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Everything posted by IslandBillsFan

  1. 1. I am new to TBD, but I have never seen a thread with 35 pages until this TEBOW thread. 2. In some ways I can semi understand being either pro or anti Tebow. However, even if you dislike/hate Tebow you can't be rooting for the Patriots. (@Turbosrrgood) That is ridiculous. 3. This is probably in some one of the earlier pages but it deserves another posting.http://www.break.com/index/tim-tebow-all-he-does-is-win-autotune-2269263 UNLEASH HIM!!!
  2. Is this the worst Buffalo team ever? No. But I wish they were. It would be more fun without hope.
  3. I'm watching from a sports bar. When our D is on the field, I watch other games.
  4. Quick Phillip Rivers Story. When he was in college at NC state, I saw him at a football players party, I offered to buy him a beer and he denied saying he wasn't drinking. Both me and his center starting laughing. That's my only time meeting the pansy.
  5. Zach Galifianakis. (I know this is a stupid joke that many have made before me, I just felt someone had to say it.)
  6. No statistics here. Here is what will happen based on the cruelty of being a Buffalo fan. Bills win next 3 games, putting them 8-6, while other AFC contenders slip a game or two. This gets myself and the rest of buffalo excited, revived, Billieving again. Just when we see a glimmer of hope we get destroyed. As always. You can predict Buffalo's performance on how adversely it will affect the general emotion of the city.
  7. Today was the first Sunday in a month I didn't wear my Bills belt and Bills hat. I went neutral to the bar, and that mattered.
  8. Raynor....wiffing.... drilling it.... what the deal!
  9. First time to say this all year but Bills defense actually looks... good. Have I been drinking to much?
  10. Year of the Bill. Luck turning
  11. How did he drop that? Also, it looks like the Jets have the snap count down. Getting a quick jump.
  12. Goooo Bills. Time to answer.
  13. I am not happy about it.... but I think if we could choose a tie at halftime before the game, we would take it. Let's see if Chan changes anything....
  14. Ahhh missed the replay. What a joke!
  15. I am at a bar and can't hear the audio. Can anyone explain the onside kick? Why not go into half with a 7 point lead?
  16. Fitz is looking to run today!
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