I respect Shaw and enjoy almost all of his takes, but this is one, and a subject, that is best kept to oneself.
Acknowledging his greatness as a football player is one thing. It's the truth, the records exist and it's okay to go back and fondly relive the memories of watching him play. Hell, even forgiving him in your heart for his egregious sins, while not a popular stance with 95% of human beings, is certainly within the realm of what I might find acceptable for a practicing Christian. But wishing him well and hoping he's found peace? I just can't see how someone who was such a bad person can ever be afforded this kind of compassion. To me it feels like a violation of the Goldmans and Browns.
I'm not one who thinks he should be taunted or attacked every day for the rest of his life by passersby - there's already enough hate and negative energy in the world - so I just say completely ignore him as if he no longer exists. He is a man completely controlled by ego. He needs to feel important, so ignore him and refuse to feed it.