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Everything posted by Kemp

  1. We can argue back and forth about Bills management, but anyone who doesn't understand that under Rex, the Bills have been possibly the worst disciplined team on the field, in the NFL, has either not been paying attention or is in total denial. And this guy is the one who drives me the most nuts: http://www.nflpenalties.com/player/j-hughes-buffalo-bills?year=2015
  2. Rex Ryan was specifically mentioned in the original post. so how is it off-topic?
  3. I would love if the Bills got Geno for EJ. Geno has much better throwing accuracy than EJ, but has been terrible at reading coverages. You can get better at reading coverages. It's much harder to become a more accurate thrower..
  4. Which league are you referring to?
  5. They shouldn't even allow Goodwin to walk until the Super Bowl, when they can unleash him.
  6. Don't feel bad. She's cut some guys off entirely. Sincerely, Rodney
  7. Stell dir vor, Trump die Rechnungen gekauft hatte. Einer seiner Söhne würde geschossen haben und Ragland getötet. Wyobraź sobie, jeśli Trump kupił rachunki. Jeden z jego synów strzał i zabił Ragland. Hope this clears up any confusion. Stellen Sie sich vor , wenn Trump die Rechnungen gekauft hatte. Einer seiner Söhne erschossen und Ragland getötet hätte .
  8. Imagine if Trump had bought the Bills. One of his sons would have shot and killed Ragland.
  9. What in that article told you he was a d-bag? What told you before this article?
  10. Um, maybe you should look at the personnel he inherited vs. the personnel he brought in. What he inherited crushed what he brought in. So, this notion that we should see who he brings in before casting judgment has no history to back up this reasoning. Maybe they will get better under him, but the idea that we should expect it makes no sense, today.
  11. Rex did his best when he inherited someone else's team in New York, so I'm not sure why he needs time this time. When he took control of the Jets, they fell apart. When has he developed a winning team?,
  12. So, Rob pulled his head out of the trough to utter a few words.
  13. Maybe the Bills should trade their next three first rounders for a kicker.
  14. Can't be sure, but I would bet it's the small intestine.
  15. I have Crohn's. A pretty bad case. Have had 5 surgeries. I had the two he had. The last surgery was 16 years ago. Since then I have done pretty well and have been an active participant in sports. There are many ways to treat Crohn's. The problem is finding the one that works for you. If he has found the correct one, he can play, with no loss in effectiveness. It's way too early to know his immediate outcome. More likely, an ileostomy.
  16. A funny comment when contrasted with your avatar.
  17. 2.9 million was later appealed down to under 600,000.
  18. For once, someone in public life speaks a truth and some think HE'S an idiot.
  19. Yeah, you idiots! Stand up and cheer about the first-rounder heading to surgery after we were specifically told by leadership that nothing was wrong with him.
  20. Good RBs are worthy of the HOF? Yeah, right. I didn't like him, but there is zero doubt he was a good RB.
  21. What was poorly wriitten? Brandt says the Bills are the biggest threat to overtake NE, and never contradicts it.
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