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Everything posted by IslandBillsFan

  1. GoBills, I was very excited to click on a link started by you and not have it just be a link to a news story. Although not completely original text, it was a breath of fresh air to read something and no have to click a link. Go Bills!
  2. I didn't watch the game, only the highlights here in the islands but.... What are your guys thoughts on the Mcilwain penalty? The announcers agreed it was "unnecessary" but I disagree watching the replay. Am I just being a homer here? In my opinion the receiver was approaching the sideline when he was wrapped up, and then Mcilwain slammed him to the ground as he was touching the out of bounds line. Seems too touchy for me. It's football. These guys are trained to attack. Any comments after the play? This reminds me if a D line man charging the QB and brushing his helmet resulting in a 15 yard penalty. Thoughts?
  3. Sorry to bump this up but I heard discussions about "bunch I balloons" on the radio today. My question is and I can't find it anywhere on the web is, once you shake off the 100 balloons how do you reload it? If you have to manually place 100 balloons on with some sort of rubber and to tie it, it's not really saving time. Anyone know more about this? BD
  4. Hello Bills Fans, I am seeking some advice or direction regarding an old military helmet. I figured TBD would be the best forum to seek advice. Currently, I live in PR and am an avid Bills fan. I travel to the home opener and at least two other games a year. When I go to the games or to a local bar to watch the games I wear my bills "helmet" as seen in my avatar. It is an old military helmet with some Bills logos on the sides. I picked up this gem from an antique store where the vendor told me it was from WWII. I am trying to purchase a helmet liner for it so it fits more properly. (Also, anytime the Bills score, people always slap the helmet and it is driving me nuts) I have no military background so I am not sure how the liners exactly work or which one I should buy. There are a million on ebay, however, I don't know which one is correct and how it exactly affixes to the inside of the helmet. Looking for any advice. Free beer at the opener for anyone who helps. Thanks!
  5. Here is a different spin on this thread, what is the NBA adopted soccer type clock rules. This would eliminate the endless fouling and timeouts in the last few minutes. The end of basketball games always seem so anticlimactic to me due to the stoppages in play.
  6. Another one for me: 12 Monkeys
  7. Whenever we find out I think I may invest in that jersey.
  8. Not sure if this was mentioned earlier in this enormous thread, but what jersey # is Sammy gonna wear? In college he wore 2. However I don't know any NFL receivers who wear that number.
  9. Houston- Clowney ST Louis- Robinson Jax- Mack Cleveland- Manziel Oakland- Watkins
  10. Just got word from my cousin (fairly credible source) that he received an email from WGR stating Buffalo will play @ Carolina in a preseason match on 8/8. I have a lot of family in the area so I may be attending. Can anyone confirm this? Also, anyone have insight into the rest of the preseason schedule.
  11. I am not sure where I stand on EJ. However here are two observations: 1). Everyone talks about how EJ has the work ethic and tools for the job. I have yet to see anyone here comment on his passion. All last year I remember seeing him on the sideline looking void of emotion. I don't want him to be a crybaby like Brady, but it would be nice to see him get fired up once in a while. 2). At the beginning of last season I was going to order a EJ jersey. I never pulled the trigger. Going into this year I am not even fathoming that idea. Looking at jersey sales at the start of last year and this year would give you a good indication of a true EJ confidence meter.
  12. Sorry Pooj, I didn't read it all. However, last night my girlfriends cousin was bitching about Peyton comparing him to Tiger. I was curious and googled a bit to see what came up. The article you mentioned was the first one. I should be more thorough and read through it myself, but is there any real dirt on Peyton?
  13. I agree with House, leave the game alone. The NFL has the highest viewership and makes the most money out of any sport. Why change it? From speaking with others and reading this board, the majority hate change. All the QB protection rules, increased reviews/commercials, and new kickoff distance are disliked. If it ain't broken why fix it?!? (The only possible answer is corporate NFL greed. If anyone thinks it's excitement or safety, they have at best a learning disability and at worst the mental capacity of Paris Hilton on crack with long term syphallis induced dementia.)
  14. I wasn't born yet so I do not remember. However in the mid eighties growing up I remember playing "The Blizzard of 77" board game. Had to be an awesome storm to have a game built around it.
  15. Great games all weekend IMO. I do have a question though. I was gonna start a thread on it but it should be ok here. When a team loses a playoff game (let's look at GB for an example) is their work responsibility over for the year? To clarify, besides the media interviews and cleaning out locker room are they free to go? Do they come back the next day to review film? Or is it loss and get the hell out. The same question perplexes me for all the non playoff teams after week #17.
  16. I love having Fred on the team. He is a true talent, a hard worker and an overall asset to the team. I can't help but ask however why everyone says he is the heart and soul of the team. In every Fred Jackson post someone makes this comment. My thoughts are I think he is what a team should be all about. But Fred has been one of only a handful bright spots in a dismal 10 years. If he is so heart and soul, why has it never caught on? When I look back at Fred Jackson's playing time in Buffalo I see him surrounding by a lack of talent AND a lack of effort/ leadership. As for the wall of game, we should probably give it some time to see. Not trying to hate on Freddy, I love him, but just wish his attitude spread to others.
  17. I do not think EJ our Thad have shown anything to justify being a good NFL QB. But at this point if I have a choice of who to start for a game I choose Thad. My argument goes like this: 1. Both are horribly inaccurate. So no advantage either way here. 2. EJ checks down. Thad airs it out. On a third and long I'll take my chances with a 20 yard jump ball rather than a 3 yard check down. 3. Thad has emotion. He was visually upset when he misses throws. If EJ misses Hogan like Thad did, EJ would jog off. Thad was on the ground pissed off. Obviously, I am just a fan and do not see the practices or many of the inner mechanics of the game. However, based on these few principles I like Thad. The only argument I can see for EJ (and I am sure I will hear it in a bunch of responses) is that EJ is a work in progress and has been battling injuries. For me personally, I am tired of excuses and waiting. Last point, going into next season I would rather have a proven veteran or another first round draft QB. But between the EJ and Thad, give me Thaddeus or give me death.
  18. Poor ants. Also, I think it's pretty cool but no way am I shelling out $3600 for one. (I looked on up on eBay. 80 bids at $3600)
  19. Where's the link CBF? I am scared to google search for it as it will be remembered in my cookies and then I will get similar suggestions in the future.
  20. I have been with my medical sales company for 8 years. When I started with the company there was around 20 people, now about 60. Here are the bonuses as best I can recall. Note these were given to everyone and not based on performance. 2005: 3 day all inclusive trip to Mexico. 2006: $500 2007: $500 or 3 day all inclusive to Mexico 2008: $250 2009: $25 gift card to AppleBees 2010: Subscription to a card send out program. Value ~$50 2011: A nice letter 2012: $50 honey baked ham gift certificate I shouldn't be complaining considering many people do not get anything. But it is funny the declining gifts because the company has grown in employees BUT ALSO grown drastically in revenues. Curious what this year will be.
  21. I have seen some reports there is a lot of speculation Cutler is going to be let go at the end of the season. (Sorry no link, I read it on flip board) With all the EJ is horrible talk, anyone think the Bills should consider him? I am not saying the Bills should, more just curious if anyone thinks he is or could be decent. Personally, I've never been a Cutler fan but I do think he is semi competent. *mods, I searched and haven't seen this yet. Feel free to merge, delete or whatever else you desire
  22. They have a nice "bud zone" in the stadium. You can grab a free upper level ticket anywhere and then hang in the "Bud zone" in the club level. Too bad I'm not a fan of bud. Also, it may not even be worth it because you can pick up a good lower level ticket for about $25 anyhow.
  23. Bush sends world class entertainment to Desert Storm troops
  24. Where is the original security before the riot squad is sent in? Also, but my count I saw at least two people who looked pretty mangled.
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