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Everything posted by Kemp

  1. Why does the league want the Pats to win?
  2. It's tough enough being a Bills fan. Reading the incessant whining that somehow it's the ref's fault that the Bills lose every season is pathetic.The idea that anyone believes that the refs favor some teams at the expense of others is so stupid that it is almost beyond belief. Switch qbs and you get a different result. I don't know that I have ever seen a qb freeze more when he is under a rush than Orton. He doesn't even attempt to evade the defense. He just tenses his body for the hit. Sadly, he is still far better than EJ.
  3. That site does pretty good work and it's hard to argue with the idea that the OL is the worst part of the team, at present. For all of the positive chatter about Seantrel, he hasn't been very good. Yes, I know he is a rookie, but where he was drafted is irrelevant.
  4. https://www.profootballfocus.com/blog/2014/10/08/offensive-line-rankings-2/ According to Pro Football Focus, the problems can be traced directly to the worst offensive line in the NFL.
  5. The OC cannot make a QB throw an accurate pass. Almost everyone finally gets that EJ isn't cutting it. Almost everyone.
  6. At this point, the smart posters see the abyss. Something us stupid posters have known about for a while. Even if you leave in the Williams TD, the stats are embarrassing.
  7. Remove the Williams TD and the stat line reads 43 passes for around 140 yards. Mind-numbingly inept. Is the original poster of this thread still on the bandwagon? Any of the "smart" posters still out there so they can explain to us idiots just how wonderful EJ's career is progressing?
  8. Their division appears to be exceptionally weak this season, at least so far. Except for Denver and perhaps N.E., I don't see any powerhouses the rest of the year. Granted, we can't be sure who might emerge. This is the best overall squad Buffalo has had in a decade, in my opinion. The team has been constructed to help EJ succeed this season at the expense of the future. It's on him now.
  9. If only
  10. In other words, the Bills have their softest schedule in recent memory. As long as EJ doesn't stink, the playoffs are a virtual guarantee. That's not complicated, either.
  11. EJ is more accurate than Matt Cassel. http://www.fieldgulls.com/seahawks-analysis/2014/9/23/6832611/total-accuracy-matt-stafford-ej-manual-russell-wilson
  12. The players around EJ have gotten better. If it were just about decision-making, it would be acceptable. It's primarily about inaccuracy. Not sure how that is correctable.
  13. I agree that the notion of drafting a project in Round 1 is stupid. Curious if everyone can agree upon that unless EJ is markedly improved by the end of this season that he will not be the starter here next season.
  14. I listen to most of his broadcasts and he has been exceptionally kind in his words about EJ. Even said he was rooting for him. Since then he has stated that he doesn't think EJ will make it. Thst said anyone who wants to punch him in the face comes across as childish.
  15. How was Foles in his second season? Cousins has less starts than EJ. Would you rather have EJ or either of them? It is no longer about hindsight. Curious what you have against him. I think he has the best feel for football of any of the radio hosts.
  16. Obviously, the guys on radio are ignorant bashers.
  17. When the topic is accuracy, comparing EJ and Luck is comical.
  18. Sorry, I slipped into baseball mode. We don't see a quality passer.
  19. This is the problem with the posting of this thread. Those of us who don't believe that EJ will ever be the answer get taunted and called names like bashers and haters because the team wins two games. Granted that is akin to a 7 game winning streak for most franchises. To us, we don't see an NHL thrower. We see a decent game manager. This makes us stupid to the defenders of EJ. We have seen him put his receivers at risk of injury numerous times. If you're not accurate, you force WRs into vulnerable positions. Woods and Watkins have both almost gotten killed after 3 games. It's not an encouraging sign. Those calling for Orton make little sense to me, though. He is the definition of a QB without a future. Let EJ finish the year. If he improves, keep him. If he doesn't cut him. Telling us he should get a 3rd season even if he is no good this year is the most idiotic of all of the opinions here.
  20. If Buffalo wins convincingly, they will be on every top ten list.
  21. The only effect of a large movement in a line is that the house risks getting middled.
  22. Less than zero chance. He is not even close.
  23. By far the funniest people in this thread are the ones who say they can't believe how stupid this thread is, while they pretend they are not reading it.
  24. I have been criticized a couple of times in this thread for pointing out shortcomings of EJ. To those people, I am a basher. Read through the thread and tell me I am wrong.
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