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Everything posted by Kemp

  1. I am confused by a lot of you. Saying things like EJ is a slow starter or it's a meaningless game or if Williams had made a great catch etc,. He almost could not have looked worse. Multiple batted down passes, throwing it into the hands of a defender, not a single nice pass other than a very short one. None of this proves he is not the answer, but it inspires zero confidence. Hopefully, this works out. Hope is the best we currently have.
  2. So, if you could support your family by accepting the offer, you would turn it down. While this might be possible, it's funny that people who when faced with this reality, almost never react as you think you would.
  3. This is what is wrong with the country? Funny stuff. Management shows no loyalty to players or fans. Players show no loyalty to management or fans. Fans show loyalty to jerseys only. Fans are the worst. They talk of loyalty, but if given a chance to make the big bucks, they would all jump for it. People looking for loyalty in sports or business don't understand how things work. Saying that any of this is what is wrong with America is missing the real issues that are wrong with America.
  4. Almost no qb does well in his sophomore season? Everyone made excuses for his rookie season. Having excuses ready before the second season is sad. Lots of good qbs figure it out quickly. The biggest problem to me is his accuracy. Not sure why that would take a quantum leap at this point, but he has this season to prove himself. A bad season and they are drafting another qb. Reports out of camp aren't exactly heartening. You want to give him a total of four seasons to figure it out. If he displayed accuracy but his smarts were off, maybe, but he seems pretty bright. Not sure what camp news is worth, but Geno is getting raves.
  5. I prefer Geno because so far he appears to be a better pure passer, but that might change this year.
  6. Unclear why so many hate Jaworski.
  7. I didn't say to cut him, but he is stupid.
  8. I don't think he should be cut but he missed snaps in two games last season because of stupidity.
  9. All sports used to be like that. I live in the NYC area, and growing up I used to see a lot of NY Rangers in the summer. Most had pretty big bellies. They also earned a fraction of what Dareus does. Lots of athletes had off-season jobs. My favorite was Richie Hebner (MLB). He was a grave digger.
  10. Dareus is an idiot. Will he figure it out? Amazing to have a chance like this in life and respond like this.
  11. It is none of our business what this illnes is about until Glenn wants it made public. Those acting as if they have the right to obtain this information are not thinking real clearly. All I know is, when it is mentioned that it might cause him to miss the entire season, it's not a pulled hammy..
  12. Cool. Anti-Semitism in a Buffalo Bills thread.
  13. They share two rings. Belichick has 3 solo. Parcells has zero. Saying Parcells is better seems silly to me.
  14. How many Super Bowls has Parcells won without Belichick? He also had the best defensive player in history. Walsh had the greatest receiver in the history of the game and arguably the best qb ever. Coughlin is an interesting choice that has clearly come through in the clutch.
  15. Who is a good coach? Lombardi? Lot of hall of famers on his teams. Anyone else you think is better?
  16. Nothing to do with being a Bills fan? Other fans B word about it. Some Bills fans are obsessed. And it is not just about the coach. Brady is often portrayed here as a pansy. No NFL qb is, let alone an all-time great.
  17. In a league where every team has criminals, including felons, and players cheating with drugs, people want to make a big deal about Belichick communicating with a player when he shouldn't? It's tough enough being a Bills fan, but one of the worst parts is hearing fans bitching about the Pats all the time. To me, it's part of the losing mentality of some Bills fans.
  18. Grammar police sighting. If you don't express a specific opinion on a subject being discussed and instead resort to famous quotes, I am free to come up with my own conclusions about your opinions. That is one problem with tossing out Biblical-type quotes instead of making your own opinion clear.
  19. Sayings are fun, but they have to be applicable to a particular situation. Fine, have it your way. Execute whoever the prosecutor wants executed.
  20. I'm a liberal and I have a solution to the death penalty debate. Have a death penalty. However, if a person put to death is later found to be innocent, the prosecutor must be executed.
  21. Rooting for 0-16 at any time is idiotic. Rooting for it when you don't have a first round pick is truly moronic. The explanation given for this opinion displays someone without a clue who has far too much time on his hands.
  22. This is a very good group of receivers. If the OL does a decent job and Manuel doesn't break through this year, they will probably be doomed for another 3 seasons. No more excuses.
  23. Trump is the biggest self-promoter in America. He probably is not interested in the Bills, just like his phony interest in politics. Born into an incredibly wealthy family and having at least once gone bankrupt, some still think he is brilliant.
  24. Patent law is no longer a real law, presuming it ever was. Someone close to me invented something about 15 years ago that every single person here uses every day. Google tried to come up with an alternative product, but repeatedly failed, so they blatantly stole the patent. My friend sued. During discovery, emails from within Google were placed into evidence that state they are breaking the patent. The courts ruled in favor of Google, to the shock of all patent attorneys. Patents are rigged, much like everything else.
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