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Posts posted by JOE IN HAMPTON ROADS

  1. No don't kid....the fans and media ran maybin out of town......look at how look it took for mario williams to be an impact player.....its about patience when building a good defensive team


    It took Bruce Smith a couple years (and Talley and Bennett on the line) to get really good.

    Eventually, he dominated . . . but it took awhile.

  2. actually the team went 2-14 in 1984 and 1985, then 4-12 in 1986, 7-8 in 1987, but I get your point...


    Injuries and a bit more help on defense and this team would not be collapsing this year, so as disappointed as I am with this season, I have really liked some of the things I have seen from them this year.

    Right, I confused myself. Going into 86 they were 2-14 the PREVIOUS year.


    I was really hoping this year would be the break-even year (like 87), with next year be the break out year (like 88).

  3. All you haters surprise me, being an older fan I remember Bruce Smith's first year in 1985, he did about the same as Dareus. There was talk of hime being a bust, he had Fred Serlas on the nose but until Talley and Bennett were on the OLB he didn't take off either. Let him learn the pro game and get KW back before judging...



    At least he's trying, and learning. He'll get better. Stevie is as good as he will ever get.


    We should probably cut him, or maybe we can try to trade him for a 4th.

    Hey that's my line!

  4. If it were me? I'd fire everyone based on the performance of the last two seasons.


    But the problem is, the people who run the team above GM (the money handlers) also need to be run out of town. So until that happens, making coaching, gm, etc changes really doesn't matter.


    We'll continue to lose as long as we have the same owner and associated people.



    Blowing it up is counterproductive until we have a new owner(s). I'm actually impressed with how well Chanix are doing with the scrubs Ralph and the money men give them to work with.


    You know, I just can't understand. If I were as old and wealthy as Ralph, I'd think I would have all the urgency in the world to win a superbowl before passing on.


    I just can't imagine it is gratifying to keep losing even if your pile of money keeps growing... Is he is saving up for a new fleet of jets or something

    Ralph giggles every time he thinks about paying $50,000 fifty years ago for a team worth hundreds of million today. THAT's his Superbowl.

  5. No he is doing what a head coach and a leader does, take the blame. He is going to be the coach for the Bills for the next 3 to 5 years at least so get use to him. I still like him and think he is doing a comendable job for what he got handed. I see improvements dispite our record. Our interior O-line is great and suprisingly has some depth, but our tackles are still a need. I do think Hariston will be starting at RT next year and if Bell can stay healthy he will be formidable, but I also think we need to draft a LT somewhere in this draft or sign one in free agency.

    He's doing what Wade Philips was forced to do after the Music City Miracle: take the bullet for ownership. Wash, rinse, repeat.

  6. In 1986 I got into the NFL and had to pick a team to follow. In Eastern North Western PA it was Steelers or Browns, maybe Eagles. But I picked Buffalo, because they were 2-14 with no where to go but up. I hardly knew it at the time, but the Bills had a few things going for them:


    They just picked up a smart QB from the extinct USFL named Jim Kelly. He looked like he might be good.

    They fired their HC midway through the season and hired Marv Levy.

    They just picked up a monster defensive lineman in the draft named Bruce Smith.

    They put together a solid offensive line anchored by Center Kent Hull.

    They were soon to draft a terrific RB in Thurman Thomas.


    After 2-14 in 86, Bills went 7-8 then 12-4. The rest is history.


    An optimist could see a lot of parallels in the 85/86 Bills and the 2010/2011 Bills. Fitz is no Jim kelly, but he's smart and capable. Chan is no Marv Levy - or is he? Dareus has potential to be HOF. Wood is a great Center and the O-line is getting better. Fred Jackson is a franchise RB. Could we be a draft or two away from the Super Bowl?


    BUT . . . is ownership committed to winning? We seem to see an endless cycle of poor drafts, FA wiffs, and letting our best players go when they get too expensive to keep. Bill Polian ran the late 80s Buffalo Bills . . . does Nix have the authority to build a champion, and if so can he make it work?


    Looking for your thoughts, TBD . . .

    I just had to fix the above for myself.


    Looks like no one is feeling like future champs after Sunday. Where are the optimists?

  7. In 1986 I got into the NFL and had to pick a team to follow. In Eastern North Western PA it was Steelers or Browns, maybe Eagles. But I picked Buffalo, because they were 2-14 with no where to go but up. I hardly knew it at the time, but the Bills had a few things going for them:


    They just picked up a smart QB from the extinct USFL named Jim Kelly. He looked like he might be good.

    They fired their HC midway through the season and hired Marv Levy.

    They just picked up a monster defensive lineman in the draft named Bruce Smith.

    They put together a solid offensive line anchored by Center Kent Hull.

    They were soon to draft a terrific RB in Thurman Thomas.


    After 2-14 in 86, Bills went 7-8 then 12-4. The rest is history.


    An optimist could see a lot of parallels in the 85/86 Bills and the 2010/2011 Bills. Fitz is no Jim kelly, but he's smart and capable. Chan is no Marv Levy - or is he? Dareus has potential to be HOF. Wood is a great Center and the O-line is getting better. Fred Jackson is a franchise RB. Could we be a draft or two away from the Super Bowl?


    BUT . . . is ownership committed to winning? We seem to see an endless cycle of poor drafts, FA wiffs, and letting our best players go when they get too expensive to keep. Bill Polian ran the late 80s Buffalo Bills . . . does Nix have the authority to build a champion, and if so can he make it work?


    Looking for your thoughts, TBD . . .

  8. To all the boneheads who think a guy who hadn't carried the ball more than 10 times a game was a bust, or not tough enough to play every down, or couldn't hit a hole, blah, blah, blah...


    Why aren't you posting all that garbage now? It's still early in his career, and he's clearly shown he's got some real talent, so how about questioning the pick now?


    Spiller is clearly the most talented guy on offense right now with Freddie out, and people around here STILL can't admit it was way off base to say we didn't need him. I'll even admit it's still a bit early to seek out all the Spiller bashers on this board, but you have to be short a few beans in your burrito to think the guy was a wasted pick.


    The luxury pick comment still kills me, like this team was EVER deep enough to even warrant that notion, and don't try to rationalize it with the actual fact that marshawn(Least Mode, I want out of buffalo, I have stepped sideways more than I have forwards in my career) Lynch on the team at the time, we all know the guy wasn't going to be around long, and even if he was, he really wasn't that good anyway.


    How about giving a guy the chance to play a few games before crucifying him around here, if you look back at even my posts, I wanted the team to give Aaron Maybin the chance to at least play a full game(I'm still not sayig what he is doing in NJ is all that amazing), I am just Sayin' to coin a phrase.

    I have to admit I underestimated Spiller. Not as good as Freddo but better than I thought. Surely we'll trade him for a low pick.


    We already had two stud running back on our team in Lynch and Freddy. We took a third one at 9 overall despite critical position needs elsewhere.


    That's exactly the definition of a luxury pick.


    I don't care if he runs for 200 yards a game, we still can't stop anybody on defense and we should've used his pick for someone like Pierre-Paul or even a stud center like Pouncey. Those guys were sitting there and we take another RB.


    If CJ could only rush the passer.....

    Agreed. Pick your lineman, O or D, that could have made a bigger impact starting last year.

  9. In Buddy/Whaley I trust. I dont think Ralph has the input that he had even a couple years ago. We'll see. I've been wrong before. :thumbsup:

    I hope you're right Doc, but time is running out . . . next year is Buddy's third year, if things go badly next year Ralph will fire him and Chan to appease the fans and we will start this whole cycle again.

  10. What team has built their franchise into a perennial winner with "major FA acquisitions"?


    I agree that Id like to see the Bills do more in FA than they have in the past. But then you always run the risk of over-paying for mid-level talent. Especially to get guys to come to Buffalo.


    Build your team over a few drafts (yes, they have to be good drafts, like 2011's), and then go get your big names to complete the puzzle.

    I think we mostly agree: blowing it up is counterproductive, we need to have some strong drafts, we need to do more in FA. I'm just not that confident we can pull off the last two under current ownership.

  11. Buddy's draft record isn't good enough to overcome a team thrifty in free agency and which doesn't sign all their UFA's. It's the reason they've been on a treadmill for more than a decade. Different GM's all get the same result in Buffalo.

    Yup, and don't forget to add, anytime a player starts getting very good, we trade him away for a draft pick rather than write a new contract that will eat into the salary cap.


    Not meaning to be a doomsayer, we are better off now than under TD and DJ, but blowing up the team isn't going to solve our problems.

  12. Disagree, depth is built through the draft. Your late round picks. FA is used best once you have built a good foundation via the draft, you then go out and sign quality FAs to complete the puzzle and make a run.

    I'll grant you a GOOD draft can add depth, but we have so many misses I don't see how we can do it without major FA acquisisitions. This year's draft was better than most, but we need to do better if we are going to continue to go way under the cap in FA.

  13. Green Bay has had a stable FO and were NOT in Year 2 of a rebuild. They are deep in talent. We are not.


    We lost our All-pro NT, our OL leader Center, our League Leading RB, and our LT... just to name a few. You want to just continue the cycle of crap instead of taking your lumps and continuing on a path.

    All true Doc, but the lack of depth can only be addressed in FA, and we have avowed a strategy of "rebuilding through the draft" (see my post above about keeping the team minimally competetive at the lowest cost). Without depth, we're going to see the cycle occur every year, fast start by young talent and then hit a wall when the first string starts getting hurt.

  14. I like chan, I really do. But, I'm not seeing good enough results. If he retains Edwards after this season, I will be very disappointed. Since the drought has been so long, I'm all for blowing it up again. No need to be in a hurry now after all of this time has passed by. Once the pieces finally fit it will be obvious we have a winner. I don't see that happening right now.


    And hey, after a blow up, optimism abounds!

    The only way for this team to win, is for Ralph to sell the team to someone committed to winning. Everything the FO does is calculated to keep the team minimally competetive at the lowest possible cost.

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