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Everything posted by JOE IN HAMPTON ROADS

  1. i'm all for world peace, but that song is about American exceptionalism, no doubt and jeep is supposed to be more American than other makers what withb helping win ww2 and all
  2. brady looking at shoelaces on bench
  3. I don't think jeep understands the meaning of that song
  4. if we pressure him like that, he will throw the int we just need to press the pass rush
  5. my fav, besides the one with kate upton as bathing valkyre I love my Dodge, but very old people are frightening to look at
  6. after the pete rose commercial my wife says: "i thought he was dead"
  7. I think we just found the lowest common denominator
  8. are those beachballs properly inflated?
  9. we just had a local spot with a handyman outfit inflating footballs lol
  10. btw could katy perry be any more airbrushed in the halftime teasers?
  11. we are all laughing at the bonermobile remark
  12. the beers may be helping too lol
  13. his next statement had to do with Kraft's demand for an apology I think implied they are entitled to one
  14. he most certainly implied that he gave them the third degree and they were steadfast in their denials, therefore they are innocent
  15. once again, cc needs to stfu he is in love with brady they denied it, therefore they must be telling the truth ok cc
  16. I always tear up at that song My whole family booed the nationwide commercial
  17. did cc just say the Patriots are spying?
  18. AT this rate, Pats will win handily at least they would get the worst draft pick
  19. He's also a condescending db
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