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Everything posted by Kemp

  1. I don't see any difference between the defense of last season and this season.
  2. There is only a real rivalry when both teams are good. For now, it is only one of sixteen games. Win or lose will not determine the rest of the year unless someone big gets hurt on either team.
  3. I prefer Easley over Graham. Hopefully I am proven wrong. I also prefer Hogan over Rogers. Productivity over potential.
  4. Smith didn't blast the pick. Bullsh*t headline. While I hope E.J. proves the naysayers wrong, that anyone thinks he already has is pretty funny.
  5. To be fair to Tuel, EJ did nothing against the first stringers either. Not saying Tuel is better.
  6. He's looking better, now.
  7. Manuel has looked a couple of rungs short of fine so far. It's preseason for Indy and a few other teams as well. Somehow a lot of other teams have thrown balls that traveled more than 8 yards in the air. This was one of the biggest complaints we universally shared against the previous administration. Again, I'm not saying that it's an accurate indicator of what the regular season will bring. It's just not all that encouraging on this day.
  8. You can only judge what you see. Has little to do with how it will turn out, but right now he looks worse than Fitz. Hopefully, he's nervous and needs time. The only thing that really disturbed me was that on one pass he looked like he was shot-putting rather than throwing a football. When one of my players did that in Pop Warner I pulled him from the game. At this level it's a sight that is awfully rare. Also a tad surprised that with all of the hoopla about Buffalo now being a vertical team that they have not thrown deep once.
  9. Manuel could be Joe Montana someday, but so far today he is closer in ability to Hannah Montana. That pass to Hogan up the middle was made by an incredibly unsure player who looked nowhere close to NFL-ready.
  10. Spiller gets hurt early in season. Backups do fine. Manuel starts poorly and finishes pretty good. Passing game in general better. Defense is better than last year (big deal) but is prone to long tds against. Between 6-8 wins.
  11. Ovrerraction is fun to watch.
  12. In order to make people believe you are being sarcastic in print, you need to be better at writing in that manner. Hey, maybe I'm being sarcastic, too.
  13. QB and receiver and LB and DB all stinking at once was not a good winning formula.
  14. We root for possibly the worst run team in the NFL over the last 15 years. All Belichick does is win more than anyone else ever has, but some of you view Malloy as overriding his legacy. Every one of you would love him if he was the Bills coach. Those of you calling him classless would be laughing if he was ours. This thread should be called grasping at straws.
  15. Ridiculous and narrow comment. The same can be said for any coach if you remove a great player. Parcells without LT, not to mention Belichick pops to mind. Belichick has 5 rings that he was a major part of. Was Walsh nothing without the greatest WR ever? When there was no Brady, they made ito the playoffs with someone worse than Fitz. Not liking Belichick is one thing. Not acknowledging his singular greatness as a coach is another.
  16. Wondering how long a defensive coordinator will be here before a down has been played is funny stuff.
  17. Until he proves otherwise, Graham stinks. Goodwin is an unknown. Hopefully he is a lot better than Graham.
  18. Graham was one of the worst WRs in the league last year, so I'm not sure why anyone thinks he might be very good, other than hoping it to be that way. Maybe he learned how to catch and hold onto a football in the off-season. Who knows? I do know that looking good in no-contact drills is incredibly meaningless. I wil feel that the guys they just got are the real deal if Graham doesn't make the opening day roster. Hopefully, I'm wrong and Graham becomes what some seem to think he already is, but if you can't hold onto the football in college and in your first professional season, color me doubtful.
  19. My favorite personal memory was attending OJ's game at Shea when he went over 2,000 yards. I wonder whatever happened to him.
  20. Grew up in NYC and I'm back here again. In 1963, I saw Kemp playing and became a Bills fan because his name is similar to mine. Still get annoyed when I remember them getting blown out by the Chiefs and failing to meet the Packers in the first Super Bowl, even though it wasn't called that, then.
  21. Book it and bank on it always make me laugh.
  22. Merely pointed out that choosing a slice of immorality and illegality to get upset about in a league like the NFL is silly. I wasn't the least bit angry when I wrote the previous post. Never had piss in corn flakes.
  23. Comparing NSA spying to what goes on in football is laughable because if yiu want to head to higher moral ground, professiinal spirts is a poor choice to use as an example. Since all teams have encouraged illegal drug use or at the very least looked the other way, spare me using morality in a discussion of the relative participants in the game. And let's not forget how many NFL players have run afoul of the law and still been lauded as heroes.
  24. Parcells has zero rings without Belichick. Belichick has three without Parcells.
  25. I heard that it will be Betty White.
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