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Everything posted by IslandBillsFan

  1. I will follow Beerball and go with Gross punting yards not net. Rushing 142 Punting 218 Total 360 FYI- this is the statisical average over the previous 13 games. PS. i am only leaving myself a small window with Beerballs prediction so close to mine.
  2. Many good points here in regards to the league and it's evolution. I watch every Bills game and go to as many as I can. What is sad though is even when the Bills are playing a night game, it can be hard to watch. The stoppages and commercials are excruciating. Due to this I enjoy watching the Bills in bars in the afternoon games. At least that way I can look away for the hour or so of crap commercials. I was going to start a thread of NFL pet peeves during the bye week. Many of these have been identified and discussed in other threads. However, a few that don't seem to be mentioned are: 1) When I penalty is called, I always want to see the replay of it. More than 50% of the time they don't show it. This drives me mad and leads to more of the NFL ref conspiracy theories. 2) NFL Mobile, the NFL's app, is a complete joke. It is riddled with commercials and crap and is difficult to find simple information. I resort to "Score" which seems to be better despite not being funded by a billion dollar company. 3) The commercials are insane. Nothing more frustrating then the commercial break after a score. Then the commercial after the kickoff. Sometimes they even squeeze in more in between score and extra point. Lots more but I have to get on a flight. Happy holidays everyone.
  3. Many times I agree that it is 4 down territory and you should try to get some on third and then the rest on 4th. However, I think much of it depends on the opponent and the time in the game. Obviously, if you are up a score you probably want to pin the opponent back. If you are down you may want to go for it. However, when playing a team whose offense is moving the ball, giving them the ball around the 50 is horrendous.
  4. Sad he passed away but two quick thoughts: 1) He was 84. 2) Seemed pretty sharp broadcasting after his playing career. One long thought: The CTE/ Concussion issue seems very blurred. On one hand we have people whose lives were definitely diminished because of the game. Then there seems to be others who are just in it for a money grab. In some ways the whole debate reminds me of the tobacco and cigarette industry being sued. If those who partook in smoking (or playing football) knew the risks it should be their choice and their consequences. The blurry part is that the companies (tobacco and NFL) seemed to hide the risks and therefore put people at risk without their consent. I don't know if this should make them financially liable but it is definitely a subject worthy of discussion.
  5. To JR and those others who are curious how it went: So as mentioned I tried to go off the grid to watch the game Thursday night. My flight was on time and I missed most of the game while on the plane. I was on Jetblue so all the seats have TV's and once were over Florida I could see people flipping through channels. This was about 11pm so the game was somewhere in the 3rd or 4th quarter. I just looked down in my seat until we landed and successfully avoided it. When I turned my phone on off of airplane mode (I needed to to get my ride) the thing was vibrating like crazy so I knew I got a ton of text messages (later determined to be 47). I got picked up by my GF and we drove home without the radio. When we got there at around 1:30 in the morning I had her cue up the game so there was no chance I clicked something wrong or the TV was left on a sports channel. As a side note I was going to wear a Bills hat on the plane but thought better of this as it might cause someone to come over and say something about the game. I started watching the game around 1:30 am and was moving pretty quickly through it because I could fast forward through commercials. However, towards the end of the 1st quarter (around 2:00am for me) all of a sudden the Xfinity cable box popped up an error message saying "under maintenance until 6am." Besides having to wait, what really scared me were all of the recorded programs had disappeared and I wasn't sure if they were lost forever. So I slept from 2am til 6am and got up to try to watch the end of the game. My GF was still sleeping so I had to start it on my own. When I went to recordings they were all there and I clicked on "Thursday Night Footb..." When the program popped up it was the postgame show! Two field announcers interviewing a Buffalo player! I quickly exited and realized I clicked on "Thursday Night Football Postgame Show" rather than the actual game! I had told my GF to record that as well in case the game went long. I clicked the correct program and it started where I left off the previous evening. However, even though I didn't see the score or hear what the announcers were saying I had a hunch if they were interviewing a Bill postgame I had a good feeling the Bills won. I watched the end of the game confident but when the Jet's rallied back I had my doubts. Thankfully they pulled it off. Overall it worked fine and I am glad I did it. The only downside was it was a long trip with little sleep trying to catch the game. Thanks for all the thoughts and advice. This week will be the exact opposite as I will be in New England at the game. Hopefully we can pull off a miracle.
  6. You are in a tough spot. I bought an all red flexfitting Reebok hat last year. Due to the fact it was Reebok, (a year old) I got it for $5.00 from the Bills store. It was awesome. So awesome one of my firends took it and refused to give it back.
  7. Thanks JR. I'm just gonna be pissed if I fail.
  8. Hello All, I could've put this on TSW because it pertains to the Bills but it's more of a general topic so I'll post it here. Normally I try to watch all games live but occasionally it's just not possible. I also understand if your just sitting around at home you can record the game, avoid your phone and watch it in a little bit. However, tomorrow I am in a tough situation. I am on a JetBlue flight from Puerto Rico to Fort Lauderale pretty much the whole game. (8:30EST-11:30 EST). Then I have to get picked up and ride an hour to where I am staying for the night. My GF who is picking me up can record the game and swears she won't tell me the score. With all the factors involved below, do you think I should try to avoid all outside world and watch on delay OR just bite the bullet and catch what I can on my phone and airport TV? To avoid the game completely, I will have to stay away from the game as we enter US airspace as JetBlue has TVs and the NFL network. This will be at about 11:00pm when the game could be close to over. THEN, I will need to walk through the airport without glancing up any any TVs or over hearing anyone discussing it. NEXT, I have to call to get picked up. No way I can open a text and risk seeing others pertaining to the game. Lastly, I can't listen to the radio in the car and hope no outside factors get to me. Thoughts? Also, curious if others have tried to do this before.
  9. Not nice thumbs. They creep me out. http://listverse.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/url-40.jpg
  10. I saw a lot of the game tonight. Unfortunately Kelly dos not look good. In fact, Ole miss in general looked pretty bad against the gators.
  11. As the resident Bills fan in Puerto Rico, what does that mean? TT designed keeper delayed up the middle.
  12. Is it just me or is there a possibility this is fake. I understand the video is real but it very well could have been dubbed with different audio. She just seems to annoying and emotional. She reminds me of the eHarmony cat lover girl. (Which was fake). If you don't know what I'm talking about click here.
  13. Everyone seems pretty confident about this game. That scares me. Bills 13 Giants 20
  14. Tyrod handoff to shady, middle of the field. Loss of one. Don't want to be negative but everyone's guesses are so positive I decided to go a different direction. Also, if it's a run for a loss (let's say -2) and I guessed loss of 1 did I technically go over???
  15. Handoff to shady, middle of the field. Loss of one. Don't want to be negative but everyone's guesses are so positive I decided to go a different direction. Also, if it's a run for a loss (let's say -2) and I guessed loss of 1 did I technically go over???
  16. Being that NE's first road game will be in Buffalo we need a roaring "CHEEEATTTER" chant going. I just can't decide when they take the field or first time the Cheats get the ball.
  17. I think you mean your old 5. I have a 5S and will upgrade next generation. Not thrilled about the larger size. In regards to the charging pad, it seems like a good idea however, I don't see much value on placing it on a pad versus plugging it in. Either way it still needs be be in a certain area close to an outlet.
  18. He had a good run. He was the silver lining in a dark period for the Buffalo Bills
  19. ISLAND BILLS FAN: "Is Matt Simms better than Aaron Rodgers?"
  20. I have to assume so, but can anyone confirm you can stream this from the WatchESPN app? I will be trying to watch from my Roku.
  21. I rechatted with NFL Game pass people. They said once you have cancelled the service you are no longer auto-enrolled for future subscriptions. However..... if you don't cancel and get billed the $99 you are auto-enrolled for another subscription next year. Take caution my friends.
  22. Double check. I know it was advertised as a Free 7 day trial. However, I signed up on Friday night at 7:00pm. Mine was set to expire on Thursday 8/20 at 12:00am. This is a little shy of a week so don't get bamboozled.
  23. Hello All, Just a reminder to cancel GamePass if you used it just to get a free look at last nights game. I will try to bump this thread before everyone gets charged on Thursday. Also, FWIW, I used the chat today to cancel mine as I don't care about the games tonight. I had to wait about 5 minutes before getting a rep. Then after I requested the cancellation he responded, "cancelled. Anything else?" I asked for a confirmation email and he said he couldn't do that. He did say you can save the webpage content, but I tried this and it only saves the webpage, not the chat window. I took several screen shots of the chat just to be safe. The NFL already takes enough of my money. I don't want them taking $100 more for a preseason game.
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