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Everything posted by JOE IN HAMPTON ROADS

  1. If the purpose of the Sammy deal was to fix EJ Manuel's abysmal passing game, as I believe it was, it was a spectacular failure.
  2. Under any other GM-HC team we've had since the Superbowl era, I would be concerned as well. But McBean seems to really be on the ball. I don't know if they're any smarter than anyone else, but they certainly have a passion for success and understand the value of preparation. Then again, I rfemember seeing something almost exactly like this when Gailey was here. Instead of "the Process", it was "in Chix we trust".
  3. Where have you been the last 12 months?
  4. Awesome, I still haven't seen it. Although I was there, of course ... (fingers crossed behind back)
  5. Marv was a disaster at GM but then again how many of "his" picks suffered from the general Bills malaise of the early 2000s? Marshawn is case in point. Middling at Bills, then goes to another team and thrives ... wins a Superbowl.
  6. Apparently the Falcons walked through their actual playbook and, surprise, NE knew exactly which plays would be called in the clutch. I would assume same for Seattle. No question BB knew that final play would come in before it was even called.
  7. I read somewhere he learned this when he was helping his dad coach at the Naval Academy. Which makes sense because Intel and ROE (Rules of Engagement) are a HUGE part of Naval warfare, and it would not surprise me at all if USNA had its own Ernie Adams type from the Naval Intelligence community working with the team.
  8. Answer: Tom Brady and/or Bill B. Taking either of those away from NE and putting them here wins us the division. Simple.
  9. he did say something at the end of that speech to the effect of "if this doesn't work out, I will probably be fired." So, yes.
  10. "He has that intangible "swagger", you just know he is in charge when he walks into the room. He just has "it". You cant really describe it, you have to see it. But believe me, EJ will be the franchise quarterback of the Buffalo Bills. Or I wont be GM in 2017." - Doug Whaley, 2013
  11. If it makes you feel better, their offense struggled almost as mightily as ours.
  12. This is why Peterman wont play, even when all hope is lost.
  13. LORAX with the "Death from above" tackle
  14. NFL wants us to play Pats next week. I'm not complaining.
  15. Check out the tail bird: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjf8Ia21MbYAhWHON8KHdjdA6wQjRwIBw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.flygirlpainters.com%2Fgallery&psig=AOvVaw0-X7SwmlYwD6mke3CbdX8y&ust=1515442217596536
  16. The Reserve squadron there actually has the Jags logo as their unit crest.
  17. He also had a freight train running toward his face ... I would have dropped it, too
  18. funny we are in the playoffs then with mediocre players
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