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Everything posted by TheBrownBear

  1. We don't have Zaxby's out here in California, but I've traveled in the South a handful of times the past few years and always find my way to a Zaxby's. They make a good fried chicken sandwich and the french fries were good as well. I don't eat much fast/junk food, but Zaxby's gets a thumbs up from me when I want to cheat.
  2. No thanks. Wrong side of 30. Separation skills dwindling. I'd rather take a shot on a receiver in the draft with a round 1-3 pick.
  3. Congrats on your recovery, brother! 👍
  4. This is the key point. It is a religion. There is no point in really engaging it at this point. You're no more likely to shake a Woke cult member off their beliefs than you are to convert a devout evangelical to atheism. It ain't happening. If a Wokeperson ever wakes up, they'll have to arrive at it organically through their lived experience (which is harder these days as people increasing live online or in the safe space of their "community").
  5. There's definitely some racist toxicity and indoctrination going on there with the younger edgelord types, but a lot of people I know are just frankly frustrated and exhausted by being called bigots or white supremacists for making the smallest argument that isn't in line with the current Woke dogma. If people aren't willing to engage you in an actual good faith discussion and immediately reduce any disagreement to racism, what are you to do? Some get defensive and try to prove their non-racist bonafides, while others lash out back at their accusers. An increasing number of folks just say "F it". If that (a WS) is what I am to you, then I'm just going to wear it. By labeling anyone who disagrees with you a racist (or Uncle Tom), you're devaluing the word and risk making it meaningless.
  6. For those calling the players idiots or saying they don't understand how they could do this, they must not know many problem gamblers. I have more than a few gambling addicts in my friend and family circle, and they have ZERO impulse control on how many, how much and/or what type of bets they lay down. Self destruction (and collateral damage) is their middle name.
  7. Yes, we are squarely in silly season here at TBD.
  8. Seen her live multiple times. She's a great blues singer.
  9. Quick - somebody get me the Panthers current roster and a list of their recent cuts!
  10. Well, you just ensured that you'll get 3x as many of these articles going forward.
  11. The minute he was injured it became a bad signing. But in Von's defense, he was playing well before the injury and it's not his fault that it happened. As for the other "mentor" stuff, it seems like a cheap shot on your part. They (D Line) all to a T said it was a huge plus having Von around to teach them the tricks of the trade. I'm sure it made a difference over the course of the season. To blame him for the line's performance against Cincinnati is ridiculous, imo.
  12. What about Travis Henry and Antonio Cromartie?
  13. Haha. That's what I was thinking. I'm a Buffalonian and UCLA alum. I had buddies in my fraternity that were Winter admissions. My recollection is that they had to take classes through the Extension program for that Fall quarter and then immediately matriculated into the 4 year program starting in January. I believe they had housing in the dorms as well.
  14. Counting Crows - Anna Begins Weezer - My Name is Jonas last one for now...
  15. You're joking right, Beck? I mean...you have to be joking, correct?
  16. Tua looks fine. It's April. I'm sure he'll drop the excess 10 or so pounds in the next few months.
  17. Wasn't the same player after rupturing the Achilles. Just another guy now.
  18. The Manuel pick in particular really depressed me. I had seen enough of him to know he didn't stand a chance at being a productive NFL starting quarterback. But to be fair, I had a somewhat similar reaction to the drafting of Josh Allen. I bought the analytics arguments hook, line and sinker. I held out some hope for Josh though since I hadn't really seen him play in college.
  19. Makes sense given the new renderings that were released which I've attached below.
  20. Cam's a bit of a clown, but he seems like a good enough guy, so I'm not going to pile on here. But yeah, no interest in him now that his skills and physical ability have fallen off a cliff.
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