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Everything posted by MouldyFlutieFlakes

  1. Finally get to watch a game in Pittsburgh that's not a crappy stream!
  2. Patriots look good Fitzmagic will prevail Refrigerator
  3. Hey guys, I tried to use the search function, but couldn't find anything like this. If it's in the wrong place or if there is a similar thread feel free to delete. I am finally going to my first Bills game this weekend against Oakland. I scored tickets in 114 about 20 rows up. I've been a fan my whole life, despite the only playoff performance me being cognizant of is the music city miracle. I grew up in the Erie are and am now at University of Pittsburgh. My question is: What should I do? Best restaurant (cheap, I'm used to ramen) ? What to do at the stadium? What's parking like? Are there any bills related chants I should know? I'm really excited and just want to get as much out of the experience as possible. Me and a friend (Raiders Fan ) should get there around 10AM. I joined this forum because this may be the most civil, knowledgable message board I've ever seen. Prove me right and deliver the goods on Buffalo! Thanks, MouldyFlutieFlakes
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