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Everything posted by IslandBillsFan

  1. Hate to disagree but who cares. Another remake of anything is not that appealing to me. The director and cast seem to be all no names except Cranston who seems to be only a minor part. Also, they keep treating Godzilla like cloverfield and barely showing the giant CGI atrocity of a creature. I will pass on this until it am forced to watch it on an international flight as my only source of entertainment.
  2. Legalize Euthanasia.
  3. Is this really happening? Also, she looks chubbier.
  4. "We have one of the most mobile quarterbacks in the league" Hahahahahha. Hahahha. Manuel is not even the most mobile quarterback on the team.
  5. I haven't even opened or looked at the playoff calculator so I really have no basis to talk. However... From what I read currently we have about a 1-2% chance of making the playoffs. I have to assume that if we win next week and a few (not all) of the other games go in our favor that chance will raise some small percentage. What I am trying to talk myself into is maybe at the end of week 14 we have a 5% chance of making it. With a similar win and week in week 15 maybe we are up to a 10% chance. By week 16 a 15% chance. Finally, we get to week 17 and pull off a miracle against the Pats maybe we roll the dice with maybe a 25% chance. I know it's grasping at straws, but I am not done yet. (P.S. I know this is a lot of ifs and I know one loss or even the right teams winning can take us to 0% instantly)
  6. First to reply, do I get a prize? Also, gonna watch the game in a misc sports bar in Lauderdale area. Should be weird.
  7. I may be wrong but it seemed to me the guy in buffalo wasn't jumping. More like falling.
  8. I agree with everyone that Skip is an over the top fool. However, I can't help but wonder the main point of there argument, would EJ be available on round 2. I can't help but think yes. I am supporting EJ all the way. But it still seems like a reach.
  9. It would be better if she dropped the guitar and danced a little.
  10. Nice. For the ultimate experience, mute her and play the original over it.
  11. This is way to big of a pool. It should be reduced for best 25 places for wings in Buffalo. For the sake of the board we should debate the top 5 places in WNY. Unfortunately, I moved out of Buffalo when I was 12 and only go back about once a year for a wedding or the home opener. And on these trips I usually go to the same places. However, my list of top 5 wing places in WNY would be: 1. Duffs 2. Anchor Bar- (for the history) 3. Audubon North (Amherst) 4. Mammoser’s Tavern (Hamburg) 5. Loughrans (Amherst) I wish I had more time to evaluate more places in WNY
  12. I am not sure if it is supposed to but this reads like one of those prayers from Catholic church. The one where a member of the congregations says something and then everyone says in unisom, "We are sinners" (or something like that) Actually should be, "Lord hear our prayer"
  13. Ever game scares me at this point because they are all "easy"
  14. Looks good. Wish we had that resolution of the girl twerking.
  15. Changing the direction of things here, but.... I know no one wants to see the Pats win, but shouldn't we have been routing for them? I know the playoffs are still a long shot but I think many people believe that the Week #17 game against the pats is the key to the playoffs. And to have a decent shot at it we need NE to have home field locked up... soooooooooo should we have been rooting for the Pats?
  16. I agree with 1918, the rain can't make it much worse than last week.
  17. I have had my share of massive frustrations of assembling Ikea furniture. I wonder how much they save but not writing and included decent directions. I know they use symbols and images which saves them from having to print in multiple languages but come on. Ikea's assembly and directions are so bad they have become a legendary joke.
  18. Not one of those has me remotely excited.
  19. Cool stuff. Thanks for the insight.
  20. Seems like a smart idea for Player safety but I don't think the NFL really cares as much about safety as they say. If safety was a major concern they would make drastic changes. On a semi related note, I think they should do away with TNF just because I don't like it. Thursday, Sunday and Mondays. Too much. I miss plan old Sunday afternoon football. (Not that Buffalo has much of a lack of this.)
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