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Everything posted by Kemp

  1. Took a few days off from this. Do you have a citation for your comment of "a lot of illegal immigrants registering to vote"? Nah. Just a POS human being. http://www.cnn.com/2014/01/15/us/jim-brown-fast-facts/
  2. I've had enough of Dareus. What good is talent if you're a stone-cold idiot?
  3. Everyone understands how he was elected. Comparing him to any president in recent memory, whether Democrat or Republican is laughable. I disagree with some presidents. This is the first one trying to destroy the system. Imagine if Obama's top adviser was an avowed follower of Lenin and what the fallout would have been. Never thought I would see the day when Lenin would be a hero of the Right.
  4. The concept of "hate speech" means the media is against the Constitution? Hate speech laws began in the 1940's in America. Until now, I had no idea Obama and the so-called "liberal media" were responsible for this issue. No wonder there are people who believe anything the dangerous idiot Trump says.
  5. How is the media against the Constitution? Trump has threatened to prosecute journalists. THAT is against the Constitution and is the M.O. of dictators, everywhere.
  6. In contrast to Trump, Nixon was a great president. Nixon would be considered a far-left president in today's Republican party and wouldn't stand a chance of being elected as a Republican, today. Nixon started the EPA. Trump has dismantled it. It's scary what is now considered conservative.
  7. Okay. John Adams and Nixon. Are we really citing Nixon as being a good thing in regards to contrasting with the honesty of the press? The media is against the Constitution? If you're 100% for Trump in any manner, it's unlikely we will agree upon anything.
  8. I don't remember any presidents calling the media an enemy of the people before Trump. I'd happily correct my opinion if you could point me to an example of that.
  9. Blaming the media has become a thing. The sad truth is that the media gives people what they want. It's a reflection of society. The Kardashians, for example, are a thing because marketing tells networks that people tune in to watch stories about them. Blaming the media for everything is lazy thinking, but lazy thinking is now an idea being propagated from the top, and it's going to get a lot worse. Defaming the media is always an important step in becoming an authoritarian nation. The strategy is clearly working in today's America.
  10. It says "should" stand. Hardly illegal to not stand. He would have a job, now, if not for his refusal to stand. Correct? I always get a kick out of the "Patriotic Right" always blaming the media for everything and calling those on the left snowflakes, when it's the other team that is always crying foul about everything. Those are the people making it into a big deal, not the media. "That guy isn't standing!!!!!" Boo hoo. Suck it up or don't watch the games instead of incessantly whining.
  11. Surprisingly, a policeman who shoots an innocent will usually not make a video of it. Blacks have maintained for years that these sorts of things have gone on forever. I used to not believe the allegations. Now, it's hard for me to believe that this hasn't happened on many other occasions. It doesn't always have to be about shootings, although the Amadou Diallo case is another example of just that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Amadou_Diallo Then there's the case of Abner Louima, who I actually became friends with after his incident. http://nypost.com/2007/07/30/louimas-haunted-high-life-10-years-later/ Then there's this case: http://www.nbcnews.com/id/28112637/ns/us_news-crime_and_courts/t/nyc-police-officers-charged-sodomy-attack/#.WZjAQVGGOM8 The point is that it's only logical that we only hear about a small percentage of the abuses. As I said earlier, I don't envy cops, but to not understand how blacks might have a problem with them is silly, to me. Would Slager have been charged if a bystander hadn't produced the video? Slager originally denied it happened as it did.
  12. You're right and I shouldn't have used the word prosecute. It should be punished, instead.
  13. You didn't understand that this was a race issue? I'm not sure if that's sad or funny.
  14. I am a big supporter of cops, in general, but I don't like the culture that a "good cop" won't "rat out" a "bad cop". It hurts all of them. I don't envy the positions cops are put in every day. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-1173602/GRAPHIC-Charleston-cop-fatally-shoots-man-runs-away.html
  15. Not a deflection. I didn't know what you were talking about. So, no players have expressed hatred of the military and especially veterans, as was claimed earlier? I'm not black, but I can understand how a black man in America might have an issue with cops, considering that cell phone videos have proven that some of their allegations, which I used to dismiss, have turned out to be true. How many cases of planted evidence and black men being shot for no reason does it take to think they might have a reason to not like cops? There have been two planted evidence videos in just the last two weeks. If a cop did that to you or a member of your family, you might have a problem with them, too. Anyway, none of this has anything to do with dishonoring veterans. That IS a strawman argument. Money is the real issue. Kapaernick is of little value to a football team. If Brady did it, I don't think New England would have released him.
  16. Neither side is ever happy.
  17. I don't understand your comment. Are you saying NFL players should be punished for not standing during the anthem because someone wore pig socks?
  18. Those who fail to stand for the anthem have never said they have anything against the military and/or veterans, to my knowledge. This is one of those strawman arguments made by people, who in my opinion, are trying to create a boogeyman for us to collectively hate, because of their own political opinions.
  19. I understand that. My response was to some of the other responses to the poster. I thought that was clear since I posted the comment I was responding to.
  20. Why does anyone care if a player doesn't want to stand during the national anthem? If no one complained, it wouldn't be an issue. Why does Person B have to acquiesce to the desires of Person A? It's always been my understanding that one of the hallmarks of freedom is the ability to protest without fear of any form of punishment. If we start to prosecute those who protest, we'll be the same as the countries we claim to despise for the lack of their freedoms. People get more bent out of shape by a player taking a knee during the anthem than a player who beats the piss out of a woman. That is unbelievably strange to me.
  21. You caught a glimpse of next year's draft order? Please post it.
  22. Before he got hurt, Sayers has to be in the conversation, and for a short stint, Bo might be the best of all..
  23. And LBs. Already best GM since Polian.
  24. Who cares what McCoy thinks? I don't care what any player thinks. Take your money and play.
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