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Everything posted by IslandBillsFan

  1. I have been back and forth to PR 3 times since the storm. Without writing an essay, things are still very bad. By my estimate about 50% of homes and businesses do not have power. About 20% of homes/businesses still don't have water. It is a situation where people are leaving in droves and those who are staying are adjusting to the new normal. Many of my friends are on day 97 of no power. I was there from 10/10-11/16 with no power. It was a daily struggle of charging phones, getting ice, cooking on a grill, and sleeping in the heat with mosquitos. I am fortunate however now that I have power, water and internet. Still my business is running at about 50% of normal. Yesterday I went to 3 offices for my job. Two didn't have power. I went to a Burger King for lunch and while I was in there the power went out and they had to close. There are not many traffic lights working so driving takes longer than normal. It's a struggle but I am pushing through!
  2. Yes. Like sleeping in the parking lot. I could get parking passes for both events and sleep in my car. I am also sure at some point they have to clear out all the cars for the next days events. However, I am also sure there are people who get drunk and just leave their car at the stadium to be picked up later. This is why if I don't do this I may regret it for the rest of my life.
  3. I have a related comment I was thinking about starting a new thread for but it relates here so I'll let it fly. I am down here in South Florida for the holidays. Recently, I was offered a free ticket to the Orange Bowl (Wisconsin v. Miami) on 12/30 at 8:00. I was also offered a Buffalo Bills v Miami Dolphins ticket for the 1:00pm game on 12/31. Although, I am probably going to pass on both offers as I have other family events how awesome would it be to essentially have 24 hours of tailgating and football. My friends going to the orange bowl plan on getting to Hard Rock stadium around 3pm on the 30th. I would tailgate with them and go to the game from about 8pm to midnight. Then I would have to find somewhere to sleep. Maybe bring a camping tent. I could sleep in the tent (or some bushes like a hobo) until about 8am when I would start tailgating for the Bills game. It would be an awesome feat with a bunch of booze. All in all I think I am gonna pass but then again when would be the next time I get to see a major bowl game followed by a Bills game in the same stadium.
  4. Hello Folks, As you may know I live in Puerto Rico and occasionally listen to radio while driving around. Obviously most stations are in Spanish but there are about 3 stations which play US pop music. These station are fun to listen to as they do not just play hits but pull out all sorts of weird songs you have forgotten about from the 80's and 90's. Anyhow, I heard a newer sounding horrible Christmas song and googled it. It is "Santa is coming for us" by Sia. If you remember Sia is the artist who had some hits last year and typically covers here face with a black and blonde wig. (Yes I know this is a new gimmick and she didn't do it in the early part of her career.) I guess she has a newer Christmas album and this is one of the songs off it. This song is horrible and she seems to have abandoned the wig in the video. Check it out (not for too long) and let me know your thoughts. Also, I am curious to know if it is getting any US airplay. Side Note: The Title "Santa is coming for Us" sounds like a good horror Christmas movie name.
  5. I was complaining about the staff helping move snow on the field too. Glad they stopped it. Also, the play clock taking forever to get set right was frustrating. I haven't lived in snow for many years but on all the special team kicks why doesn't someone literally get on the ground and wave the snow away with a snow angel motion? I would think you would be able to move more snow quicker. Especially with several guys doing it. Thoughts?
  6. I've been watching a fair amount of this tourney. Is it just me or does Tiger seem very sweaty? I know its in the Bahamas but everytime they show Tiger up close his face is drenched. No other player seems to look this way. He also seems to look bigger. Not so much as in ripped, just more bloated looking. (Cue: withdrawal from pills comments)
  7. I used to like looking up setlists of bands I was not that familiar with. This way I can try to listen to some of the songs I may not know and get a feel for them before the show. With bands I am a big fan of I know all the songs and do not care which ones they play.
  8. Glad to see Tiger had a decent opening round. I have never really watched the Hero challenge before so I am not exactly sure of it's format. There is much excitement over Tiger being tied for 8th. However, we need to remember this is 8th out of 18. If you extrapolate this to a normal field size of ~140 players, Tiger would be around 64th.
  9. I take offense to this!
  10. I love how certain shows and sports broadcasts are sneaking in more commercials. The Buffalo Wild Wings commercial while shrinking the game Video is a perfect example. On a similar note, I am at home watching the game. I hate evening games because you are stuck with all te breaks. At least on a Sunday you can flip back and forth between games. Even better is watching 4 games at a time at the bar. TD Mike looking pretty good.
  11. I didn't see the game live. The youtube link above has been taken down, but I could see the twitter one. The hit is absolutely brutal no doubt. I'm not saying this is the case here but many times I get frustrated when a player gets an unnecessary roughness penalty for a hit to the head but the player who is hit has started falling down. The tackler would have a normal hit in the body but due to the player falling he ends up with a high hit. Again, not saying this is the case here. This game moves so fast sometimes I think high hits are accidental, other times they are blatantly wrong.
  12. I only watched the first half. But Arizona's first drive was impressive. Shortly thereafter, Dallas dropped everyone into coverage and only rushed 3-4 players. Somehow, Arizona didn't make any adjustments and got demolished. Not sure how the second half played out, but the final score makes me think Arizona failed to make good adjustments.
  13. Last night I was on a plane and started watching the beginning of the Boise State and UVA game. The Virginia quarterback audibled the very first two plays of the game. I immediately thought of this thread and hung my head in shame.
  14. Thanks for thinking about me. I am ok. Actually going to these first couple Bills games have kept me out of PR for the storms. Currently in FL before flying north Friday. Reports I have been getting from friends down there are pretty bad. I know my patio doors got blown off and there is broken glass in my living room/kitchen area. No big deal about doors and maybe some wet furniture as long as everyone is safe. I'll be keeping an eye on more reports as the days go by. After the initial damage is done however, I worry about recover time. Could be awhile (as in months) before power is restored. I am supposed to go back Monday morning. Part of me says I should stay with friends on the mainland. Part of me says go back and help out. I'm gonna evaluate reports and make a decision.
  15. PR is getting crushed right now. Hope my friends are safe.
  16. I don't want to sound like a jerk, but I didn't know people still like/follow them.
  17. Update from somewhere above NC/VA: In the air and just got Wifi. So happy to be otw to Buffalo. Good luck to all in Florida and Irma's path. The plane is pretty tranquil. I would guess we are a little over 50% occupancy. At least within eyesight I am the only person with a beer. See you all at he opener. I'll be on a nice three day bender at that point.
  18. Update from FLL tarmac: We are on board. About 50% occupancy. Pilot got on the horn and said he is waiting for other gates to see if anyone wants to escape to Buffalo. I think a lot of NYC passengers who were connecting through Buffalo found another route. Earlier, while waiting for the flight I didn't see anyone from Buffalo. Later, I went to the nearest bar and found all the Buffalonians. I should've known where they were. Hopefully this takes off soon and I'll see gig at the opener.
  19. Update from FLL airport. My flight was supposed to take off at 7:30 am. No crew has shown up and there is little hope to one showing up. Currently we are delayed until 12:00. The airport has stated the last flight will leave here at 7:45pm. Pray that they can get us up to Buffalo. As a note, my flight is direct to Buffalo however, I haven't seen or talked to anyone who is going to Buffalo. A ton of folks trying to fly through Buffalo to get to New York and other northern cities. If things don't improve, I may have a ticket to sell.
  20. Don't count out the possibility of a 6-6 tie with he Jets. When was the last time the Bills had 1st in the division? Even if just for a week.
  21. In FLL airport right now flying up to BUF soon. Airport is a zoo with people getting out. Safe travels everyone. I say if you gotta evacuate go up to Buffalo. Bills could be in 1st place in the division Sunday afternoon. When was the last time they had 1st in the division? Even if just for a week.
  22. I may have to do that but I do not have a car here. I wonder how much an Uber to Richmond would cost. Reminds me of a certain Bills player.
  23. Hi All, Two ares updates about IRMA: I live in PR but have been in South Florida the last few days. PR got "lucky" as the eye of the storm passed north of the island. From speaking to several friends there this morning there isn't major damage. Some branches down here and there. The bigger problem is most of the island doesn't have power. And due to the debt crisis and infrastructure problems in PR who knows when it will be fixed. Currently, south Florida is going berserk. For the last few days, grocery stores, gas stations and traffic have been insane. I think the Harvey coverage and continual media coverage of Irma have set people into a panic. I have heard of gas stations out of gas as far as Georgia. Schools are cancelled in Broward and Dade counties today and tomorrow despite the storm not arriving until Sat night. I guess this is to allow people to evacuate and prepare. I get that coastal and southern areas should leave but the general message and feeling is "GET OUT AT ALL COSTS!" From my past storm experiences, if you live in a coastal area, or are elderly, or have a baby you should probably relocate. However outside of that, you best bet is to have all the supplies and hunker down in a well protected house. I am trying to fly to Buffalo for the opener tomorrow morning at 7am. As of current things seem ok for me to get out, however, I am still nervous. Wish me the best!
  24. Hi folks, Yes, Irma looks to be bad. I live in Puerto Rico which is scheduled to get crushed tomorrow afternoon and Thursday. I came to West Palm Beach for labor day weekend and just decided to stay here rather than going back. I fly to Buffalo on Friday for the home opener so it looks like I am staying ahead of this one. I am still pretty nervous for Puerto Rico and the other islands. They are bracing for one of the worst storms in years and are often times not nearly as prepared as the mainland. In Puerto Rico, the governor has already declared a state of emergency. Power company says power could be down for months in certain areas. I'll keep posting the local PR updates as I hear them from my friends.
  25. Irma does look to be bad. I live in PR which is scheduled to get rocked tomorrow afternoon - Thursday afternoon. State of emergency already declared. Power authority says power could be out for weeks/months!!! I evacuated to south florida for the week. And then ditching South Florida on Friday to come up to the home opener. I am one step ahead of this one. However, I am nervous for my house/possessions and friends down there. I'll provide the local PR update after I hear what damage has been done.
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