, or sports for that matter, is the archenemy of Liberals. I'll assume your post was satirical in nature.
  3. As I said before, the problem lies within the concussions to kids taking a longterm effect on them. I don't care what adults do to each other on the football field. However, there are times I am glad when gov't does intervene. I am glad there are helmet laws for motorcylists. Personally I don't care if they die because they want to be idiots, it's the inevitable thinning of the herd, but I don't want anyone I know have to watch their brains splattered all over the pavement because they are too macho/stupid to wear a helmet. A child can't legally sign a waiver and a lot of adults are too stupid to know what they are signing for their kids. Bin Laden destroyed the NFL? Interesting slant..
  4. PC Police? Always love when this phrase gets tossed out by anyone who yearns for a past that never was. Making the game safer is the only chance it has of surviving. It's one thing for adults to decide to bash each other's brains in. It's a whole different matter for kids. Considering that all of the recent research points definitively to the main problem with longterm concussion problems happens to kids in high school and younger, it might be a smart idea to try and figure out a way to help prevent that. None of this is about eliminating football. I love it as much as anyone and for longer than most.
  5. He is faster???????????????
  6. To prevent any further problems perhaps it would be a good idea for us to filter all of our posts and thoughts through you before we make them public. This would greatly reduce any uninformed opinions from ever being made available for public consumption. Otherwise, think of the damage to the children.
  7. It is patently fair to offer an opinion on anything and everything. Brown was easily the best running back I ever saw. I am certain he went through hell being black in that era. Some of his actions were great since retirement. Some were reprehensible.
  8. Rogers is clearly still a fool. Hopefully he learns, but I doubt it.
  9. He had a good rookie season.He was terrible last year. Not a down year. That said, he gets a pass because of his brother. This is his year to define himself. Get it done or he is not worth keeping.
  10. Comparing Smith and Manuel today is akin to comparing two people who have not yet been born and arguing which one will be a better NFL QB. I don't care how they talk or what they say. I care about how they perform. Until they actually play I don't give a rat's ass about what anyone thinks about these two. NFL GM's make wrong choices all the time. It is a hit and miss game. Drawing conclusions from press conferences or how they acted on draft day is ridiculous.
  11. Every year Norris gets a little bit more stupid.
  12. Better than Ed Reed?! Was this supposed to be a funny comment and I missed the sarcasm?
  13. Excellent logical point. This year isn't last year so the Bills have a chance of winning two ROY awards. Brilliant. My point stands. Making possible predictions of greatness in May are beyond absurd. Tells us all the last time you heard negatives about rookies on any team in May.
  14. I'll bite. What makes Manuel the frontrunner for ROY just because he starts? I like comic relief threads.
  15. This notion of two rookies of the year reminds me of the fans here last year before the season telling me that the Bills will have one of the top D's in the league and that they might have the best pass rush in the league. Fans are funny people.
  16. Chips are fine with players that feel that they have something to prove about their abilities. Rogers has the ability and everyone knows it. His problem is attitude. He is the last type of person to need a chip on his shoulder. If he doesn't lose that chip, he will lose.
  17. The only thing that bothers me about Rogers is that he said he is playing with a chip on his shoulder. That chip has already put him on the edge of ending up as another fool who had the gifts to play but ended up a terminal loser. Being humble is what the idiot needs to learn or he will remain an idiot.
  18. Mitch wins the ironic post of the thread. Actually, it's one of the most ironic posts I have ever seen.
  19. Some Bills fans, with nothing of substance to go after Brady for, are reduced to 4th grade stuff. Winning is the goal and while Fitz, Edwards, Johnson, and Losman, have all been awesome QB's, I would not have minded Brady as a Bill for all of these years.
  20. He missed TJ Grahams total catches for the season by 3. He missed Gilmore's total tackles by 3.6.
  21. LT by a mile. I go back a long way and Butkus might be second best, but LT played at a whole different level.
  22. Patterson never looks like a receiver to me. He looks like a kick returner. I am sick and tired of the Bills drafting players that turn out to be kick returners.
  23. It seems to be a popular notion, but Mario at LB sounds horrific to me.
  24. People who judge how players will turn out on the field based on the way they talk or handle themselves in front of the media should not be questioning the brains of those players. Those making these judgments need look no further than Mr. Tebow.
  25. Calling Graham not anything special is the highest praise I have seen of him since he started playing with the Bills.
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