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Posts posted by JOE IN HAMPTON ROADS

  1. Love Jim Kelly! .... if Kelly was the coach id be willing to give the Bills about 3 more none Play-off seasons...because I know effort wouldn't be an issue

    Not a bad thought Elda, but be careful what you wish for. We all thought Marv would make a great GM. :angry: Not sure Kelly can coach either. But it's the kind of thing Ralph would do, to keep us all onboard.

  2. I believe it or not have not been a fan as long as you guys... I came back from the army in 2002 and didn't really follow football that much... and when I was at a friends house they were watching the Jets game here in Queens and started teaching me the rules of the game and asked me what team I liked and i answered that when I was younger and used to play Tecmo Bowl I used to always pick the Bills cuz their overall was 99... Then they told me that they hated me and that the Bills were in their division and then they lied to me and said we got a great QB named Drew Bledsoe so I started listening to the games on aol radio cuz they didn't have Directv back then and me living in Queens I couldnt watch the Bills games on the local channel... Then when I got Directv i started watching all the games so I basically became a fan of this loser team at the worst possible point... I could have chose any team when my friends asked me what team I liked and I had to say the Bills and now that I love them it's too late... I can't root for another team even if I wanted to... When I love something I love it all the way so I apologize if I'm not familiar with all the Bills history guys


    Definitely not young... I'm 33 and I know I should learn more about Bills history but I dont think I'm less a fan than anyone else... I go to 2 home games every year now for the past 6 years... I drive 6 and a half hours up to Buffalo and stay the night at Binghamton and then drive back to queens the following morning... I've been to Bills-Jets games here in the meadowlands in Jersey also and nothing compares to Bills fans... New Jersey is not a football environment... Everytime I come up to Buffalo I feel like I'm at home even though I don't live there...

    For what it's worth 1978, I have a similar story, chose the Bills (in a Steelers market!) later in life and now must be loyal to the end . . . must be a military thing, most out-of-market fans would have jumped ship after the third SB loss, or the Music City Miracle, or DJ, or whatever . . . cheers! :beer:



    2. I hate to tell you no one is going to pay 700 million for a franchise and keep them in Buffalo. Sorry, not going to happen. its called ROI and there won't be any in Buffalo.

    No, they will stay in Buffalo because no one will pay 700 millioin dollars for this franchise in this economy, PLUS the expense of moving and rebuilding the franchise in a non-football city (i.e., LA). I predict that when Ralph passes, the estate is lucky to have a Pegula or Kelly Conglomorate or somebody pay 500 million on the premise they can rebuild a competetive team to reinvigorate the existing fanbase. After all, if there's one thing the Bills FO has done successfully, it has shown this team can be profitable in Western NY.

  4. My take is this:


    If you are a team that reaches early in the draft and you subsequently end up assembling a roster that lacks stars.....which is what happens when you do that.....then you owe it to the fans to pay the best players you have like your stars.


    Another selfish fan with no consideration for ownership. Again, how can you expect the franchise to stay $20 milliion under the cap if you price experienced players to the market?

  5. 2012: Build a dominant Linebacker corps. Just focus on one unit at a time. We're running a 3-4. Lets draft 5 linebackers next year. I am serious about that.


    2013: Build a dominant offensive line by drafting LT and RT first and second. Our interior line is already okay.


    2014: Build a dominant WR/TE corps and get me a QB.


    During this time, we will have drafted some okay players in the later rounds that will have stepped up (CB, DE, RB). Now,


    2015: Draft a couple "need" players, now that you actually know what you "need" to make a deep run in the playoffs. Right now, we draft what we "need" to have a shot at .500 football.


    Listen. 2015 is coming. One day, we will wake up and it will be 2015. When it comes, we can either have some dominant units, or we can be rebuilding again. Stop drafting a guy here, and a guy there. Have a clear vision and plan to Dominate and Dictate.

    And how exactly can we stay $20 milliion under the cap with a roster full of stud players? Have you no thought for the profitability of this business franchise?

  6. Fitz was hurt bad in the Washington game. I went to the Cowboys game and had an opportunity to chat wuth Fitz's dad before the game. He told me Ryan could barely walk around the following week. He could not believe he played the next week. He had told Ryan to wear a flack jacket but he refused. You could tell the general fatherly concern. I was a bit surprised he divulged this to me in fear of it getting out to the opposing teams. I kept it under wrap until now. Some other things I learned: Ryan wears his ring during the game because he fears if he takes it off he wil loose it. Ryan scored 1580 out of 1600 on his SAT without really studying for it. His wife is the smarter one in the house. He got his intelligence from his mom. It was a nice chat with a really nice regular type guy. His dad also missed the awesome tailgating that happens at the Ralph but certainly not in Jerry's Parking lots..... He loves and admires the spirit and dedication of Bills Nation.


    Broken ribs can be really painful and he is likely still playing through this pain. He also watches Thigpen in practice and probably realizes the Bills will never win with him.

    I've heard similar things, if true it shows Fitz is not so smart - wear the dang flak jacket, and take off your ring before you get it caught in something. If we blew the playoffs because Fitz refused to armor up, that is really inexcusable.


    I'm with JR 100%. The offensive gameplan is very predictable. Opposing defenses have been knowing what's coming since the Bengals game.


    Coaching fixes this. Gailey's ego, in part, killed this team this year. Running the same plays, even in the same order, regardless of their success and personnel available to execute it. This happened at GT and it had happened when he was in Dallas. It was just that in Dallas and Tech, the talent was good enough to get the job done most of the time.


    I give lots of credit to John Fox. I'm sure he's had to swallow his pride by the pound this year with Tebow. However, he's won by letting Tebow do whatever it is he's doing to help win football games...instead of calling out "his" plays and making Tebow adjust simply because he's head coach and that's what he's there for. In my opinion, Fox should be COY.


    As for the defense, it goes without saying, a new (and experienced) coordinator and some new pass rushing OLBs would make a world of difference. I don't blame Johnson and Kelsay for being bad at linebacking. They've been playing out of position. Both were linemen in college at Auburn and Nebraska and in the pros before somebody decided to throw them out at linebacker, a bad move from the words "I have an idea..." You get a pass rush, even your mediocre cornerback instantly gets a lot better.


    Dareus has been an incredible pick. We'll need another homerun in April 2012.

    Matbe Chan should hire an OC so he can concentrate on being HC? Just a thought . . .

  7. And there also wasn't really a quick fix yet for the Sabres that was available. The Sabres have a ways to go to catch teams like Pittsburgh and Boston and such. And the free agent market isn't strong enough yet to do that.


    Pegula is, at the very least, trying.


    There is no comparison between Pegula and Ralph. None. And Ralph is on the losing end.

    NHL isn't a league rigged for parity. NFL is. The way the league is designed, you should get bang for your buck, if you are willing to spend to the cap. RW isn't.

  8. I'm not sure why a 54 yard fg attempt is better than going for it. The probability of getting either has to be close and when you consider the spot after a missed field goal it makes going for it, specially when ur down by 16, the obvious choice.

    Agreed. I've been defending Chan as average or better these last for weeks, but I'm done now, sorry.

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