I dont really know that much about football but Ive made a study of leadership. I knew Rex had to go after the London game. He is a soft coach who doesnt hold his players accountable. Take the week off guys, how often are we in London? Terrible play? Blame it on jet lag. Stupid penalties? Wear a wrist band. I know we lost, but you guys worked hard, take Monday off. Again.
I naturally have the "nice guy" leadership style and it works when you have committed people under you but is the WORST leadership style to have when people are only self-concerned. This team is largely self-concerned and Rex has done nothing to bring them around to a team mentality. He just shrugs his shoulders week after week. No accountability, no change. In pro football, nice guys finish last. Or 8-8.
Being the "nice guy" boss myself, I would have no business running a team of self-concerned prima donnas and neither does Rex. I hear Coughlin is a disciplinarian, that is what a team like this needs.