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Everything posted by Kemp

  1. The Bills will end up with every player in the final round.
  2. Donations? You think Supreme Court judges get donations? YOU just admitted that a Supreme Court judge has repeately broken the law of accepting millions of dollars and never reported it for tax purposes. If you did that, you'd likely go to prison. That's the guy you're defending. Further proof that you will defend any crime committed as long as it helps your wannabe dictator. You have zero ethics.
  3. The primary argument isn't whether or not he altered a decision. It's that he has taken multiple, very large donations from someone for no logical reason. Why do you believe a Supreme Court is getting millions of dollars from someone? Ya think it's love?
  4. Argentina is a nice guy.
  5. https://www.theonion.com/clarence-thomas-announces-50-discount-on-all-favorable-1851282570
  6. https://nypost.com/2024/02/18/us-news/ceo-wins-autographed-gold-donald-trump-sneakers-after-13k-bid/
  7. I was talking about what WILL happen the 2nd time around, but it's good to see you say withdrawing from the treaty would be a huge mistake. Yet, if that day does come to pass, you will then defend it, because cults gotta cult.
  8. Policy is not the most important part of the problem, although it is a problem. It would dismantle NATO, one of the most important reasons America has flourished since WWII. Putin would try and extend his empire and despite Trumplicans now being aligned with Putin, it would not work out well for America. It's about the need to surround him with adults so he doesn't f up the entire country. Next time round, none of those people will be around him and he'll go the way of Orban, and nothing will be able to stop him, including the Supreme Court, if they decided to challenge him. He would ignore any ruling by them he didn't like. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  9. I'm having trouble imagining for what might he be fit.
  10. Not surprised you didn't get the connection.
  11. Why the large amounts of Versed? It is only used for surgical procedures. If all of these drugs showed up in prescriptions of one doctor without explanation, it would trigger an investigation. The White House ran its own drug cartel.
  12. More MAGA criminal activity.
  13. Yet, some of his supporters think he's a good man. The others don't care that he's human excrement, as long as they get a dictator that they think won't hurt THEM.
  14. Trump now thinks E.Jean Carroll is running for office. He's approaching being institutionalized.
  15. All caps. Cross the line. Trump and his supporters openly supporting illegal acts while claiming to be for law and order. He challenged Haley to a competency test. She said let's debate. His reaction? Attack the woman he raped. What a hero!
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