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Everything posted by Kemp

  1. Anyone who believes Moulds was better than Reed knows nothing about football. Rice once called Reed the best WE in the game. If Watkins isn't much better than Moulds, the trade is a disaster.
  2. Please. Overcompensating? Enough with the bullsh*t excuses for Dareus the Idiot. Got benched twice last year for screwing up. How did he not get it after the first time? How stupid is this man? Two more fockups since then. What a dumbass.
  3. Guy is now an official Assclown. Dump him. He will probably straighten out elsewhere, but at this point fick him.
  4. The most overrated businessman of all time. Born into millions. Ran it all into bankruptcy and survived because of junk bonds and bailouts. Good self-promoter, though.
  5. I love stories that don't prove what they claim to prove.
  6. Worthwhile attempt, but idiots usually don't become smart.
  7. My problems with the QB are is accuracy and his penchant for injuries. The injuries might be avoidable if he gets smarter. Accuracy is a different story. He needs receivers that can steal passes from defenders. Watkins appears to be that. We'll see.
  8. Dealing him now may devalue the acquisition of Watkins. With him, they have a top-tier group of receivers. Why break that up for a fourth or fifth rounder?
  9. A great move with no real downside. He is the real deal. If it doesn't work out it will mean EJ failed, in which case it would unravel anyway.
  10. Lewan. Don't want Ebron.
  11. Why does Manziel become valuable at 9, as opposed to earlier?
  12. Since Polian is saying to avoid Ebron, I hope the Bills pass on him.
  13. Trump said he was interested because he is a media whore. He just loves to be talked about. It is like his phony runs at president.
  14. I see a not very consistently accurate arm. He gets a free pass for the upcoming season. Either he improves or he is gone.
  15. As always, talk is cheap. If Bill let him go, he had good reasons.
  16. Brandon's success will most likely be defined by Manuel's success.
  17. I always laugh when fans say they will no longer be a fan if this or that happens. You will still be a fan or you were never a fan. That is the way it works.
  18. I think it is absurd that you can teach an NFL player how to tackle. This is a skill you should have learned way before the NFL. The Seahawks defense is superior because of speed, athleticism, size, strength, and skills acquired long ago.
  19. While watching the game I could not help think about the abuse that would have hit here if the quarterback had been Brady instead of Manning. Seattle won't be back next year. A couple of injuries and bad breaks will stop them like it stops everyone else.
  20. Now i know my opinion does not matter because someone's who had a bad cuckold experience told me so. Never said I was a Pats fan. Said I root for them when Buffalo gets eliminated. Some people think being a good fan is displaying as much venom as possible. Reminds me of the idiots in the stands who get drunk and want to fight. A very pathetic lot.
  21. Someone had a bad personal experience.
  22. Some forms of cheating are okay while others are not? Brilliant logic.
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