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Posts posted by 26CornerBlitz



    Let's face it no one wants the Bills to take another giant step backwards.  Bledsoe looked great when the offensive game plan had him taking some deep shots, the payoff was well worth the occassional interception, and got Lee Evans involved (see the Seattle game.)  With a slightly less conservative game plan (see the Pittsburgh game) and better protection Bledsoe is still the man.  Dose anyone really doubt that Bledsoe was incapable of leading the Patriots like brady?  If I had that kind of time in the pocket, I could play well enough not to lose in New england as well.



    The Seattle game? ;) You mean the game where Bledsoe threw three picks!


    You throw 3 ints against a real playoff caliber opponent and you LOSE!


    Way to buttress your argument! :devil:

  2. Taken from another Forum


    TD: "You f***ing piece of crap. I traded a #1 for you and paid you over $21M and you've played like ass. You've made me look like a fool after the GW debacle."


    Drew: "But Tom, it wasn't my fault."


    TD: "Oh yeah, right. It was the oline, the drops, the weather, the cost of a Big Mac and the 0.03C temperature drop in the polar ice cap. Give me a break. You suck."


    Drew: "But Tom, it's my team."


    TD: "The only thing that is yours is the official plane ticket back to your f***ing ranch. Just make sure you don't stand at the gate too long and miss your flight. I know how you are under pressure."



  3. I pitty those who seek to pick on the women on the board. Too bad you will never meet me. Because I am a genuine sweet person.


    Calling a women an !@#$ how piggish of you.



    Hint: woman = 1 person and women = more than one.


    Just wanna help a "woman" out....even if she's suddenly using gender as a crutch after calling names 1st. :P

  4. Now that the Buffalo News is reporting Drew is done in Buffalo, and that the Bills are looking for a one year or two year journeyman to come in and back up JP, why not Flutie, same style roll out scramble quarterback.  His mentoring helped turn Brees into the comeback player of the year, and we can all break out our old jerseys as we fold up the Bledsoes.  What are the chances of the Flute making a comeback.



    I think I'm gonna hurl!

  5. I promise to LMAO at all of you fools when loseman fails like I expect him to do. :P



    Chris simms was drafted in 2003. Was cut by the bucs last year. Last heard he was on the Redskins.


    My source is ESPN.


    Just to prove that I am so right. You all are so desperite in denial.


    The above series of statements are both clueless and pathetic! ;)

  6. A true fan backs every player, good or bad.  If you don't like him, fine, thats your right to have your own opinion but atleast show a little bit of class and support the players.  I hope JP has a great year next season and I hope we win the superbowl, but if the kid falls flat on his face and we don't go to the playoffs for the next 5 years that won't bother me one bit.  I'll still support the kid and I'll never publically call him out but I'll smile to myself thinking of all the fans who have annointed him our saviour.  The fact of the matter is that if every player played with as much heart and effort as Bledsoe we would be one of the best teams in the nfl.  If his family is all the way across the nation and he wants to spend half of the offseason with them, thats fine with me.  Unless you have had a sit down heart to heart talk with him and you know why he does what he does, you don't have a damn right in the world to question him.  He is a veteren and a very good player and I'm sure he kept himself conditioned and in great shape in Washington.  I never once heard a single coach or player call him out for not spending 100% of the offseason in Buffalo.  If you can find a quote where someone who is credible (that means someone other then you) called him out, please copy and paste it.  thank you for taking the time to read this post.





    His performance on the field dictates my feelings...him being a standup great guy is not my issue with him.


    This is strictly a football issue with me and many others. Bledsoe said at the end of the season..."This is my team".


    You make statements like that....you'd better be playing your ass off and coming up big in critical situations....we know that he has not.


    Any other issue is meaningless..CYA Drew!

  7. A little mushy, but ditto John!  I can't really think of another Bills player I had a better feeling about rooting for.  It may not all work out in the end, but the effort was there...



    Yeah, I love the way he gave maximum effort....like staying in Buffalo all offseason to work with the coaches and receivers. Being big on Film study and breaking down opponents tendencies.


    His maximum effort showed up on Gameday. :P

  8. Some of the posts I have read on this message board regarding Drew being released this offseason have seriously disgusted me and pissed me off.  I realize he is not the 2nd comming of Joe Montana and I know he was never able to take us to the playoffs but to say "see ya buddy, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out" and "I'm so glad to see that bum go, now I can finally get a good nights rest" is just appauling and makes me ashamed to call some of you fellow fans. 

        Drew has been nothing but professional since becomming our starting signal caller and he has added excitement and hope to a team withtout any big name QB since Jim Kelly.  Yes he was a statue in the pocket, yes he had a tendancy to hold on to the ball too long and sometimes he tried too hard to make a big play, but he gave 100% of his heart on every snap he ever took and he deserves to be sent off with the highest degree of respect and appreciation possible.  To me, Bledsoe embodies everything that the Buffalo Bills stand for.  A true blue collar worker who gives his upmost effort on every play and who is as much a team player as anyone I have ever seen.  Never greedy, he has always been willing to do whatever it takes to help out the team...restructure his contract, sit on the bench behind tom brady while keeping his mouth shut (yeah I know that was in foxboro but it just adds to the point I am trying to build)... he was a leader on and off the field, with his arm and with his heart. 

        I'm not saying Bledsoe deserves to be our starting QB.  That is a debatable point and I know there are always two sides to every coin.  But please atleast show him the same love and appreciation that he has shown us by letting him bow out graciously while telling him thank you and goodluck whever your path may take you.  I will always think of Drew as a tough as nails QB, much like Jim Kelly and I am proud to say that he played for the Buffalo Bills.  If he were to decide to retire a Bill, he would only add to the long list of classy and first-rate players who have already done so.  Thank you Drew for making me remember why I love the Buffalo Bills......




    sniff sniff.....bye bye big game Drew. You made me think of other great Bills like Jim Kelly and Thurman Thomas they way you showed up in big games.


    I'll sure miss you... #11 for Bill Wall of Fame! :P

  9. All I can say is that there were plenty of bashers before the Pitt game, and a lot more after. In mind that game was the straw that broke the camels back for a lot of folks. As hard as they wanted Drew to be the savior he was supposed to be he just isn't. I wanted him to be that guy as much as you did, but I jumped ship long ago. It's time everyone else left the titantic also.



    Enuff Said! Amen.

  10. http://www.safer-networking.org/en/faq/36.html


    DSO-Exploit is a security gap in Internet Explorer, Outlook and Outlook Express. Microsoft did already close this gap with security updates, so with current Windows updates and patches installed, it will no longer be a threat to your system.

    Spybot-S&D will still detect the DSO-Exploit, but instead of fixing it for good, it will unfortunately again set an invalid value. Therefore it will again be found with every scan.

    This little bug in Spybot-S&D has already been repaired and the respective fix will soon be available as a program update.

  11. I don't suppose you or Mile High would actually be willing to discuss Losman rather than Sam Wyche, would you?    :doh:



    I absolutely will once his body of work merits legitimate discussion.


    At this juncture any argumnent on either side (abject failure or greatness) is not worth discussing.


    But I have seen enough of Bledsoe to know it's time for change and apparently the Bills' Brass knows this as well.


    CYA Later.

  12. His footwork, his throwing mechanics, the way he scans the field, the way he reacts to pressure, his poise (lack thereof, really) in the pocket...


    I'm prepared to be wrong, of course...but I've see nothing from the kid that he has in common with successful QBs, and plenty that he has in common with first-round busts.



    Wow, they'd better fire Sam Wyche and hurry to get you on the staff so you can assess the next great QB on the horizon and coach him to greatness. :doh:

  13. I don't agree, but...


    IF, after being given ample opportunity to perform, JP proves to be a bust,

    then you cut your losses and move on,

    just as TD should've done with Drew after the 2003 season.



    Amen. Any rational fan can see that Bledsoe's body of work in Buffalo dictates that he's done here.


    Losman on the other hand we'll have to wait and see.... the time has come to find out what the kid can be.


    Go Bills in '05!

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