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Everything posted by IslandBillsFan

  1. More of more of my posts make me feel like an old man saying, "Get off my lawn." All of us our super pumped from the awesome season and really excited about the playoffs. However, I'll be debbie downer here raining on the parade.... The flossing is harmless and I guess was funny. However, I try to view some things as what a player on another team did this. Let's say Kelce did this. I would probably just write it off as something silly and partly stupid. So it is hard for me to celebrate Diggs acting silly because he is on our team. All reports are that Diggs has been a team player and is very positive. This is great to hear. We need to remember though that Diggs had many detractors and questions while in Minnesota. It is easy to be a team player and have your praises sung when he is breaking records and the Bills offense is one of the leagues best. Hopefully, this doesn't happen for many years, but at some point the Bills offense will cool down and Diggs won't have the numbers he is having now. We have seen many receivers turn ugly once their team starts losing and they do not get the targets they want. I just hope Diggs stays a team player through adversity. Silly antics like flossing remind me more of a WR diva than a team player.
  2. I apologize as I am takIng this a little off topic. Like previous posters, take out food from sit down restaurants have so many drawbacks. The cold food, the crummy styrofoam, the potential for mis made dishes, the crappy to go sauces, the expected exorbitant tipping on to go food, etc etc. I have tried to order frequently from places I historically like to keep giving them business. However, part of a meal out is being out. It’s the atmosphere. It’s the people. Due to all this, I don’t see much to go food ordering in the future. At present, eating out where I live still isn’t that much fun. Although allowed to do so, regulations make it awkward and not as much of a pleasure in my opinion. While I understand the safety precautions, many of them are just frustrating. My personal one I hate (and I haven’t found anyone who likes it) are the stupid QR (barcode type) scanned menus. I have always tried to avoid using my phone at dinner and now I am required to do so. I get worried that some of these present precautions will bleed over into the future of the dinning and bar scene. Now to go completely off topic, my other pet peeve, and this existed before Covid, is digital TV ordering menus These are often used in breweries. They are often hard to read and change every 10 seconds before you have the chance to read through them. I always ask for a paper menu but depending on the place they may not have it. This is also frustrating in fast food joints where the menu flips so often you never get to take it in. What makes this worse is that business will soon this as reducing waste or going green. However, it’s really just a cost savings that angers customers IMO. PS. I don’t know why I’m in such a cranky mood after the Bills walloped the Fish.
  3. I agree with your decision to not start Allen. I think he will play about the first half. I think a half motivated Herbert playing the whole game yields more points. Side note, I hate fantasy leagues that play in Week #17. Way too many variables to screwing someone over who has played well all season. P.S. Not sure if this deserves its own thread. If everyone consulted the message board about fantasy moves, we would have a million threads. Never the less best of luck!
  4. Not sure if it is "real" or not. However, I do know they are cutting film together as at certain times people in the background come and go. (2:07 and 2:16) Overall robotics are awesome though
  5. This is an overall silly topic. As much as I want to see Josh play well, and his play can be correlated to wins, I'd rather the Bills win with JA having a bad day. Almost all stats point to playing at home gives us a better chance to win. Winning is whats important. Not JA's numbers.
  6. SDS, not sure a link to the interview is worthy of a thread. However, Carlin's podcast is awesome.
  7. No I will not watch the reboot despite growing up watching and enjoying it. A guy I knew in college was a professional Saved By the Bell Trivia player. Standard rules for Saved by the Bell Trivia are no Ms. Bliss years and no college years.
  8. Fellow Golfers, Anybody here hear the advertisement for Mike Stone on satellite radio the PGA channel? It almost seems like it is fake to me. Here is a like to the commercial. Here is a link to the musicians webpage. https://mikestone.com/
  9. I do like Bruno too. I actually ran into him one time when I lived in Puerto Rico. I didn't speak to him, however some of my friends did and he was a good guy. I thought about going through the artists for the last 25 years and putting them in categories but seemed like too much time.
  10. I watched a little yesterday and will continue to throughout the weekend. Course looks incredible as always. The fall colors don't bother me as much as the lack of "patrons." I know the rain made it a little hard to manage but I don't like when courses, especially majors, play easy. I am sure the course will get tougher as it dries out but I don't want the winning score to be -20. (This was discussed in a different thread somewhere. On a side note, I know the equipment and players are better, but I think the PGA likes it when scoring is better. Going the way of the MLB, NFL, and NHL.) I threw some money on Webb Simpson, Kevin Kisner, and Lanto Griffin to win. Webb doing good so far.
  11. Some thoughts on the halftime show: I looked up the halftime show history. Mostly from the 60's until 1991 the halftime show was marching bands or performers mixed in with marching bands. Super Bowl XXV (Bills v. Giants) was the real first year where they really had a major artist (Michael Jackson) and have went that route since. In general I like the modern Super Bowl Halftime show. I break it down in 3 categories: CAT 1- Good Artists and Bands- About 40% of the time it is a band or artist I care about. Some examples are: Bruce Springsteen, Aerosmith, The Stones, Tom Petty. For these artists, I like I don't mind seeing a 15 minute medley of their songs. CAT 2- Horrible Artists and Bands- About another 40% of the time, it is bands or artists, who I think are completely worthless and it is funny for me to watch. Examples include Katy Perry, Black Eyed Peas, Maroon 5. I usually watch these acts drunk and laughing the whole time. They provide entertainment on how horrible they are. Cat 3- Ehhhh Don't Care Acts- The last 20% is the group that is tough for me. These are the groups were my overall feeling is ehhhhhhh. These are decent enough acts but just not really my thing. Not good enough for me to care about and not bad enough for me to laugh at. Unfortunately, The Weeknd falls in this category. Other examples include Coldplay and Beyonce.
  12. Congrats on the milestone. I did some math and it is a little scary... based on 19 years and 40,000 posts you average about 6.25 posts per day. On a very conservative estimate of 2 minute per post (1 minute to write and 1 more minute to read) you have spent at least 55.55 days on TBD. On a more aggressive estimate of 13 mins per post (1 min to write and 12 mins reading) that is 361.1 days on TBD. Basically, one year of not sleeping and just posting and reading. Keep up the good work. Remember the first 40,000 are the easy ones. The second 40,000 are the challenge!
  13. I am a little late to understanding this.... I thought we have 6 teams per conference who make it to the playoffs (12 total.) I guess somewhere they have discussed adding two more teams for covid. I don't understand who these 2 teams would play. Now they are discussing two more? I am confused. I need a playoff bracket image to show how both these are supposed to work. On a side note, I like 12 teams in the playoffs. You start adding more than that and being a "playoff team" starts to lose its value.
  14. I said the same thing. However, my cousin pointed out that he should've kicked the kickoff out of the end zone. Depending on what he was coached, he may have had two bad kicks in a row.
  15. Both these teams have serious issues. I get it that Denver may have been upset that Gase is calling a timeouts to extend the game. Here is the situation as I see it. It is 4th and 18, Denver up 11 on their opponents 39 yard line with 13 secs. They can either, A) kneel and hand the ball over, B) Punt it away and make the opponent drive the whole field in less than 10 seconds and then need another score or C) Pass and try to convert the first down. The C) pass option is virtually worthless and if you elect to go that route it is a full on play. Your players need to play hard and any thing can happen. Yes the hits were on the dirty side. But the play call by Denver didn't help out their case in my opinion. This gets exacerbated by the same thing being repeated at the 8 second mark. Why not punt? Why not run? Why not kneel? Any of those options are a safer call than risking an injury or a cheap shot. Am I missing something?
  16. Although I think there are multiple factors leading to the increased scoring, I can agree that NFL corporate could be trying to drive more offense and scoring. I just don’t see where this will improve ratings based on (1) the types of fans and (2) a comparison to other sports. Types of Fans: A) The Ultimate NFL Fan- watches as many games as possible while tracking stats and trends. Increased scoring can’t influence how much he watches as they are pretty much at capacity. B) The Good NFL Fan (I probably fall here)- Watches their favorite team every week. May check out Thursday, Sunday Evening and Monday Night games depending on match ups, fantasy players, etc. If I am interested in a game, I don’t tune in longer if it is high scoring. The total number of points doesn’t determine the interest level to make them watch more or less. C) The Casual NFL Fan- Mostly tries to watch their team and may watch another game casually if it’s on in the background. Whether the score is high or low I don’t see them tuning in longer. Overall, I don’t see the total number of points influencing any type of fan much at all. Maybe the rational is if people happen to see a high score they tune in a little longer. However if a high scoring game is the new norm, I think the novelty wears off quickly. NHL and MLB have expierenced more scoring/offense in recent years. However, I don’t see many new fans watching due to the increase in points. Conversely, soccer is the most popular sport worldwide and soccer games are the most low scoring events out there. If the NFL is indeed trying to push scoring, I think it won’t increase viewership. I think the main and underlying issue is that the NFL hit their saturation point a few years ago. They obviously will try to keep growing anyway possible but I think they are fighting an impossible battle.
  17. I got my girl when I was in Puerto Rico and named her Sophie. However, all the locals called her Sophia. Once she became a terror in the neighborhood they started called her "La Bestia." (The Beast.)
  18. Maybe a fan has a clear video from watching the game from the stands. Oh wait........
  19. Not sure in what state you got the ticket, but I know several parts of the country have places like, "The Ticket Clinic." Basically a law firm that only handles traffic violations. Several of these I have used. They basically have a flat fee per offense, in my case it was $115 for a 13 mile over speeding ticket. They guarantee the ticket to be dropped. If they lose, they refund your $115 fee. These types of organizations worked for me. I see it as a no brainer as you get the lawyer for free in the event they can't help you.
  20. 100% agree. If he needs to run to avoid pressure or its a broken play so be it. With injury (and fumble) potential I say limit/eliminate the designed runs and RPO.
  21. Got no problem with most of their comments. I actually agree that some of Josh's mistakes on Sunday could've resulted in a loss against a better team. They do seem to be overlooking the progress of Josh and the overall result from Sunday. On a side note, who still wears a bluetooth earpiece? Going further, knowing you are gonna be a national television and not taking a phone call why keep it in?
  22. I watched this last week. I was too young and we never made the way out to Action Park. The story is pretty good. I have mixed feelings about the park. On one hand I think it is cool the owner just did what he wanted and designed all sorts of rides/attractions. On the other hand, the blatant disregard for safety resulting in injury and death is brutal. Flip flopping, if customers signed some waiver while entering my sympathy is reduced.
  23. Sorry bud. Gonna pass. I could get over the $500 price tag. However, I am going to a funeral that evening after the game. (GF's grandmother.) I don't think I could go to a Bills game, sit in a box and not slam down 20 beers. And the last thing I want to do is show up to the funeral hammered after a Bills win.
  24. Nails, I also spoke to a rep this morning about boxes. His pricing to me was about $500 per ticket. Like what you heard that includes food, parking and non-alcoholic drinks. I am on the fence about paying that much.
  25. I am one who voted with the unpopular opinion. Like all of you, I would be ecstatic if the Bills won the Superbowl. However, the question is would it be less satisfying. At a minimum I think it will be minorly less satisfying. At worst it could be horribly less satisfying. Why I think it will be minorly less satisfying: 1) We have already been deprived of preseason and attending training camp. This has lead to less excitement and build up before the season. 2) At present, we are being deprived of attending games in person and tailgating. 3) There is a high probability that players will be sitting out due to Covid. I know all players and teams face this risk but there are chances for many asterisks. 4) We will be watching games with no fans on TV. People have different opinions on this, but personally I find it weird and less exciting. Baseball, NHL, and NBA all have me less interested than ever. Why it could be horribly less satisfying: 1) Decent chance games get cancelled leading to all sorts of weird outcomes. 2) Playoff structure could be ammended/shortened. 3) Season could be changed or shortened. 4) We are all hoping things get back towards normal in the upcoming months. However, imagine Bills go to the superbowl with no fans present. Bills somehow win but we are all sitting in our homes watching. No victory parade etc. 5) Imagine having our most successful year and not one Bills fan got to attend a game in person. I am praying for a great season and would love a deep playoff run or shot at the Superbowl. However, I do think success this season will to some degree feel less satisfying.
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