Ralph has stated he will not bequeth the team to his family. Instead, the franchise will become part of RW's estate, along with other companies and assets he has. The estate assets will be managed by a trustee, who will be obligated to sell the team to the highest bidder, unless RW puts a clause in the will that he wants the team to stay in Buffalo, which he has stated he will not do.
That said, Ralph does seem to be placing the team in a position to survive in WNY, by reaching out to Toronto and Rochester. This may not be wholly ultruistic - in this economy, municipalities are not likely to spend big bucks to court a pro football team. WNY alreeady has a strong fan base, so if he can capture some of Toronto's corporate dollars, and keep profitability high, he can make the Bills an attractive franchise to someone looking for an established team.
No. LA is NOT a football city. I lived in LA when the Raiders were there. It was pathetic. The Raiders couldn't make it work, and moved back to Oakland, just as the Rams moved away years before. Yes they have corporate dollars, but no fan base whatsoever. The few football fans in LA brought their team loyalties with them. CA is broke beyond broke, they will not be funding a football stadium anytime soon.