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Momma Pecoraro

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Posts posted by Momma Pecoraro

  1. The Original Six thing is so overplayed. The Rangers are very clearly trending downward, especially when you consider Lundqvist is going to be 35 before the playoffs start next year. The Sabres are very clearly trending the opposite direction.


    The reason his decision to play in NYC will be a bad one is all based on money. Someone making $1M in Buffalo is wealthy and will have plenty of extra scratch to invest/set themselves up for life. Someone making $1M in NYC isn't wealthy and won't have as much disposable cash to setup their future. It's as simple as that.

    Endorsement opportunities. What kind of scratch you think he pulls in on endorsements in NYC? Gotta think the Rangers will help him line them up.

  2. Why in the world would he want that ? Rookie season wasn't good enough ?

    I thought he made some twitter comments suggesting he wanted to go elsewhere - could be wrong but I recall it was a comment around the disparity in his eyes between salary and rookie year performance or some such.

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