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Everything posted by JOE IN HAMPTON ROADS

  1. I'm officially back in the optimistic camp now. Buddy getting it done! But just to hedge I'll keep my avatar until we start winning games . . .
  2. It's pretty clear from the reporting that players were paid cash to "seriously injure" other players. There's nothing OK about this. I just think it's interesting that a lot of OUR players end up on IR early . . . but I get your point, most teams don't have that problem. It would be intersting to find out the differential of season-ending hits from GW's teams versus the average.
  3. If it's against the rules, it's not clean. Bad for football, bad for the players, bad for the fans. Yes its a violent sport, but if everyone did this the best players would all be on IR by mid-season and we would have to watch scrubs finish it out. Wonder how prevalent this really is?
  4. You mean our best TE in years? I know he's not HOF material, but it's been a long time since we've had a dynamic TE, and he has chemistry with Fitz. I know it's not Ralph's style, but we HAVE to stop the revolving door of talent, even if we're not talking about top talent. Yes we're rebuilding through the draft, but we can never draft to fill all the holes if don't keep our top FAs.
  5. First four games were GREAT fun last year! Some more of those would be good! IF Ralph Inc. gives Chix the same lattitude at the draft this year as last . . . and IF we pick up a few quality FAs . . . and IF we can keep our own FAs (the good ones) . . . let's see where this goes this year!
  6. Pass me a cup, Conan! I began believing in Chan we he started talking like this - expecting to win, etc. - it's all about establishing an expectation of excellence, and following through. Obviously the team didn't hold up to that standard all year - Chan didn't either, at times - but with Wanny taking no prisoners on D, I'm ready to give Chan & co. another chance . . . once more into the breach, dear friends!
  7. Thanks Joe! - Joe
  8. For the record, Bruce had 6.5 sacks his rookie year. So technically Marcell had "Bruce Smith numbers", rookie for rookie. Just sayin'.
  9. A whole serioes of beautiful plays! 91 looked like a sabre tooth tiger bringing down Brady
  10. What exactly does go daddy sell?
  11. I was wondering when/how he would get in a swipe at Buffalo. I weas waiting for a hotel reference but this is better.
  12. So was Janet Jackson . . .
  13. wasn't The Who close enough?
  14. OK back to Rammstein then
  15. Hey, this game is suddenly getting exciting!
  16. Already drive a Dodge. Imported from Detroit, bay!
  17. And Madonna was half asleep throughout . . . just like the fans in the stadium.
  18. Like the halftime America speech by Clint Eastwood.
  19. Next year for Bills vs. Packers we need Rammstein!
  20. Dangerously close to a wardrobe malfunction on thise cartwheels! Is that the new Milli Vanilli??
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