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Everything posted by TheBrownBear

  1. This game reminds me of that 10-5 game we lost at Tampa during one of our Super Bowl runs.
  2. What's a "Grown-Ass Man?" I assume it's a man with a well-developed rump? Also, I'm not your son. 😄
  3. I acknowledge that calling him brain dead or feral was for emphasis, and not meant to be a definition or a strict depiction of all blackout drunks. And yes, this is mostly based on anecdotal evidence and witnessing the behavior of friends/acquaintances at this level of drunkenness (though also supported by the scientific literature). If you want to pick nits with this, then fine. I initially raised the question about the girlfriend's (in)actions or state of mind that evening as a completely separate point in my original post. It was subsequently conflated in the replies. But yes, you're right, I did specifically lay blame on her ("she is not blameless"), and probably shouldn't have in the absence of a clearer picture of what actually occurred.
  4. Thank you. Not sure why Mr. Weo is so hung up on my using the term blackout as an indication that the guy had seriously impaired judgment at the end of the night. I lived in a fraternity for four years. I lived in close quarters with my share of drunks. People are essentially incapable of higher level thinking in that state. They are driven by the ID and automatic behaviors at that point. If you're heading out to drink at a bar, don't drive your damn car. Grab an uber or taxi. If Ruggs doesn't take his car out, this girl never gets killed and Ruggs is on the field this Sunday. The fact that he chose to do so - well, that's the point where you question his judgment and motives (does he D&D all the time and he's just a selfish bastard who doesn't GAF?; did he not expect to drink so much?; etc.) - not after he is so drunk that making the correct decision is basically a matter of chance.
  5. Obviously, the overwhelming responsibility for the act rests on Ruggs' shoulders. I said in earlier posts that he should go to jail for 10 years minimum. I have lost family members to drunk drivers and have no sympathy for the guy given his actions. I never once tried to blame the whole thing on his girlfriend. I merely raised the question as to her culpability in allowing him to drive in his clearly, seriously drunken state (.16 at blood draw, likely .19-.20 when he got behind the wheel - https://super.stanford.edu/alcohol-drug-info/buzz-buzz/what-bac; and you can play semantics games with me all you want, but all literature points to an individual in that state having severely impaired judgement and being a potential danger to themselves and others). I ask that question because an innocent person was senselessly killed. The mere fact that Ruggs' partner was in the car at the time of the accident begs the question of "why", especially since I think we all agree, or at least I hope we do, that we would not let a friend or family member behind the wheel of a car in that state. In my mind that leaves just a few possibilities: (a) she was either mentally or physically intimidated by Ruggs such that she feared for her physical (or financial) safety if she interfered/disagreed with him; (b) she herself was too drunk to intervene or understand the severity of the situation; or (c) she just DGAF. Anyhow, I find it odd that some of you find the fact of raising that question so offensive.
  6. He was .16 when they drew his blood two hours later in the hospital. .16 is enough to induce blackouts. https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/brochures-and-fact-sheets/interrupted-memories-alcohol-induced-blackouts And blackouts do not mean you can't continue to physically function (at least for awhile). But you are severely drunk and you are no longer able to make clear rational decisions. Also, I didn't put this all on his girlfriend. I questioned what role she played in allowing herself to be in a car with an extremely drunk individual.
  7. Well, that's an awful lot of projecting on your part. So, now you're just assuming she was abused? I guess it's possible she was afraid or somehow coerced - guy was carrying after all, but that's a pretty big leap to make. I myself, when there is no information to suggest otherwise, choose to assume that the adults in this situation are autonomous and are responsible for their actions. We know she chose to get in the car with an extremely drunk individual ( I dunno, maybe she was in worse shape than him?). And if she was that drunk, then yes, I'll give her the benefit of the doubt that she too lacked the cognitive awareness to make the correct and unselfish decision to call for a ride. (Same thing applies if she was truly afraid of him). Anyhow, the whole point of my post was to say that he shouldn't be driving himself out for the night if he intended to drink...period. That was the decision that set the wheels in motion that led to this tragedy. I know most people can be responsible and moderate their intake, but its way too easy for many people to have one too many or lose their handle on their alcohol intake in the moment. I've seen it over and over again, which is why we see so many drunks on the road.
  8. Tannehill was 18-29, 216 yards, 0 TDs and 1 pick against the Bills. He didn't exactly carve us up. He converted some throws down the stretch in the second half, but that's because our defense had already been beaten down by Henry. He's the epitome of an average NFL starting QB.
  9. Well, if he was twice the legal limit 2 hours after the crash, he was legit blackout drunk when he got into his car, and essentially had no clue what he was doing. I have a couple of friends/acquaintances who are alcoholics and I've witnessed them get to that blackout drunk stage on more than one occasion and they are essentially braindead feral creatures at that point. His mistake was driving himself and his girl out for the evening when he knew he was going to drink. Don't get me wrong, he needs to pay dearly for his actions - but questioning his judgment in that moment is really irrelevant, since he no longer had the ability to make any kind of rational decision. Also, why didn't his GF step in and at least attempt to stop him from getting behind the wheel in that state? She admitted to the cops that they had been drinking all night. She is not blameless either.
  10. Yeah, I was worried at the time. He almost looked like he was "short-legging" them which caused him to hit that weak push. He is so friggin money now. I actually look forward to watching him step into a 50+ yarder.
  11. Beyond bad decision-making. Driving that fast while drunk indicates that something clearly wasn't right with this dude mentally. That's a person that clearly doesn't care about their own wellbeing or life for that matter. That's not one "bad decision". Guy was a ticking time bomb and unfortunately he had to take someone out when he went off.
  12. Interesting how much NFL drama there's been in the past 24-48 hours, and almost none of it pertains to the trade deadline.
  13. A reminder of why it was shrewd for the Bills to sign (and not trade away) Mitchell Trubisky.
  14. I assume this is a joke? Otherwise, you were apparently asleep for weeks 2-5.
  15. Tua, Brissett, Heinicke, Davis Mills, washed up Roethlisberger and flailing Mahomes (who has looked like absolute crap in about half of his starts this season). I think our defense is good, maybe very good, but I don't believe it's elite - which, based on our soft schedule, we won't be able to assess until the Tampa game and then the playoffs.
  16. Also, for all of you on this board that occasionally drink and drive (and I know you're out there), remember that this could happen to you. I have a cousin whose entire family (wife and 2 kids) was wiped out by a drunk driver. Of course, the perp survived. My rule is that if I take the car out of the house - I do not have a single drink. If you intend to drink or think it's a possibility you might be tempted to, take an Uber or Lyft.
  17. If it's proven he was drunk or high, he deserves to rot in prison for a decade. Prayers to the family of the deceased.
  18. He was barely playing the past few games. He's either washed or not motivated. Either way, I'm glad we didn't trade for him.
  19. He's on a one year deal and he's not seeing the field unless something bad happens. I say trade him for any mid-round pick you can get. The biggest issue is if Josh gets concussed or something in a playoff game, but I think you take that risk. If Mitch were on a 3 year deal, this would be a different conversation.
  20. Barkley and CMC are really the only two that can do everything and make guys miss for explosive plays. None of the other guys (Swift, Ronald Jones, Marlon Mack, etc.) are marked upgrades over what we already have.
  21. Good, but not great. In our two games against bonafide NFL offenses, we've given up an average of 27 points. We need an elite guy on the front four to take it to the next level.
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