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Everything posted by Harveyj001

  1. I see I am not the farthest but I am coming from the Virginia Beach area to the opener.
  2. Driving up Tuesday, staying in a camper on site, about 48 hours of partying then the game.
  3. Went to my first game in 1979 and my group was tailgating in the lot across from the stadium. We had hot dogs, burgers, beer, and pop for those like me that were too young to drink at the time. Tossed a football around. We weren't the only ones either, I think it has grown into an "event" over the years, but I think it started as away to get lunch and a few drinks before a 1 PM start time after getting to the stadium.
  4. I don't watch college football so I have no specific opinion on any guy. My only issue with your needs in the rounds is that I think a QB should be drafted every year. If you have a franchise guy then wait until the later rounds, maybe you find a Brady, if you need a guy or may need a guy like us, then you get one in rounds 2-4, maybe you get an Andy Dalton. The position is too important in today's game to not get one each year. That is especially true if we are getting rid of EJ as most suspect.
  5. Saw an article yesterday, can't find it this morning I was into several drinks last light, but it showed Mario had dropped into coverage 21 times this year, the previous years it averaged around 16 or 17. It wasn't even one more time per game. It was 18 times under Pettine. His complaints are unwarranted and he is just trying to get out of town. I say good riddance!
  6. Every season is different, especially with new coaches and the way free agency changes things. I understand how the growing skepticism has grown over the last 15 years, but this board has gotten nearly unbeatable with the we suck and should we sign this teams cast offs all of the time. There are still a few on here who do a good analysis of what they see. The above post about TT is a perfect example. The kid has 8 starts in the NFL and people want to run him out of town, he has shown flashes and isn't as mistake prone as EJ so give him a chance. Heck how many times has it been said to give us an average QB and we could be in the playoffs? TT can be that but needs a little more experience, which shows, the only question is whether he can learn and progress or not.
  7. I have been going to games since 1979 and the lower bowl has always stood. Sometime in the 2000's they tried to enforce the 'sit except during exciting plays or downs' and it has failed. Just saying I think the entire premise of your question is false, people have been standing as long as I can remember so saying it is a new thing doesn't hold water. I think the "sit" movement started because of people who physically can't stand that long complaining. I see their point but I do not know what can be truly done to stop it.
  8. Barry Sanders was always fun to watch, current player is Payton Manning, George Carlin style humor in his TV spots, the consumate professional, and seems to really care about communities and the people he lived near (i.e. visiting Chatanooga recently)
  9. I am at Hammer's lot for every home opener when the Navy hasn't kept me away. (Back corner by the pine trees) This year I just hope it isn't week one as my wife and I are taking a trip to celebrate my retirement!
  10. I have spent 30 football seasons in the Navy, that ends this Labor Day Weekend, so I know exactly what you mean! Congrats on your first post and welcome!
  11. Just like Sean Peyton, ignorance is no excuse, suspend Belicheck and OC for a year, 2nd Rd draft pick, whatever fine they deem appropriate,
  12. They cannot use red as the throwback, new NFL rule a couple of years ago that they have to use the same helmet through th eyear, can only change decals, for concussion and fit purposes
  13. He took the Jets to 2 AFC Championship games with the Sanchize, then the GM (Idzik?) throttled down the offensive talent even more, I think he can coach but was dealt a crappy hand in NY, at least Doug appears to be trying to get better... Not sure how he would do in Buffalo, but I wouldn't be upset with him as coach, but I would prefer an offensive guy and keep Schwartz if possible.
  14. In regards top the EJ stuff, being an older guy I remember the days when a QB was drafted to sit behind the veteran and learn, it worked much better than the "win now, start now" that has invaded the NFL in the last 2 decades. I think EJ sitting behind a veteran for the year could really pay off. I don't think he will ever be Manning or Brady, but he has the tools to maybe be like a Wilson. Natural athletic ability isn't everything, but it is a big help. Maybe his mind works a quarter second slower than the top guys and learning how to prepare, recognize, and operate could overcome that. I don't know for sure not being in the building. His accuracy,which was suspect coming out of FSU, is my biggest concern and don't know if it can be fixed. As far as Marrone I have seen many posts on here about him, I have see every coach make foolish game time decisions, Marrone is no different any other coach, even the great Belicheck (sp?) does it going for 4th down against Indy at his own 20). Hacket I don't know if it the play calling or the execution.
  15. 9 1/2 sacks, if I was him I would want the back-to-back 10 sack seasons on my resume
  16. The QB has to be under center for it not to be intentional grounding, it is also supposed to be immediatly spiked straight down, if these two items are met it is a clock stopping play, all others would be intentional grounding.
  17. Ties (however unlikely) keep us from being mathematically eliminated until week 17 as long as we beat the Raiders
  18. Nope, just remember the ESPN Zone! I once watched a Bills game there on the 50ft TV, it was awesome!
  19. I voted Yes because of the wording of the question, I care because it doesn't matter if the stadium moves as long as the experience and tailgating remain the same. Location isn't as important as the whole shebang! That is my concern with anew stadium, so I care.
  20. I keep telling my friends that area ready to throw EJ away that all I have ever heard is you have to wait 30 games to judge a QB, he may not be the answer but he had good and bad games last year. That is expected for a rookie, all I want is progress this year, if there is some of that and a couple of bounces that go our way the playoffs are a possibility.
  21. I think the jury's still out, not every rookie is Andrew Luck. I am more than willing to see where he is at the end of this year, then if he stays healthy see where he is and we will all be better able to make a real determination.
  22. +1, and well said, I have no inside info, I just don't think you can judge offenses or defenses in preseason, the individual players, if you know the play call yes
  23. There are several Bills players that deserve consideration, I think the only one that truly deserves it to get in is Steve Tasker, for the same reasons Ray Guy got in. He won't, until possibly by the senior committee, but he deserves it. I do like the idea of a separate contributor category, so coaches and the like don't take away from the deserving players getting in.
  24. The "Mistake by the Lake" in 1984 the 1-9 Browns visit the 0-10 Bills. Mistake buy the Lake was on all of the bags that were sold outside the stadium to wear over their heads, the next week we beat the Big Bad Couwboys, in what Tony Dorsett called their most embarassing loss ever.
  25. +1 to the optimism!
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