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Everything posted by Kemp

  1. Which QBs went from entirely inaccurate to accurate after reaching the NFL? Next you'll tell me that EJ has a possible future, too. You're comparing Jones to a player who can't be an NFL starter. Whooppeee.
  2. The problem with Cardale Jones as a QB is that he cannot throw accurately. One would think that that would be enough for everyone to understand that he has zero future.
  3. The OP nailed it except the first game against the Jets will have Buffalo missing an extra point.
  4. You're extrapolating that one receiver who can't stay on the field so far, will go on to have a great career because another receiver who couldn't stay on the field did, is as asinine as the notion that Watkins is already a bust. It might be more asinine.
  5. No idea how Watkins ends up, but the constant comparisons to Julio Jones based on their both not being able to stay on the field for 3 seasons is pretty funny.
  6. I'm afraid that you must be executed, too, for even mentioning the commandments.
  7. They must be executed.
  8. Did a "lightening" bug tell you how smart he is?
  9. If you are suffering from the level of pain that Crohns delivers, you don't walk. You run to the doctor.
  10. People with stomach pains have a 90% chance of an intestinal blockage? Less than 5% would be a much more accurate number.
  11. It's very possible he had it for many years before he was correctly diagnosed. It took about 15 years to arrive at my diagnosis.
  12. Since you wish to parse words, let me be more specific. For 50 seasons, at the least, teams have knowingly put performance enhancing drugs into their players. How many of these teams have suffered any consequences? All of these substances do irreparable harm to the players. The league has also attempted to squash any information about concussions. Yet, smoking pot is deemed as far worse as a problem by the league. Do you have a problem with this overt dishonesty promoted by the league? Teams put drugs into their players that damage the players long-term. The league not only does not punish anyone. They ignore it. But my post is odd to you?
  13. How many teams have been suspended for funneling drugs into their players?
  14. I think I understand. Beat the piss out of a woman. Keep playing. A team puts illegal drugs into a player. Keep playing. Fire a gun in a club. Keep playing. Run over a pedestrian. Keep playing. Smoke a joint. We can't allow this.
  15. As someone who suffers from the same condition as Henderson I sympathize greatly with him. Pot is a legitimate treatment option for Crohn's, although it's not enough by itself to totally control it. A league that pours malignant drugs into its players not allowing pot is absolute garbage.
  16. "Hope these homies run a train on this Tannehill wanna be, white boy." ?
  17. TT is number one in real value, to me, partially because he is the starting QB. One could argue Shady is better, but his best years are behind him. Watkins can't even be considered until he puts a whole season together. An argument could be made for Incognito. Kyle is almost done and not what he used to be. Dareus has to remove his head from his butt to be considered. Dimarco? Glenn is okay, but not much more.
  18. Analytics absolutely work in baseball and hockey. Makes it seem likely that they would be valuable in football.
  19. Wow! Ragland is better than Tom Brady!!!
  20. I've rooted for Belichick ever since he left the Giants because of my hatred of blowhard Parcells, who never won a thing without Bellichick.
  21. I long for a day when we Bills fans don't feel the need to obsess about Brady. The idea that Brady has had success because of cheating is demeaning to those who keep trotting that same crap out in thread, after thread, after thread. It's loser talk. Kandi knows.
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