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Everything posted by JOE IN HAMPTON ROADS

  1. YES! Not a complete Bils game until we a) try the wildcat and b) throw the long ball unsuccessfully.
  2. SJ wasn't expecting that kind of accuracy. It threw his timing off.
  3. Agreed, but I like his heart. BTW does anyone know if the sprain is in the same leg that was broken? If so that's just one tough dude.
  4. We should play Choice, he can block better. We all know Fitz is the playmaker here.
  5. But he can't block, since this is a passing team based on our awesome QB he has no place in the scheme.
  6. I think he's pissed off about losing and wants to do something about it.
  7. I'm glad we're mathematically eliminated, makes it easier not to care.
  8. Please PLEASE stop using the Brad Smith wildcat! PLEEEEASE!
  9. I'm trying an experiemnt. I'm rooting for them to win but waiting to see if they lose anyway.So far it's working.
  10. They have nothing to play for, and the coaches have lost the team. I can't believe I'm paying for ST this year.
  11. Thank you. Kelly for HC sounds a lot like Levy for GM. Not how it's done, if you want to do it right.
  12. Only someone who listens to a lot of Tool would make that esoteric connection . . . dude, you are blowing my mind!
  13. Does no one remember what happend when RW brought Levy in as GM? How did THAT work out? Bringing Polian back as VP or whatever would be a similar move . . . sounds great as a headline but we need NEW talent, looking back has only gotten us stuck in neutral.
  14. Wonder how many of the announced 40,000 crowd came specifically for the half show? Anyone know what the seats looked like Midway through 3rd? I watched a few minutes of 4th Q and hear ZERO crowd noise, crickets. I didn't see them pan the stadium, probably because no one was there.
  15. I watched . . . on TiVO, after dinner. Took me 15 minutes to get through the game. And, I missed nothing. Good call Bison!
  16. My concern now is Chan will feel forced to overplay Spiller, risking him getting hurt in a meaningless game just to say "I told you so" when we still lose.
  17. It is so a waste if you refuse to play him.
  18. Yes. Thank you. This is all propaganda for the fans. Happens every year, and works. Hopefully it won't result in a reach, but that is secondary to the organization.
  19. How do you meaure lost opportunity costs? I don't dislike him, but he's not the guy. Cut losses and move on.
  20. Must be why we beat them. And at the time, it seemed like a signal victory . . .
  21. Staind - "It's Been Awhile" Or - Rammstein "Buck Dich" (translation: "Bend Over")
  22. Strange criteria. Cold & snow makes "bad" football weather? How about the heat & humidity of, say, Miami? If you don't haver to wear a sweatshirt outside, it's just not "football weather" to me.
  23. Let me put that a different way. RW is of a certain age and I don't think he would hire anyone who doesn't share his general world-view. I just don't see him hiring an up and coming young guy with new ideas and progressive techniques at this stage. But that's hardly the point of my post. We're not going to get a HC under this owner who would dare rock the boat or question the FO. That eliminates most of the talent out there. Look what happened to Phillips, or Polian. I know there are back stories there but the bottom line is, you toe the line with Ralph or hit the road. Can anyone see Cowher agreeing to that? So, fine, keep Gailey if that's who Ralph likes but hire a quality OC to run that phase so Gailey can actually function as a HC. By being both HC and OC he's being neither. I don't understand why he would opt to try that, and it clearly isn't working.
  24. Or, you culd choose to run the ball more given that yuour have one of the best RBs (until recently two of the best RBs) in the league and your QB can't throw over 15 yards unless it's to the other team. If you're using your best offensive weapon as a blocker, that's problem #1.
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