I haven't even opened or looked at the playoff calculator so I really have no basis to talk. However...
From what I read currently we have about a 1-2% chance of making the playoffs.
I have to assume that if we win next week and a few (not all) of the other games go in our favor that chance will raise some small percentage.
What I am trying to talk myself into is maybe at the end of week 14 we have a 5% chance of making it. With a similar win and week in week 15 maybe we are up to a 10% chance. By week 16 a 15% chance.
Finally, we get to week 17 and pull off a miracle against the Pats maybe we roll the dice with maybe a 25% chance.
I know it's grasping at straws, but I am not done yet.
(P.S. I know this is a lot of ifs and I know one loss or even the right teams winning can take us to 0% instantly)