I have watched both games and as much as I want to panic I have to remember it is a different game this year. The CBA has changed the way teams have to do things and each team has their own agenda on what is important to them. The Bills are no exception. As many have said over the past months, Gaily has been quite open and honest in his evaluations and comments. Read into it what you want but I hear him evaluating individual talent and certain "packages" in the first two games. That's it. Listen to his comments again.
As far as the "locks" not playing 100%, that's a B.S. statement. I'm sure Chan has made it clear in his own way, there are no "locks". Play poorly, you're going to hear it. And yes, from experience, it's when you let off that you get hurt.
Until he says/does something to make me think otherwise, I'll say Gailey knows what he is doing and pre-season is just that; PRE-season.