with our roster last year, we should have been 4-12 at best. McD seems to squeeze an extra couple wins out of every roster. That's a better mark of coaching than overall win-loss.
And this is just silly: "I think he is a nice guy who you would like to play for but I don’t see anything special he really does."
McD has a very goal-focused, motivational style vaguely termed "The Process" that some players wouldn't like but others eat up. He instills intensity in every team activity. Some may not appreciate that his focus on work ethic and 24/7/365 personal improvement in all things (not just football) flows from an evangelical, almost Puritanical Christian faith identity. It does not work for everyone. But those who buy in become hard-core Process converts. It is not totally unique in football, but it is not "a dime a dozen." Love it or hate it, the Process is special.