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Everything posted by JOE IN HAMPTON ROADS

  1. See the therad on "killer instinct". We dont have it. And we're not going to the playoffs till we get it.
  2. Perfect summary, Bob. Obviously Rex needs to go...quickly. Hopefully Russ is back to selling box seats and no longer in operations at all. What are your thoughts on Whaley?
  3. I didn't expect to win but the WAY it happened ... you have to be kidding me 4 wins.
  4. Too true. Never understood this. We'll make a game of it, take unnecessary injuries, poop out in the 4th Q and lose by about 10.
  5. If you don't live in the market, you can rarely watch at 1 pm game.
  6. Drafting is such a crapshoot. Whaley is not afraid to make high payoff bets, and hes done better than the last three or four GMs. The only move I've really hated was backing EJ after it became obvious he was a bust.
  7. we also seem to be obsessed with a certan FORMER Bills QB who now plays for the Jets.
  8. My recollection is that Orton hadnt made a decision, then he had some sort of sidebar with Marone and ran into the locker room and cleared out his locker then announced he was retiring. Marone may not have announced yet but it appeared he had told Orton and Orton bailed. That may be speculation but it makes perfect sense. Orton would not want to have to battle it out in the preseason with EJ again. He had a good thing going with Marone/Hackett but with a new coach maybe not so much. Take the money and run. Although I guess it could have gone the other way too, as you suggest. Hadnt considered that angle.
  9. But Orton would have stayed another year. He literally made his decision to retire within minutes of Marone deciding to leave. Incognito was a great re-sign. But Roman and Tyrod ... ugh and meh. Agreed, Polian is past his prime but would have been a huge positive influence on the Pegs.
  10. this is the sound of reality setting in.
  11. you mean 17-2, Senator!
  12. ^^ agree 100% for many teams there are good arguments for finishing strong, I've made them in the past but this team this year just needs to totally tank. Moron & co. were peewee league all the way, but 10x better than the clown circus that replaced them. Never thought I would miss Hackett of all people. We have sunk so low.
  13. please, don't let these shakes go on! lol I just listened to that one yesterday
  14. Du Hast by Rammstein. In German it can mean "you have me" or "you hate me", depending on the context.
  15. the problem with your post is it could have been cut and pasted from last season. Yet, Rex keeps making the same mistakes: being a defensive coordinator instead of HC, poor player discipline, poor game prep, poor clock management, poor communications, etc. etc. He is not improving.
  16. and you hadn't even seen the game yet its going to be rex and rob OR whaley. Please please Pegs get rid of the clown brothers. but no guarantee.
  17. Agreed.. They lost to the Jaguars. THE JAGUARS. On a neutral field. And we have the same ... "genius" ... in charge. 6-10 does not sound unreasonable.
  18. Yes, motivating players is a fundamental aspect of the HC position. BTW more $$ is a demotivator not a motivator - especially when $$ is "guaranteed". That's because they player is now more concerned with staying healthy so he can cash in, than winning at all costs. Mario put forth plenty of effort when he thought we could win the game AND he thought we had a good shot at the playoffs. When either of these factors were absent he called it in to save his body for the next bank run. IMO Mario was overpaid from the beginning. A good HC would have overcome the tendency to play it safe with some other form of motivation. Rex did not, in fact he practically chased Mario off the team. Agreed.
  19. I I stopped trying to make substantive contributions when I realized some people are just doing this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNkjDuSVXiE (Monty Python - Argument Clinic)
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